{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import lib.Basics

open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.Bool
open import lib.types.Truncation hiding (Trunc)

open import Pointed
open import Preliminaries hiding (_^_)

module Judgmental_Computation where

-- Chapter 6: On the Truncation's Judgmental
--            Computation Rule

Recall the definition of the propositional 
truncation that we use (Prelims.agda):

    ∣∣_∣∣ : ∀ {i} → (X : Type i) → Type i
    tr-is-prop : ∀ {i} {X : Type i} → is-prop (∣∣ X ∣∣)
    ∣_∣ : ∀ {i} {X : Type i} → X → ∣∣ X ∣∣
    tr-rec : ∀ {i j} {X : Type i} {P : Type j} 
             → (is-prop P) → (X → P) →   ∣∣ X ∣∣ → P

We now redefine the propositional truncation so 
that rec has the judgmental β rule. We use the 
library implementation (library.types.Truncation).
However, we still only talk about the *propositional* 
truncation (not the more general n-truncation).

This file is independent of (almost) all the other 
files of the formalisation. 

-- The propositional truncation operator:
Trunc :  {i}  Type i  Type i
Trunc = lib.types.Truncation.Trunc ⟨-1⟩ 

-- By definition, the truncation is propositional:
h-tr :  {i}  (X : Type i)  is-prop (Trunc X)
h-tr X = Trunc-level

-- The projection.
∣_∣ :  {i}  {X : Type i}  X  Trunc X
∣_∣ = [_]

-- The recursion principle, with judgmental computation.
rec :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {P : Type j} 
       (is-prop P)  (X  P)  Trunc X  P
rec = Trunc-rec

-- Similarly the induction principle.
ind :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {P : Trunc X  Type j} 
       ((z : Trunc X)  is-prop (P z)) 
       ((x : X)  P  x )  (z : Trunc X)  P z
ind = Trunc-elim 

-- Chapter 6.1: The Interval

-- Proposition 6.1.1
interval :  {i}  Type i
interval = Trunc Bool

i₁ :  {i}  interval {i}
i₁ =  true 

i₂ :  {i}  interval {i}
i₂ =  false 

seg :  {i}  i₁ {i} == i₂
seg = prop-has-all-paths (h-tr _) _ _

-- We prove that the interval has the "correct" recursion principle:
module interval {i} {Y : Type i} (y₁ y₂ : Y) (p : y₁ == y₂) where

  g : Bool {i}  Σ Y λ y  y₁ == y
  g true = (y₁ , idp)
  g false = (y₂ , p)

  ĝ : interval  Σ Y λ y  y₁ == y
  ĝ = rec (contr-is-prop (pathfrom-is-contr _)) g

  f : interval  Y
  f = fst  ĝ

  f-i₁ : f i₁ == y₁
  f-i₁ = idp

  f-i₂ : f i₂ == y₂
  f-i₂ = idp

  f-seg : ap f seg == p
  f-seg = 
    ap f seg                  =⟨ idp 
    ap (fst  ĝ) seg          =⟨ ! (∘-ap _ _ _) 
    (ap fst) (ap ĝ seg)       =⟨ ap (ap fst) (prop-has-all-paths (contr-is-set (pathfrom-is-contr _) _ _) _ _) 
    (ap fst) (pair= p po-aux) =⟨ fst=-β p _ 
    p                          where
      po-aux : idp == p [ _==_ y₁  p ]
      po-aux = from-transp (_==_ y₁) p (trans-pathfrom p idp)

-- Everything again outside the module: 

interval-rec :  {i}  {Y : Type i}  (y₁ y₂ : Y)  (p : y₁ == y₂)  (interval  Y) 
interval-rec  = interval.f

interval-rec-i₁ :  {i}  {Y : Type i}  (y₁ y₂ : Y)  (p : y₁ == y₂)  (interval-rec y₁ y₂ p) i₁ == y₁
interval-rec-i₁ = interval.f-i₁  -- or: λ _ _ _ → idp

interval-rec-i₂ :  {i}   {Y : Type i}  (y₁ y₂ : Y)  (p : y₁ == y₂)  (interval-rec y₁ y₂ p) i₂ == y₂
interval-rec-i₂ = interval.f-i₂  -- or: λ _ _ _ → idp

interval-rec-seg :  {i}  {Y : Type i}  (y₁ y₂ : Y)  (p : y₁ == y₂)  ap (interval-rec y₁ y₂ p) seg == p
interval-rec-seg = interval.f-seg

-- Chapter 6.2: Function Extensionality

-- Lemma 6.2.1 (Shulman) / Corollary 6.2.2
interval→funext :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {Y : Type j}  (f g : (X  Y))  ((x : X)  f x == g x)  f == g
interval→funext {X = X} {Y = Y} f g hom = ap i-x seg where

  x-i : X  interval  Y
  x-i x = interval-rec (f x) (g x) (hom x)

  i-x : interval  X  Y
  i-x i x = x-i x i

-- Thus, function extensionality holds automatically;
-- i.e. we could derive all lemmata in lib.types.Pi,
-- which we choose to import for convenience.
open import lib.types.Pi

-- Chapter 6.3: Judgmental Factorisation

-- We use the definitions from Chapter 5, but we 
-- re-define them as our definition of "Trunc" has 
-- chanced
factorizes :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {Y : Type j} 
              (f : X  Y)  Type (lmax i j)
factorizes {X = X} {Y = Y} f = 
   Σ (Trunc X  Y) 
     λ f'  (x : X)  f'  x  == f x

-- Proposition 6.3.1 - note the line   proof' = λ _ → idp
judgmental-factorizer :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {Y : Type j} 
   (f : X  Y)  factorizes f  factorizes f
judgmental-factorizer {X = X} {Y = Y} f (f₂ , proof) = f' , proof' where

  g : X  (z : Trunc X)  Σ Y λ y  y == f₂ z
  g x = λ z  f x , f x     =⟨ ! (proof _) 
                    f₂  x  =⟨ ap f₂ (prop-has-all-paths (h-tr _) _ _) 
                    f₂ z    

  g-codom-prop : is-prop ((z : Trunc X)  Σ Y λ y  y == f₂ z)
  g-codom-prop = contr-is-prop (Π-level  z  pathto-is-contr _))

  ĝ : Trunc X  (z : Trunc X)  Σ Y λ y  y == f₂ z
  ĝ = rec g-codom-prop g

  f' : Trunc X  Y
  f' = λ z  fst (ĝ z z)

  proof' : (x : X)  f'  x  == f x
  proof' = λ _  idp

-- Proposition 6.3.2 - we need the induction principle, but with that, 
-- it is actually simpler than the previous construction.
-- Still, it is nearly a replication.
factorizes-dep :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {Y : Trunc X  Type j} 
   (f : (x : X)  (Y  x ))  Type (lmax i j)
factorizes-dep {X = X} {Y = Y} f = 
  Σ ((z : Trunc X)  Y z) λ f₂  ((x : X)  f x == f₂  x )

judgmental-factorizer-dep :  {i j}  {X : Type i}  {Y : Trunc X  Type j} 
   (f : (x : X)  Y  x )  factorizes-dep {X = X} {Y = Y} f 
   factorizes-dep {X = X} {Y = Y} f
judgmental-factorizer-dep {X = X} {Y = Y} f (f₂ , proof) = f' , proof' where

  g : (x : X)  Σ (Y  x ) λ y  y == f₂  x  
  g x = f x , proof x

  g-codom-prop : (z : Trunc X)  is-prop (Σ (Y z) λ y  y == f₂ z)
  g-codom-prop z = contr-is-prop (pathto-is-contr _)

  ĝ : (z : Trunc X)   Σ (Y z) λ y  y == f₂ z
  ĝ = ind g-codom-prop g

  f' : (z : Trunc X)  Y z
  f' = fst  ĝ 

  proof' : (x : X)  f'  x  == f x
  proof' x = idp 

-- Chapter 6.4: An Invertibility Paradox

{- The content of this section is partially taken from my 
   formalisation of the contents of my original blog post;
   for a discussion and
   for a formalisation (the slightly simpler formalization that is mentioned 
   in the thesis ['Finally, we want to remark that te construction of myst
   doest not need the full strength of Proposition 6.3.1']).

-- Definition 6.4.1
is-transitive :  {i}  Type i  Type (lsucc i)
is-transitive {i} X = (x₁ x₂ : X)  _==_ {A = Type• i} (X , x₁) (X , x₂)

-- Example 6.4.2
module dec-trans {i} (X : Type i) (dec : has-dec-eq X) where

  module _ (x₁ x₂ : X) where

    -- I define a function X → X that switches x and x₀.
    switch : X  X
    switch = λ y  match dec y x₁ 
                     withl  _  x₂) 
                     withr  _  match dec y x₂
                                    withl  _  x₁)
                                    withr  _  y))

    -- Rather tedious to prove, but completely straightforward:
    -- this map is its own inverse.
    switch-selfinverse : (y : X)  switch (switch y) == y
    switch-selfinverse y with dec y x₁
    switch-selfinverse y | inl _ with dec x₂ x₁
    switch-selfinverse y | inl y-x₁  | inl x-x₁ = x-x₁  ! y-x₁
    switch-selfinverse y | inl _     | inr _ with dec x₂ x₂
    switch-selfinverse y | inl y-x₁  | inr _     | inl _ = ! y-x₁
    switch-selfinverse y | inl _     | inr _     | inr ¬x₂-x₂ = Empty-elim {A = λ _  x₂ == y} (¬x₂-x₂ idp)
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _ with dec y x₂ 
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inl _ with dec x₂ x₁ 
    switch-selfinverse y | inr ¬x₂-x₁ | inl y-x₂  | inl x₂-x₁ = Empty-elim (¬x₂-x₁ (y-x₂  x₂-x₁))
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inl _     | inr _ with dec x₁ x₁ 
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inl y-x₂  | inr _ | inl _ = ! y-x₂
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inl _     | inr _ | inr ¬x₁-x₁ = Empty-elim {A = λ _  _ == y} (¬x₁-x₁ idp) 
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inr _ with dec y x₁
    switch-selfinverse y | inr ¬y-x₁ | inr _     | inl y-x₁ = Empty-elim {A = λ _  x₂ == y} (¬y-x₁ y-x₁)
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inr _     | inr _  with dec y x₂
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inr ¬y-x₂ | inr _ | inl y-x₂ = Empty-elim {A = λ _  x₁ == y} (¬y-x₂ y-x₂)
    switch-selfinverse y | inr _     | inr _     | inr _ | inr _ = idp

    switch-maps : switch x₂ == x₁
    switch-maps with dec x₂ x₁ 
    switch-maps | inl x₂-x₁ = x₂-x₁
    switch-maps | inr _ with dec x₂ x₂
    switch-maps | inr _ | inl _ = idp
    switch-maps | inr _ | inr ¬x-x = Empty-elim {A = λ _  x₂ == x₁} (¬x-x idp)

    -- switch is an equivalence
    switch-eq : X  X
    switch-eq = equiv switch switch 
                      switch-selfinverse switch-selfinverse

  -- X is transitive:
  is-trans : is-transitive X
  is-trans x₁ x₂  = pair= (ua X-X) x₁-x₂ where
    X-X : X  X
    X-X = switch-eq x₂ x₁
    x₁-x₂ : PathOver (idf (Type i)) (ua X-X) x₁ x₂
    x₁-x₂ = ↓-idf-ua-in X-X (switch-maps x₂ x₁)

-- Example 6.4.2 addendum: ℕ is transitive.
-- (Recall that we have defined _+_ ourselves,
-- so that it is defined by recursion on the
-- second argument - this is not important
-- here, but it is the reason why we hide _+_.)
open import lib.types.Nat hiding (_+_)

ℕ-trans : is-transitive 
ℕ-trans = dec-trans.is-trans  ℕ-has-dec-eq 

-- Example 6.4.3
-- (Note that this does not need the univalence axiom)

-- Preparation
path-trans-aux :  {i}  (X : Type i)  (x₁ x₂ x₃ : X)  (x₂ == x₃) 
   (p₁₂ : x₁ == x₂)  (p₁₃ : x₁ == x₃)  
  _==_ {A = Type• i} (x₁ == x₂ , p₁₂) (x₁ == x₃ , p₁₃)
path-trans-aux X x₁ .x₁ .x₁ p idp idp = idp

-- The proposition of Example 6.4.3
path-trans :  {i}  (X : Type i)  (x₁ x₂ : X) 
   is-transitive (x₁ == x₂)
path-trans X x₁ x₂ = path-trans-aux X x₁ x₂ x₂ idp

-- In particular, loop spaces are transitive.
-- To show this, we choose precomposition here - 
-- whether the function exponentiation operator is more
-- convenient to use with pre- or postcomposition depends 
-- on the concrete case.
infix 10 _^_
_^_ :  {i} {A : Set i}  (A  A)    A  A
f ^ 0   = idf _ 
f ^ S n = f  f ^ n

loop-trans :  {i}  (X : Type• i)  (n : )
   is-transitive (fst ((Ω ^ (n + 1)) X))
loop-trans {i} X n = path-trans type point point where 

  type : Type i
  type = fst ((Ω ^ n) X)

  point : type
  point = snd ((Ω ^ n) X)

-- We omit the formalisation for Examples 6.4.4, 6.4.5, 
-- as they would require us to define 
-- (or import) groups / are not essential

-- Finally: Theorem 6.4.6, the myst paradoxon
-- We need some preparations.
module constr-myst {i} (X : Type i) (x₀ : X) (t : is-transitive X) where

  f : X  Type• i
  f x = (X , x)

  f'' : Trunc X  Type• i
  f'' _ = (X , x₀)
  f-fact : factorizes f
  f-fact = f'' ,  x  t x₀ x)

  f' : Trunc X  Type• i
  f' = fst (judgmental-factorizer f f-fact)

-- the myst function:
  myst : (z : Trunc X)  fst (f' z)
  myst = snd  f'

  check : (x : X)  myst  x  == x
  check x = idp

  myst-∣_∣-is-id : myst  ∣_∣ == idf X
  myst-∣_∣-is-id = λ= λ x  idp

-- Let us do Myst explicitly for ℕ:
open import lib.types.Nat

myst-ℕ = constr-myst.myst  0 (dec-trans.is-trans  ℕ-has-dec-eq)

myst-∣_∣-is-id : (n : )  myst-ℕ  n  == n
myst-∣_∣-is-id n = idp

test : myst-ℕ  17  == 17
test = idp