{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
module Preliminaries where

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2

open import lib.types.Nat hiding (_+_)
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.Unit
open import lib.types.TLevel

open import lib.types.Paths

-- Most of the contents of Chapter 2.1 are in the library, e.g.
-- natural numbers. We only do the following two adaptions here:

-- A readable notation for the join of universe levels.
infixr 8  _⊔_

_⊔_ : ULevel  ULevel  ULevel
_⊔_ = lmax

-- Addition operator adjustment.
_+_ :     
a + b = b lib.types.Nat.+ a  -- n + 1 should mean S n (author preference)!

-- Chapter 2.2: We list the lemmata and other statements here.

-- Lemma 2.2.1
transport-is-comp :  {i j} {X : Type i} {Y : Type j}  {x₁ x₂ : X} 
   (h k : X  Y)  (t : x₁ == x₂)  (p : h x₁ == k x₁)
   (transport _ t p) == ! (ap h t)  p  ap k t
transport-is-comp h k idp p = ! (∙-unit-r _)

-- Lemma 2.2.2 is in the library:
-- lib.NType2.raise-level-<T

-- Lemma 2.2.3 is in the library as well:
-- lib.types.Sigma.Σ-level

-- ... and so is Definition 2.2.4:
-- lib.NType2._-Type_

-- Lemma 2.2.6 as well:
-- lib.types.Pi.Π-level

-- Lemma 2.2.7:
-- lib.NType2.has-level-is-prop

module _ {i j} {A : Type i} {B : A  Type j} where
  module _ (h : (a : A)  is-contr (B a)) where

    -- Lemma 2.2.8 (i)
    Σ₂-contr : Σ A B  A
    Σ₂-contr = Σ₂-Unit ∘e equiv-Σ-snd  _  contr-equiv-Unit (h _))

    -- Lemma 2.2.8 (ii)
    Π₂-contr : Π A B  
    Π₂-contr = Π₂-Unit ∘e equiv-Π-r  _  contr-equiv-Unit (h _))

  module _ (h : is-contr A) where

    -- Lemma 2.2.9 (i)
    Σ₁-contr : Σ A B  B (fst h)
    Σ₁-contr = Σ₁-Unit ∘e equiv-Σ-fst _ (snd (contr-equiv-Unit h ⁻¹)) ⁻¹

    -- Lemma 2.2.9 (ii)
    Π₁-contr : Π A B  B (fst h)
    Π₁-contr = Π₁-Unit ∘e equiv-Π-l _ (snd (contr-equiv-Unit h ⁻¹)) ⁻¹

-- Lemma 2.2.10 - we refer to the library again
-- lib.types.Sigma.Σ-level
-- and
-- lib.types.Sigma.×-level

-- Lemma 2.2.11
-- lib.Equivalences.equiv-ap

-- Lemma 2.2.12 and Remark 2.2.13
module TT-AC {i j k : ULevel} {A : Type i} 
                          {B : A  Type j} 
                          {C : (Σ A B)  Type k} where
  -- the two types:
  ONE = (a : A)  Σ (B a) λ b  C (a , b)
  TWO = Σ ((a : A) -> B a) λ g  (a : A)  C (a , g a)

  -- the two canonical functions:
  f : ONE  TWO
  f one = fst  one , snd  one

  g : TWO  ONE
  g two = λ a  (fst two) a , (snd two) a

  -- the compositions are indeed pointwise judgmentally 
  -- the identity!
  f∘g : (two : TWO)  f (g two) == two
  f∘g two = idp

  g∘f : (one : ONE)  g (f one) == one
  g∘f one = idp

-- Lemma 2.2.14 is in the library:
-- lib.NType.pathto-is-contr
-- lib.NType.pathfrom-is-contr

-- This formalisation has a separated file for Pointed 
-- types, called 'Pointed.agda', which contains
-- (among other things) Definition 2.2.15
-- and Lemma 2.2.17

-- Definition 2.2.19
LEM :  {i}  Type (lsucc i)
LEM {i} = (X : Type i)  is-prop X  Coprod X (¬ X)

LEM∞ :  {i}  Type (lsucc i)
LEM∞ {i} = (X : Type i)  Coprod X (¬ X)

-- The following are some auxiliary lemmata/definitions
-- (not numbered in the thesis)

{- The (function) exponentiation operator. For convenience, we
   choose to define it via postcomposition in the recursion step. -}
infix 10 _^_
_^_ :  {i} {A : Set i}  (A  A)    A  A
f ^ 0   = idf _ 
f ^ S n = f ^ n  f

-- Logical equivalence: maps in both directions
_↔_ :  {i j}  Type i  Type j  Type (i  j)
X  Y = (X  Y) × (Y  X)

-- Composition of ↔
_◎_ :  {i j k} {X : Type i} {Y : Type j} {Z : Type k}  (X  Y)  (Y  Z)  (X  Z) 
e₁  e₂ = fst e₂  fst e₁ , snd e₁  snd e₂

-- Subsection 2.3.3
module wtrunc where
    -- Definition 2.3.2
    ∣∣_∣∣ :  {i}  (X : Type i)  Type i
    tr-is-prop :  {i} {X : Type i}  is-prop (∣∣ X ∣∣)
    ∣_∣ :  {i} {X : Type i}  X  ∣∣ X ∣∣
    tr-rec :  {i j} {X : Type i} {P : Type j}  (is-prop P)  (X  P)    ∣∣ X ∣∣  P

  -- Lemma 2.3.4
  -- the induction principle is derivable:
  module _ {i j : _} {X : Type i} {P : ∣∣ X ∣∣  Type j} (h : (z : ∣∣ X ∣∣)  is-prop (P z)) (k : (x : X)  P  x ) where

    total : Type (i  j)
    total = Σ ∣∣ X ∣∣ P

    jj : X  total
    jj x =  x  , k x

    total-prop : is-prop total
    total-prop = Σ-level tr-is-prop h

    total-map : ∣∣ X ∣∣  total
    total-map = tr-rec total-prop jj

    tr-ind : (z : ∣∣ X ∣∣)  P z 
    tr-ind z = transport P (prop-has-all-paths tr-is-prop _ _) (snd (total-map z))

  -- Remark 2.3.5
  -- further, the propositional β-rule is derivable:
  trunc-β :  {i j} {X : Type i} {P : Type j}  (pp : is-prop P)  (f : X  P)  (x : X)  tr-rec pp f  x  == f x 
  trunc-β pp f x = prop-has-all-paths pp _ _

  -- comment: Trunc is functorial
  trunc-functorial :  {i} {j} {X : Type i} {Y : Type j}  (X  Y)  ∣∣ X ∣∣  ∣∣ Y ∣∣
  trunc-functorial f = tr-rec tr-is-prop (∣_∣  f)

  -- Proposition 2.3.6
  impred :  {i} {X : Type i}  ∣∣ X ∣∣  ((P : Type i)  is-prop P  (X  P)  P)
  impred {X = X} =  z P pp f  tr-rec pp f z) , λ h  h ∣∣ X ∣∣ tr-is-prop ∣_∣

  -- Proposition 2.3.6 (second part) - note that we use funext (in the form: Π preserves truncation level)
  impr-equiv :  {i} {X : Type i}  is-equiv (fst (impred {X = X}))
  impr-equiv {i} {X} = is-eq (fst (impred {X = X})) (snd (impred {X = X})) 
     top  prop-has-all-paths (Π-level  P  Π-level  pp  (Π-level  _  pp))))) _ _)
     z  prop-has-all-paths tr-is-prop _ _)

-- The rest of the file contains various useful lemmata
-- and definitions that are NOT in the thesis (at least 
-- not as numbered statements).

{- Since natural numbers and universe levels use
   different types, we require a translation operation. 
   We will only make use of this in chapter 7: Higher
   Homotopies in a Hierarchy of Univalent Universes. -}
「_」 :   ULevel
 0    = lzero
 S n  = lsucc  n 

-- A trivial, but useful lemma. The only thing we do is hiding the arguments.
prop-eq-triv :  {i} {P : Type i}  {p₁ p₂ : P}  is-prop P  p₁ == p₂
prop-eq-triv h = prop-has-all-paths h _ _

-- A second such useful lemma
second-comp-triv :  {i} {X : Type i}  {P : X  Type i}  ((x : X)  is-prop (P x))  (a b : Σ X P)  (fst a == fst b)  a == b
second-comp-triv {P = P} h a b q = pair= q (from-transp P q (prop-eq-triv (h (fst b))))

-- the following is the function which the univalence 
-- axiom postulates to be an equivalence
-- (we define it ourselves as we do not want to 
-- implicitly import the whole univalence library)
path-to-equiv :  {i} {X : Type i} {Y : Type i}  X == Y  X  Y
path-to-equiv {X = X} idp = ide X

-- some rather silly lemmata

delete-idp :  {i} {X : Type i}  {x₁ x₂ : X}  (p q : x₁ == x₂)  (p  idp == q)  (p == q)
delete-idp idp q = ide _

add-path :  {i} {X : Type i}  {x₁ x₂ x₃ : X}  (p q : x₁ == x₂)  (r : x₂ == x₃)  (p == q) == (p  r == q  r)
add-path idp q idp = transport  q₁  (idp == q₁) == (idp == q  idp)) {x = q  idp} {y = q} (∙-unit-r _) idp

reverse-paths :  {i} {X : Type i}  {x₁ x₂ : X}  (p : x₂ == x₁)  (q : x₁ == x₂)  (! p == q)  (p == ! q)
reverse-paths p idp = 
  ! p == idp   ≃⟨ path-to-equiv (add-path _ _ _) 
  ! p  p == p ≃⟨ path-to-equiv (transport  p₁  (! p  p == p) == (p₁ == p)) (!-inv-l p) idp) 
  idp == p     ≃⟨ !-equiv 
  p == idp     ≃∎

switch-args :  {i j k} {X : Type i} {Y : Type j} {Z : X  Y  Type k}  ((x : X)  (y : Y)  Z x y)  ((y : Y)  (x : X)  Z x y)
switch-args = equiv f g h₁ h₂ where
  f = λ k y x  k x y
  g = λ i x y  i y x
  h₁ = λ _  idp
  h₂ = λ _  idp

-- another useful (but simple) lemma: if we have a proof of (x , y₁) == (x , y₂) and the type of x is a set, we get a proof of y₁ == y₂.
set-lemma :  {i j} {X : Type i}  (is-set X)  {Y : X  Type j}  (x₀ : X)  (y₁ y₂ : Y x₀)  _==_ {A = Σ X Y} (x₀ , y₁) (x₀ , y₂)  y₁ == y₂
set-lemma {X = X} h {Y = Y} x₀ y₁ y₂ p = 
  y₁ =⟨ idp 
  transport Y idp        y₁ =⟨ transport {A = x₀ == x₀}  q  y₁ == transport Y q y₁) 
                                 {x = idp} {y = ap fst p} 
                                 (prop-has-all-paths (h x₀ x₀) _ _) 
  transport Y (ap fst p) y₁ =⟨ snd-of-p 
  y₂  where
    pairs :  {B = Y} (x₀ , y₁) (x₀ , y₂)
    pairs = <– (=Σ-eqv _ _) p

    paov : y₁ == y₂ [ Y  fst (pairs) ]
    paov = snd pairs

    snd-of-p : transport Y (ap fst p) y₁ == y₂
    snd-of-p = to-transp paov

×-comm :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}  (A × B)  (B × A)
×-comm = equiv  {(a , b)  (b , a)})
                {(b , a)  (a , b)})
                _  idp)  _  idp)

Σ-comm-snd :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : A  Type j} {C : A  Type k}
            Σ (Σ A B)  ab  C (fst ab))  Σ (Σ A C)  ac  B (fst ac))
Σ-comm-snd {A = A} {B} {C} = 
  Σ (Σ A B)  ab  C (fst ab))  ≃⟨ Σ-assoc 
  Σ A  a  B a × C a)          ≃⟨ equiv-Σ-snd  _  ×-comm) 
  Σ A  a  C a × B a)          ≃⟨ Σ-assoc ⁻¹ 
  Σ (Σ A C)  ac  B (fst ac))  ≃∎

flip :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : A  B  Type k}
        ((a : A) (b : B)  C a b)  ((b : B) (a : A)  C a b)
flip = –> (curry-equiv ∘e equiv-Π-l _ (snd ×-comm) ∘e curry-equiv ⁻¹)

module _ {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : A  B  Type k} where
  ↓-cst→app-equiv : {x x' : A} {p : x == x'} {u : (b : B)  C x b} {u' : (b : B)  C x' b}
                   ((b : B)  u b == u' b [  x  C x b)  p ])  (u == u' [  x  (b : B)  C x b)  p ])
  ↓-cst→app-equiv {p = idp} = equiv λ= app= (!  λ=-η) (λ=  app=-β)

module _ {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : A  Type j} {C : A  Type k} where
  ↓-cst2-equiv : {x y : A} (p : x == y) {b : C x} {c : C y}
    (q : b == c [ C  p ]) {u : B x} {v : B y}
     (u == v [ B  p ])  (u == v [  xy  B (fst xy))  (pair= p q) ])
  ↓-cst2-equiv idp idp = ide _

module _ {i} {A B : Type i} (e : A  B) {u : A} {v : B} where
  ↓-idf-ua-equiv : (–> e u == v)  (u == v [  x  x)  (ua e) ])
  ↓-idf-ua-equiv = to-transp-equiv _ _ ⁻¹ ∘e (_ , pre∙-is-equiv (ap  z  z u) (ap coe (ap-idf (ua e))  ap –> (coe-equiv-β e))))

-- On propositions, equivalence coincides with logical equivalence.
module _ {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} where
  prop-equiv' : (B  is-prop A)  (A  is-prop B)  (A  B)  (B  A)  A  B
  prop-equiv' h k f g = equiv f g  b  prop-has-all-paths (k (g b)) _ _)
                                   a  prop-has-all-paths (h (f a)) _ _)

  prop-equiv : is-prop A  is-prop B  (A  B)  (B  A)  A  B
  prop-equiv h k f g = prop-equiv' (cst h) (cst k) f g

-- Equivalent types have equivalent truncatedness propositions.
equiv-level :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂}
             A  B  has-level n A  has-level n B
equiv-level u = prop-equiv has-level-is-prop
                           (equiv-preserves-level u)
                           (equiv-preserves-level (u ⁻¹))

prop-equiv-inhab-to-contr :  {i} {A : Type i}  is-prop A  (A  is-contr A)
prop-equiv-inhab-to-contr = prop-equiv is-prop-is-prop
                                       (Π-level  _  is-contr-is-prop))
                                       (flip inhab-prop-is-contr)