{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.Group
open import lib.types.List
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.Word
open import lib.groups.Homomorphism
open import lib.groups.GeneratedGroup
open import lib.groups.GeneratedAbelianGroup
open import lib.groups.Isomorphism

module lib.groups.TensorProduct where

module TensorProduct₀ {i} {j} (G : AbGroup i) (H : AbGroup j) where

    module G = AbGroup G
    module H = AbGroup H

  ⊗-pair : Type (lmax i j)
  ⊗-pair = G.El × H.El

  data ⊗-rel : Word ⊗-pair  Word ⊗-pair  Type (lmax i j) where
    linear-l : (g₁ g₂ : G.El) (h : H.El) 
      ⊗-rel (inl (G.comp g₁ g₂ , h) :: nil) (inl (g₁ , h) :: inl (g₂ , h) :: nil)
    linear-r : (g : G.El) (h₁ h₂ : H.El) 
      ⊗-rel (inl (g , H.comp h₁ h₂) :: nil) (inl (g , h₁) :: inl (g , h₂) :: nil)

    module Gen = GeneratedAbelianGroup ⊗-pair ⊗-rel
  open Gen hiding (GenGroup; GenAbGroup; El) public

    abgroup : AbGroup (lmax i j)
    abgroup = Gen.GenAbGroup

  open AbGroup abgroup public

    infixr 80 _⊗_
    _⊗_ : G.El  H.El  El
    _⊗_ g h = insert (g , h)

    lin-l :  g₁ g₂ h  G.comp g₁ g₂  h == comp (g₁  h) (g₂  h)
    lin-l g₁ g₂ h = rel-holds (linear-l g₁ g₂ h)

    lin-r :  g h₁ h₂  g  H.comp h₁ h₂ == comp (g  h₁) (g  h₂)
    lin-r g h₁ h₂ = rel-holds (linear-r g h₁ h₂)

  module BilinearMaps {k} (L : AbGroup k) where

      module L = AbGroup L
      module HE = Gen.HomomorphismEquiv L

    is-linear-l : (G.El  H.El  L.El)  Type (lmax i (lmax j k))
    is-linear-l b =  g₁ g₂ h  b (G.comp g₁ g₂) h == L.comp (b g₁ h) (b g₂ h)

    is-linear-l-is-prop : (b : G.El  H.El  L.El)  is-prop (is-linear-l b)
    is-linear-l-is-prop b =
      Π-level $ λ g₁ 
      Π-level $ λ g₂ 
      Π-level $ λ h 
      has-level-apply L.El-level _ _

    is-linear-r : (G.El  H.El  L.El)  Type (lmax i (lmax j k))
    is-linear-r b =  g h₁ h₂  b g (H.comp h₁ h₂) == L.comp (b g h₁) (b g h₂)

    is-linear-r-is-prop : (b : G.El  H.El  L.El)  is-prop (is-linear-r b)
    is-linear-r-is-prop b =
      Π-level $ λ g 
      Π-level $ λ h₁ 
      Π-level $ λ h₂ 
      has-level-apply L.El-level _ _

    record BilinearMap : Type (lmax i (lmax j k)) where
        bmap : G.El  H.El  L.El
        linearity-l : is-linear-l bmap
        linearity-r : is-linear-r bmap

    BilinearMap= : {b b' : BilinearMap}
       BilinearMap.bmap b == BilinearMap.bmap b'
       b == b'
    BilinearMap= {b} {b'} idp =
      ap2 mk-bilinear-map
        (prop-path (is-linear-l-is-prop b.bmap) b.linearity-l b'.linearity-l)
        (prop-path (is-linear-r-is-prop b.bmap) b.linearity-r b'.linearity-r)
      module b  = BilinearMap b
      module b' = BilinearMap b'
      mk-bilinear-map : is-linear-l b.bmap  is-linear-r b.bmap  BilinearMap
      mk-bilinear-map lin-l lin-r =
        record { bmap = b.bmap; linearity-l = lin-l; linearity-r = lin-r }

    bilinear-to-legal-equiv : BilinearMap  HE.RelationRespectingFunction
    bilinear-to-legal-equiv =
      equiv to from
             lf  HE.RelationRespectingFunction= idp)
             b   BilinearMap= idp)
      to : BilinearMap  HE.RelationRespectingFunction
      to b = HE.rel-res-fun f f-respects
        module b = BilinearMap b
        f : ⊗-pair  L.El
        f (g , h) = b.bmap g h
        f-respects : HE.respects-rel f
        f-respects (linear-l g₁ g₂ h) = b.linearity-l g₁ g₂ h
        f-respects (linear-r g h₁ h₂) = b.linearity-r g h₁ h₂
      from : HE.RelationRespectingFunction  BilinearMap
      from (HE.rel-res-fun f f-respects) =
        record { bmap = bmap; linearity-l = linearity-l; linearity-r = linearity-r }
        bmap : G.El  H.El  L.El
        bmap g h = f (g , h)
        linearity-l : is-linear-l bmap
        linearity-l g₁ g₂ h = f-respects (linear-l g₁ g₂ h)
        linearity-r : is-linear-r bmap
        linearity-r g h₁ h₂ = f-respects (linear-r g h₁ h₂)

  module UniversalProperty {k} (L : AbGroup k) where

    open BilinearMaps L public
      module HE = Gen.HomomorphismEquiv L

      extend-equiv : BilinearMap  (grp →ᴳ AbGroup.grp L)
      extend-equiv =
        HE.extend-equiv ∘e bilinear-to-legal-equiv

      extend : BilinearMap  (grp →ᴳ AbGroup.grp L)
      extend = –> extend-equiv

      restrict : (grp →ᴳ AbGroup.grp L)  BilinearMap
      restrict = <– extend-equiv

      extend-β :  b g h  GroupHom.f (extend b) (g  h) == BilinearMap.bmap b g h
      extend-β b g h = idp

      hom= :  {ϕ ψ : grp →ᴳ AbGroup.grp L}
         (∀ g h  GroupHom.f ϕ (g  h) == GroupHom.f ψ (g  h))
         ϕ == ψ
      hom= {ϕ} {ψ} e =
          =⟨ ! (<–-inv-r extend-equiv ϕ) 
        extend (restrict ϕ)
          =⟨ ap extend (BilinearMap= (λ=  g  λ=  h  e g h)))) 
        extend (restrict ψ)
          =⟨ <–-inv-r extend-equiv ψ 
        ψ =∎

module TensorProduct₁ {i} {j} (G : AbGroup i) (H : AbGroup j) where

    module G⊗H = TensorProduct₀ G H
    module H⊗G = TensorProduct₀ H G
    module F = G⊗H.UniversalProperty H⊗G.abgroup

    b : F.BilinearMap
    b =
      { bmap = λ g h  h H⊗G.⊗ g
      ; linearity-l = λ g₁ g₂ h  H⊗G.lin-r h g₁ g₂
      ; linearity-r = λ g h₁ h₂  H⊗G.lin-l h₁ h₂ g

  swap : (G⊗H.grp →ᴳ H⊗G.grp)
  swap = F.extend b

  swap-β :  g h 
    GroupHom.f swap (g G⊗H.⊗ h) == h H⊗G.⊗ g
  swap-β g h = F.extend-β b g h

  open G⊗H public

module TensorProduct {i} {j} (G : AbGroup i) (H : AbGroup j) where

    module G⊗H = TensorProduct₁ G H
    module H⊗G = TensorProduct₁ H G

  commutative : G⊗H.grp ≃ᴳ H⊗G.grp
  commutative =
    to-hom , is-eq to from to-from from-to
    to-hom : G⊗H.grp →ᴳ H⊗G.grp
    to-hom = G⊗H.swap
    to : G⊗H.El  H⊗G.El
    to = GroupHom.f to-hom
    from-hom : H⊗G.grp →ᴳ G⊗H.grp
    from-hom = H⊗G.swap
    from : H⊗G.El  G⊗H.El
    from = GroupHom.f from-hom
    to-from :  s  to (from s) == s
    to-from s =
      ap  ϕ  GroupHom.f ϕ s) $
      H⊗G.UniversalProperty.hom= H⊗G.abgroup {ϕ = to-hom ∘ᴳ from-hom} {ψ = idhom _} $
      λ h g  ap to (H⊗G.swap-β h g)  G⊗H.swap-β g h
    from-to :  t  from (to t) == t
    from-to t =
      ap  ϕ  GroupHom.f ϕ t) $
      G⊗H.UniversalProperty.hom= G⊗H.abgroup {ϕ = from-hom ∘ᴳ to-hom} {ψ = idhom _} $
      λ g h  ap from (G⊗H.swap-β g h)  H⊗G.swap-β h g

  open G⊗H public