{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --overlapping-instances #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.Equivalence2
open import lib.Function2
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Coproduct
open import lib.types.Fin
open import lib.types.Group
open import lib.types.Int
open import lib.types.Nat
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Subtype
open import lib.types.Truncation
open import lib.groups.SubgroupProp

module lib.groups.Homomorphism where

Group homomorphisms.

preserves-comp :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}
  (A-comp : A  A  A) (B-comp : B  B  B) (f : A  B)
   Type (lmax i j)
preserves-comp Ac Bc f =  a₁ a₂  f (Ac a₁ a₂) == Bc (f a₁) (f a₂)

preserves-comp-prop :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}
  {{_ : is-set B}} (A-comp : A  A  A) (B-comp : B  B  B)
   SubtypeProp (A  B) (lmax i j)
preserves-comp-prop Ac Bc =
  preserves-comp Ac Bc ,  _  ⟨⟩)

  ∼-preserves-preserves-comp :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}
    (A-comp : A  A  A) (B-comp : B  B  B) {f₀ f₁ : A  B}  f₀  f₁
     preserves-comp A-comp B-comp f₀
     preserves-comp A-comp B-comp f₁
  ∼-preserves-preserves-comp Ac Bc {f₀ = f₀} {f₁} f₀∼f₁ f₀-pc a₁ a₂ =
    ! (f₀∼f₁ (Ac a₁ a₂))  f₀-pc a₁ a₂  ap2 Bc (f₀∼f₁ a₁) (f₀∼f₁ a₂)

record GroupStructureHom {i j} {GEl : Type i} {HEl : Type j}
  (GS : GroupStructure GEl) (HS : GroupStructure HEl) : Type (lmax i j) where
  constructor group-structure-hom
    module G = GroupStructure GS
    module H = GroupStructure HS
    f : GEl  HEl
    pres-comp : preserves-comp G.comp H.comp f

    pres-ident : f G.ident == H.ident
    pres-ident = H.cancel-l (f G.ident) $
      H.comp (f G.ident) (f G.ident)
        =⟨ ! (pres-comp G.ident G.ident) 
      f (G.comp G.ident G.ident)
        =⟨ ap f (G.unit-l G.ident) 
      f G.ident
        =⟨ ! (H.unit-r (f G.ident)) 
      H.comp (f G.ident) H.ident =∎

    pres-inv :  g  f (G.inv g) == H.inv (f g)
    pres-inv g = ! $ H.inv-unique-l _ _ $
      H.comp (f (G.inv g)) (f g)
        =⟨ ! (pres-comp (G.inv g) g) 
      f (G.comp (G.inv g) g)
        =⟨ ap f (G.inv-l g) 
      f G.ident
        =⟨ pres-ident 

    pres-exp :  g i  f (G.exp g i) == H.exp (f g) i
    pres-exp g (pos O) = pres-ident
    pres-exp g (pos (S O)) = idp
    pres-exp g (pos (S (S n))) = pres-comp g (G.exp g (pos (S n)))  ap (H.comp (f g)) (pres-exp g (pos (S n)))
    pres-exp g (negsucc O) = pres-inv g
    pres-exp g (negsucc (S n)) = pres-comp (G.inv g) (G.exp g (negsucc n))  ap2 H.comp (pres-inv g) (pres-exp g (negsucc n))

    pres-conj :  g h  f (G.conj g h) == H.conj (f g) (f h)
    pres-conj g h = pres-comp (G.comp g h) (G.inv g)  ap2 H.comp (pres-comp g h) (pres-inv g)

    pres-diff :  g h  f (G.diff g h) == H.diff (f g) (f h)
    pres-diff g h = pres-comp g (G.inv h)  ap (H.comp (f g)) (pres-inv h)

    pres-sum :  {I : } (g : Fin I  GEl)  f (G.sum g) == H.sum (f  g)
    pres-sum {I = O} _ = pres-ident
    pres-sum {I = S I} g = pres-comp (G.sum (g  Fin-S)) (g (_ , ltS))
       ap  h  H.comp h (f (g (_ , ltS)))) (pres-sum (g  Fin-S))

    pres-subsum-r :  {k l} {I : } {A : Type k} {B : Type l}
       (p : Fin I  Coprod A B) (g : B  GEl)
       f (G.subsum-r p g) == H.subsum-r p (f  g)
    pres-subsum-r p g = pres-sum (Coprod-rec  _  G.ident) g  p)
       ap H.sum (λ= λ x 
            Coprod-rec-post∘ f  _  G.ident) g (p x)
           ap  h  Coprod-rec h (f  g) (p x)) (λ= λ _  pres-ident))

  ⊙f : ⊙[ GEl , G.ident ] ⊙→ ⊙[ HEl , H.ident ]
  ⊙f = f , pres-ident

infix 0 _→ᴳˢ_ -- [ˢ] for structures
_→ᴳˢ_ = GroupStructureHom

record GroupHom {i j} (G : Group i) (H : Group j) : Type (lmax i j) where
  constructor group-hom
    module G = Group G
    module H = Group H
    f : G.El  H.El
    pres-comp :  g₁ g₂  f (G.comp g₁ g₂) == H.comp (f g₁) (f g₂)
  open GroupStructureHom {GS = G.group-struct} {HS = H.group-struct}
    record {f = f ; pres-comp = pres-comp} hiding (f ; pres-comp) public

infix 0 _→ᴳ_
_→ᴳ_ = GroupHom

→ᴳˢ-to-→ᴳ :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}
   (Group.group-struct G →ᴳˢ Group.group-struct H)  (G →ᴳ H)
→ᴳˢ-to-→ᴳ (group-structure-hom f pres-comp) = group-hom f pres-comp

idhom :  {i} (G : Group i)  (G →ᴳ G)
idhom G = group-hom (idf _)  _ _  idp)

idshom :  {i} {GEl : Type i} (GS : GroupStructure GEl)  (GS →ᴳˢ GS)
idshom GS = group-structure-hom (idf _)  _ _  idp)

{- constant (zero) homomorphism -}
module _ where
  cst-hom :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}  (G →ᴳ H)
  cst-hom {H = H} = group-hom (cst (Group.ident H))  _ _  ! (Group.unit-l H _))

{- negation is a homomorphism in an abelian gruop -}
inv-hom :  {i} (G : AbGroup i)  GroupHom (AbGroup.grp G) (AbGroup.grp G)
inv-hom G = group-hom G.inv inv-pres-comp where
  module G = AbGroup G
    inv-pres-comp : (g₁ g₂ : G.El)  G.inv (G.comp g₁ g₂) == G.comp (G.inv g₁) (G.inv g₂)
    inv-pres-comp g₁ g₂ = G.inv-comp g₁ g₂  G.comm (G.inv g₂) (G.inv g₁)

{- equality of homomorphisms -}
  group-hom= :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} {φ ψ : G →ᴳ H}
     GroupHom.f φ == GroupHom.f ψ  φ == ψ
  group-hom= {G = G} {H = H} p = ap (uncurry group-hom) $
    Subtype=-out (preserves-comp-prop (Group.comp G) (Group.comp H)) p

  group-hom=-↓ :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {G : A  Group j} {H : A  Group k} {x y : A}
    {p : x == y} {φ : G x →ᴳ H x} {ψ : G y →ᴳ H y}
     GroupHom.f φ == GroupHom.f ψ
      [  a  Group.El (G a)  Group.El (H a))  p ]
     φ == ψ [  a  G a →ᴳ H a)  p ]
  group-hom=-↓ {p = idp} = group-hom=

    GroupHom-level :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}  is-set (G →ᴳ H)
    GroupHom-level {G = G} {H = H} = equiv-preserves-level
      (equiv (uncurry group-hom)  x  GroupHom.f x , GroupHom.pres-comp x)
              _  idp)  _  idp))
        (preserves-comp-prop (Group.comp G) (Group.comp H))}}

infixr 80 _∘ᴳˢ_ _∘ᴳ_

  ∘ᴳˢ-pres-comp :  {i j k} {GEl : Type i} {HEl : Type j} {KEl : Type k}
    {GS : GroupStructure GEl} {HS : GroupStructure HEl} {KS : GroupStructure KEl}
    (ψ : HS →ᴳˢ KS) (φ : GS →ᴳˢ HS)
     preserves-comp (GroupStructure.comp GS) (GroupStructure.comp KS) (GroupStructureHom.f ψ  GroupStructureHom.f φ)
  ∘ᴳˢ-pres-comp ψ φ g₁ g₂ = ap (GroupStructureHom.f ψ) (GroupStructureHom.pres-comp φ g₁ g₂)
     GroupStructureHom.pres-comp ψ (GroupStructureHom.f φ g₁) (GroupStructureHom.f φ g₂)

  ∘ᴳ-pres-comp :  {i j k} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} {K : Group k} (ψ : H →ᴳ K) (φ : G →ᴳ H)
     preserves-comp (Group.comp G) (Group.comp K) (GroupHom.f ψ  GroupHom.f φ)
  ∘ᴳ-pres-comp ψ φ g₁ g₂ = ap (GroupHom.f ψ) (GroupHom.pres-comp φ g₁ g₂)
     GroupHom.pres-comp ψ (GroupHom.f φ g₁) (GroupHom.f φ g₂)

_∘ᴳˢ_ :   {i j k} {GEl : Type i} {HEl : Type j} {KEl : Type k}
  {GS : GroupStructure GEl} {HS : GroupStructure HEl} {KS : GroupStructure KEl}
   (HS →ᴳˢ KS)  (GS →ᴳˢ HS)  (GS →ᴳˢ KS)
ψ ∘ᴳˢ φ = group-structure-hom (GroupStructureHom.f ψ  GroupStructureHom.f φ) (∘ᴳˢ-pres-comp ψ φ)

_∘ᴳ_ :  {i j k} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} {K : Group k}
   (H →ᴳ K)  (G →ᴳ H)  (G →ᴳ K)
ψ ∘ᴳ φ = group-hom (GroupHom.f ψ  GroupHom.f φ) (∘ᴳ-pres-comp ψ φ)

{- algebraic properties -}

∘ᴳ-unit-r :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} (φ : G →ᴳ H)
   φ ∘ᴳ idhom G == φ
∘ᴳ-unit-r φ = group-hom= idp

∘ᴳ-unit-l :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} (φ : G →ᴳ H)
   idhom H ∘ᴳ φ == φ
∘ᴳ-unit-l φ = group-hom= idp

∘ᴳ-assoc :  {i j k l} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} {K : Group k} {L : Group l}
  (χ : K →ᴳ L) (ψ : H →ᴳ K) (φ : G →ᴳ H)
   (χ ∘ᴳ ψ) ∘ᴳ φ == χ ∘ᴳ ψ ∘ᴳ φ
∘ᴳ-assoc χ ψ φ = group-hom= idp

is-injᴳ :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}
   (G →ᴳ H)  Type (lmax i j)
is-injᴳ hom = is-inj (GroupHom.f hom)

is-surjᴳ :  {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}
   (G →ᴳ H)  Type (lmax i j)
is-surjᴳ hom = is-surj (GroupHom.f hom)

{- subgroups -}

infix 80 _∘subᴳ_
_∘subᴳ_ :  {i j k} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}
   SubgroupProp H k  (G →ᴳ H)  SubgroupProp G k
_∘subᴳ_ {k = k} {G = G} P φ = record {M} where
  module G = Group G
  module P = SubgroupProp P
  module φ = GroupHom φ
  module M where
    prop : G.El  Type k
    prop = P.prop  φ.f

      ident : prop G.ident
      ident = transport! P.prop φ.pres-ident P.ident

      diff : {g₁ g₂ : G.El}  prop g₁  prop g₂  prop (G.diff g₁ g₂)
      diff {g₁} {g₂} pφg₁ pφg₂ = transport! P.prop
        (φ.pres-diff g₁ g₂)
        (P.diff pφg₁ pφg₂)

infix 80 _∘nsubᴳ_
_∘nsubᴳ_ :  {i j k} {G : Group i} {H : Group j}
   NormalSubgroupProp H k  (G →ᴳ H)  NormalSubgroupProp G k
_∘nsubᴳ_ {G = G} {H} P φ = P.propᴳ ∘subᴳ φ , P-φ-is-normal
  where module P = NormalSubgroupProp P
        module φ = GroupHom φ
          P-φ-is-normal : is-normal (P.propᴳ ∘subᴳ φ)
          P-φ-is-normal g₁ {g₂} pφg₂ = transport! P.prop
            (φ.pres-conj g₁ g₂)
            (P.conj (φ.f g₁) pφg₂)

{- kernels and images -}

module _ {i j} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} (φ : G →ᴳ H) where
    module G = Group G
    module H = Group H
    module φ = GroupHom φ

  ker-propᴳ : SubgroupProp G j
  ker-propᴳ = record {M} where
    module M where
      prop : G.El  Type j
      prop g = φ.f g == H.ident
        ident : prop G.ident
        ident = φ.pres-ident

        diff : {g₁ g₂ : G.El}  prop g₁  prop g₂  prop (G.diff g₁ g₂)
        diff {g₁} {g₂} p₁ p₂ = φ.pres-diff g₁ g₂  ap2 H.diff p₁ p₂  H.inv-r H.ident

  -- 'n' for 'normal'
  ker-npropᴳ : NormalSubgroupProp G j
  ker-npropᴳ = ker-propᴳ , ker-is-normal where
      ker-is-normal : is-normal ker-propᴳ
      ker-is-normal g₁ {g₂} pg₂ =
          φ.pres-conj g₁ g₂
         ap (H.conj (φ.f g₁)) pg₂
         H.conj-ident-r (φ.f g₁)

  im-propᴳ : SubgroupProp H (lmax i j)
  im-propᴳ = record {M} where
    module M where
      prop : H.El  Type (lmax i j)
      prop h = Trunc -1 (hfiber φ.f h)

      level : {h : H.El}  is-prop (prop h)
      level = Trunc-level

        ident : prop H.ident
        ident = [ G.ident , φ.pres-ident ]

        diff : {h₁ h₂ : H.El}  prop h₁  prop h₂  prop (H.diff h₁ h₂)
        diff = Trunc-fmap2 λ {(g₁ , p₁) (g₂ , p₂)
           G.diff g₁ g₂ , φ.pres-diff g₁ g₂  ap2 H.diff p₁ p₂}

  im-npropᴳ : is-abelian H  NormalSubgroupProp H (lmax i j)
  im-npropᴳ H-is-abelian = sub-abelian-normal H-is-abelian im-propᴳ

  has-trivial-kerᴳ : Type (lmax i j)
  has-trivial-kerᴳ = is-trivial-propᴳ ker-propᴳ

    -- any homomorphism with trivial kernel is injective
    has-trivial-ker-is-injᴳ : has-trivial-kerᴳ  is-injᴳ φ
    has-trivial-ker-is-injᴳ tk g₁ g₂ p =
      G.zero-diff-same g₁ g₂ $ tk (G.diff g₁ g₂) $
        φ.pres-diff g₁ g₂  ap  h  H.diff h (φ.f g₂)) p  H.inv-r (φ.f g₂)

ker-cst-hom-is-full :  {i j} (G : Group i) (H : Group j)
   is-fullᴳ (ker-propᴳ (cst-hom {G = G} {H}))
ker-cst-hom-is-full G H g = idp

{- exactness -}

module _ {i j k} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} {K : Group k}
  (φ : G →ᴳ H) (ψ : H →ᴳ K) where

    module G = Group G
    module H = Group H
    module K = Group K
    module φ = GroupHom φ
    module ψ = GroupHom ψ

  record is-exact : Type (lmax k (lmax j i)) where
      im-sub-ker : im-propᴳ φ ⊆ᴳ ker-propᴳ ψ
      ker-sub-im : ker-propᴳ ψ ⊆ᴳ  im-propᴳ φ

  open is-exact public

    {- an equivalent version of is-exact-ktoi  -}
    im-sub-ker-in : is-fullᴳ (ker-propᴳ (ψ ∘ᴳ φ))  im-propᴳ φ ⊆ᴳ ker-propᴳ ψ
    im-sub-ker-in r h = Trunc-rec  {(g , p)  ap ψ.f (! p)  r g})

    im-sub-ker-out : im-propᴳ φ ⊆ᴳ ker-propᴳ ψ  is-fullᴳ (ker-propᴳ (ψ ∘ᴳ φ))
    im-sub-ker-out s g = s (φ.f g) [ g , idp ]

{- homomorphisms into an abelian group can be composed with
 - the group operation and form a group -}
module _ {i j} (G : Group i) (H : AbGroup j)

    module G = Group G
    module H = AbGroup H

  hom-comp : (G →ᴳ H.grp)  (G →ᴳ H.grp)  (G →ᴳ H.grp)
  hom-comp φ ψ = group-hom  g  H.comp (φ.f g) (ψ.f g)) hom-comp-pres-comp where
    module φ = GroupHom φ
    module ψ = GroupHom ψ
      hom-comp-pres-comp :  g₁ g₂
          H.comp (φ.f (G.comp g₁ g₂)) (ψ.f (G.comp g₁ g₂))
        == H.comp (H.comp (φ.f g₁) (ψ.f g₁)) (H.comp (φ.f g₂) (ψ.f g₂))
      hom-comp-pres-comp g₁ g₂ =
        H.comp (φ.f (G.comp g₁ g₂)) (ψ.f (G.comp g₁ g₂))
          =⟨ ap2 H.comp (φ.pres-comp g₁ g₂) (ψ.pres-comp g₁ g₂) 
        H.comp (H.comp (φ.f g₁) (φ.f g₂)) (H.comp (ψ.f g₁) (ψ.f g₂))
          =⟨ H.interchange (φ.f g₁) (φ.f g₂) (ψ.f g₁) (ψ.f g₂) 
        H.comp (H.comp (φ.f g₁) (ψ.f g₁)) (H.comp (φ.f g₂) (ψ.f g₂)) =∎

  hom-group-structure : GroupStructure (G →ᴳ H.grp)
  hom-group-structure = record {M} where
    module M where
      ident : G →ᴳ H.grp
      ident = cst-hom

      comp : (G →ᴳ H.grp)  (G →ᴳ H.grp)  (G →ᴳ H.grp)
      comp = hom-comp

      inv : (G →ᴳ H.grp)  (G →ᴳ H.grp)
      inv φ = inv-hom H ∘ᴳ φ

        unit-l :  φ  comp ident φ == φ
        unit-l φ = group-hom= $ λ= λ _  H.unit-l _

        assoc :  φ ψ ξ  comp (comp φ ψ) ξ == comp φ (comp ψ ξ)
        assoc φ ψ ξ = group-hom= $ λ= λ _  H.assoc _ _ _

        inv-l :  φ  comp (inv φ) φ == ident
        inv-l φ = group-hom= $ λ= λ _  H.inv-l _

  hom-group : Group (lmax i j)
  hom-group = group (G →ᴳ H.grp) hom-group-structure

    hom-group-is-abelian : is-abelian hom-group
    hom-group-is-abelian φ ψ = group-hom= $ λ= λ g  H.comm _ _

  hom-abgroup : AbGroup (lmax i j)
  hom-abgroup = hom-group , hom-group-is-abelian

module _ {i j} {G : Group i} {H : AbGroup j} where
  app-hom : Group.El G  hom-group G H →ᴳ AbGroup.grp H
  app-hom g = group-hom  φ  GroupHom.f φ g) lemma
    where abstract lemma = λ φ ψ  idp

  appᴳ = app-hom

pre∘ᴳ-hom :  {i j k} {G : Group i} {H : Group j} (K : AbGroup k)
   (G →ᴳ H)  (hom-group H K →ᴳ hom-group G K)
pre∘ᴳ-hom K φ = record { f = _∘ᴳ φ ; pres-comp = lemma}
  where abstract lemma = λ _ _  group-hom= idp

post∘ᴳ-hom :  {i j k} (G : Group i) (H : AbGroup j) (K : AbGroup k)
   (AbGroup.grp H →ᴳ AbGroup.grp K)  (hom-group G H →ᴳ hom-group G K)
post∘ᴳ-hom G H K φ = record { f = φ ∘ᴳ_ ; pres-comp = lemma}
  where abstract lemma = λ _ _  group-hom= $ λ= λ _  GroupHom.pres-comp φ _ _