{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import lib.Base
open import lib.PathGroupoid
open import lib.Relation

module lib.NType where

module _ {i} where

  {- Definition of contractible types and truncation levels -}

  -- We define `has-level' as a record, so that it does not unfold when
  -- applied to (S n), in order for instance arguments to work correctly
  -- (idea by Dan Licata)
  record has-level (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) : Type i

  has-level-aux : ℕ₋₂  (Type i  Type i)
  has-level-aux ⟨-2⟩ A = Σ A  x  ((y : A)  x == y))
  has-level-aux (S n) A = (x y : A)  has-level n (x == y)

  record has-level n A where
    -- Agda notices that the record is recursive, so we need to specify that we want eta-equality
    constructor has-level-in
      has-level-apply : has-level-aux n A
  open has-level public

    has-level-apply-instance : {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {x y : A} {{p : has-level (S n) A}}  has-level n (x == y)
    has-level-apply-instance {x = x} {y} {{p}} = has-level-apply p x y

  is-contr = has-level -2
  is-prop = has-level -1
  is-set  = has-level 0

  contr-center : {A : Type i} (p : is-contr A)  A
  contr-center p = fst (has-level-apply p)

  contr-path : {A : Type i} (p : is-contr A) (y : A)  contr-center p == y
  contr-path p y = snd (has-level-apply p) y

  prop-path : {A : Type i} (p : is-prop A) (x y : A)  x == y
  prop-path p x y = contr-center (has-level-apply p x y)

  {- To be a mere proposition, it is sufficient that all points are equal -}

  has-all-paths : Type i  Type i
  has-all-paths A = (x y : A)  x == y

    all-paths-is-prop : {A : Type i}  (has-all-paths A  is-prop A)
    all-paths-is-prop {A} c = has-level-in  x y  has-level-in (c x y , canon-path)) where

      canon-path : {x y : A} (p : x == y)  c x y == p
      canon-path {.y} {y} idp =
        c y y               =⟨ lemma (! (c y y)) 
        (! (c y y))  c y y =⟨ !-inv-l (c y y) 
        idp =∎  where

        lemma : {x y : A} (p : x == y)  c x y == p  c y y
        lemma idp = idp

  {- Truncation levels are cumulative -}
  raise-level : {A : Type i} (n : ℕ₋₂)
     (has-level n A  has-level (S n) A)
  raise-level ⟨-2⟩ q =
    all-paths-is-prop  x y  ! (contr-path q x)  contr-path q y)
  raise-level (S n) q =
    has-level-in  x y  raise-level n (has-level-apply q x y))

  {- Having decidable equality is stronger that being a set -}

  has-dec-onesided-eq : {A : Type i}  A  Type i
  has-dec-onesided-eq x =  y  Dec (x == y)

  has-dec-eq : Type i  Type i
  has-dec-eq A = (x : A)  has-dec-onesided-eq x

    -- XXX naming
    dec-onesided-eq-is-prop : {A : Type i} (x : A)
       has-dec-onesided-eq x  (∀ y  is-prop (x == y))
    dec-onesided-eq-is-prop {A} x d y = all-paths-is-prop UIP where

      T : {y : A}  x == y  Type i
      T {y} p with d x | d y
      T {y} p | inr _  | _      = Lift 
      T {y} p | inl _  | inr _  = Lift 
      T {y} p | inl dx | inl dy = ! dx  dy == p

      lemma : {y : A}  (p : x == y)  T p
      lemma idp with d x
      lemma idp | inl r  = !-inv-l r
      lemma idp | inr r⊥ = lift (r⊥ idp)

      UIP : {y : A} (p q : x == y)  p == q
      UIP idp q with d x | lemma q
      UIP idp q | inl r  | s = ! (!-inv-l r) ∙' s
      UIP idp q | inr r⊥ | _ = Empty-elim (r⊥ idp)

    dec-eq-is-set : {A : Type i}  has-dec-eq A  is-set A
    dec-eq-is-set d = has-level-in  x y  dec-onesided-eq-is-prop x (d x) y)

  {- Relationships between levels -}

  module _ {A : Type i} where
      contr-has-all-paths : {{_ : is-contr A}}  has-all-paths A
      contr-has-all-paths {{c}} x y = ! (contr-path c x)  contr-path c y

      prop-has-all-paths : {{_ : is-prop A}}  has-all-paths A
      prop-has-all-paths {{c}} x y = prop-path c x y

      inhab-prop-is-contr : A  {{_ : is-prop A}}  is-contr A
      inhab-prop-is-contr x₀ {{p}} = has-level-in (x₀ , λ y  prop-path p x₀ y)

      inhab-to-contr-is-prop : (A  is-contr A)  is-prop A
      inhab-to-contr-is-prop c = all-paths-is-prop $
        λ x y  ! (contr-path (c x) x)  contr-path (c x) y

      inhab-to-prop-is-prop : (A  is-prop A)  is-prop A
      inhab-to-prop-is-prop c = has-level-in  x y  has-level-apply (c x) x y)

      contr-has-level : {n : ℕ₋₂}  (is-contr A  has-level n A)
      contr-has-level {n = ⟨-2⟩} p = p
      contr-has-level {n = S n} p = raise-level n (contr-has-level p)

      prop-has-level-S : {n : ℕ₋₂}  (is-prop A  has-level (S n) A)
      prop-has-level-S {n = ⟨-2⟩} p = p
      prop-has-level-S {n = S n} p = raise-level (S n) (prop-has-level-S p)

      set-has-level-SS : {n : ℕ₋₂}  (is-set A  has-level (S (S n)) A)
      set-has-level-SS {n = ⟨-2⟩} p = p
      set-has-level-SS {n = S n} p = raise-level (S (S n)) (set-has-level-SS p)

      contr-is-prop : is-contr A  is-prop A
      contr-is-prop = contr-has-level

      contr-is-set : is-contr A  is-set A
      contr-is-set = contr-has-level

      prop-is-set : is-prop A  is-set A
      prop-is-set = prop-has-level-S

      =-preserves-contr : {x y : A}  is-contr A  is-contr (x == y)
      =-preserves-contr p = has-level-in (contr-has-all-paths {{p}} _ _ , unique-path) where
          unique-path : {u v : A} (q : u == v)
             contr-has-all-paths {{p}} u v == q
          unique-path idp = !-inv-l (contr-path p _)

    {- If [A] has level [n], then so does [x == y] for [x y : A] -}
    =-preserves-level : {n : ℕ₋₂} {x y : A}
       has-level n A  has-level n (x == y)
    =-preserves-level {⟨-2⟩} = =-preserves-contr
    =-preserves-level {S n} {x} {y} p = raise-level n (has-level-apply p x y)

      =-preserves-level-instance : {n : ℕ₋₂} {x y : A}
         {{_ : has-level n A}}  has-level n (x == y)
      =-preserves-level-instance {{pA}} = =-preserves-level pA

    {- The type of paths from a fixed point is contractible -}
    pathfrom-is-contr : (x : A)  is-contr (Σ A  t  x == t))
    pathfrom-is-contr x = has-level-in ((x , idp) , pathfrom-unique-path) where
      pathfrom-unique-path : {u : A} (pp : Σ A  t  u == t))  (u , idp) == pp
      pathfrom-unique-path (u , idp) = idp

    {- The type of paths to a fixed point is contractible -}
    pathto-is-contr : (x : A)  is-contr (Σ A  t  t == x))
    pathto-is-contr x = has-level-in ((x , idp) , pathto-unique-path) where
      pathto-unique-path : {u : A} (pp : Σ A  t  t == u))  (u , idp) == pp
      pathto-unique-path (u , idp) = idp

      pathfrom-is-contr-instance : {x : A}  is-contr (Σ A  t  x == t))
      pathfrom-is-contr-instance = pathfrom-is-contr _

      pathto-is-contr-instance : {x : A}  is-contr (Σ A  t  t == x))
      pathto-is-contr-instance = pathto-is-contr _

    If [B] is a fibration over a contractible type [A], then any point in any
    fiber of [B] gives a section
    contr-has-section :  {j} {A : Type i} {B : A  Type j}
       (is-contr A  (x : A)  (u : B x)  Π A B)
    contr-has-section {B = B} p x₀ y₀ t = transport B (! (contr-path p x₀)  contr-path p t) y₀

{- Subtypes -}

-- TODO: replace them by records, with the second field an instance field

module _ {i} (A : Type i) where
  SubtypeProp :  j  Type (lmax i (lsucc j))
  SubtypeProp j = Σ (A  Type j)  P   a  is-prop (P a))

module SubtypeProp {i j} {A : Type i} (P : SubtypeProp A j) where
  prop = fst P
  level = snd P

module _ {i j} {A : Type i} (P : SubtypeProp A j) where
    module P = SubtypeProp P

  Subtype : Type (lmax i j)
  Subtype = Σ A P.prop