{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --overlapping-instances #-}
open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Group
open import lib.types.List
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.SetQuotient
open import lib.types.Word
open import lib.groups.GeneratedGroup
open import lib.groups.Homomorphism
module lib.groups.GeneratedAbelianGroup {i} {m} where
module GeneratedAbelianGroup (A : Type i) (R : Rel (Word A) m) where
data AbGroupRel : Word A → Word A → Type (lmax i m) where
agr-commutes : ∀ l₁ l₂ → AbGroupRel (l₁ ++ l₂) (l₂ ++ l₁)
agr-rel : ∀ {l₁ l₂} → R l₁ l₂ → AbGroupRel l₁ l₂
module Gen = GeneratedGroup A AbGroupRel
open Gen hiding (module HomomorphismEquiv; rel-holds) public
agr-reverse : (w : Word A) → QuotWordRel (reverse w) w
agr-reverse nil = qwr-refl idp
agr-reverse (x :: w) =
reverse w ++ (x :: nil)
qwr⟨ qwr-rel (agr-commutes (reverse w) (x :: nil)) ⟩
x :: reverse w
qwr⟨ qwr-cong-r (x :: nil) (agr-reverse w) ⟩
x :: w qwr∎
GenAbGroup : AbGroup (lmax i m)
GenAbGroup = grp , grp-is-abelian
grp : Group (lmax i m)
grp = GenGroup
module grp = Group grp
grp-is-abelian : is-abelian grp
grp-is-abelian =
QuotWord-elim {P = λ a → ∀ b → grp.comp a b == grp.comp b a}
(λ la →
QuotWord-elim {P = λ b → grp.comp qw[ la ] b == grp.comp b qw[ la ]}
(λ lb → quot-rel (qwr-rel (agr-commutes la lb)))
(λ _ → prop-has-all-paths-↓))
(λ _ → prop-has-all-paths-↓ {{Π-level (λ _ → ⟨⟩)}})
rel-holds : ∀ {w₁} {w₂} (r : R w₁ w₂) → qw[ w₁ ] == qw[ w₂ ]
rel-holds r = Gen.rel-holds (agr-rel r)
module GenAbGroup = AbGroup GenAbGroup
module HomomorphismEquiv {j} (G : AbGroup j) where
module G = AbGroup G
module R-RFs = RelationRespectingFunctions A R G.grp
module AbGroupRel-RFs = RelationRespectingFunctions A AbGroupRel G.grp
open R-RFs public
legal-functions-equiv : R-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction
≃ AbGroupRel-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction
legal-functions-equiv =
equiv to from
(λ lf → AbGroupRel-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction= idp)
(λ lf → R-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction= idp)
to : R-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction → AbGroupRel-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction
to (R-RFs.rel-res-fun f respects-R) =
AbGroupRel-RFs.rel-res-fun f respects-AbGroupRel
respects-AbGroupRel : AbGroupRel-RFs.respects-rel f
respects-AbGroupRel (agr-commutes l₁ l₂) =
Word-extendᴳ G.grp f (l₁ ++ l₂)
=⟨ Word-extendᴳ-++ G.grp f l₁ l₂ ⟩
G.comp (Word-extendᴳ G.grp f l₁) (Word-extendᴳ G.grp f l₂)
=⟨ G.comm (Word-extendᴳ G.grp f l₁) (Word-extendᴳ G.grp f l₂) ⟩
G.comp (Word-extendᴳ G.grp f l₂) (Word-extendᴳ G.grp f l₁)
=⟨ ! (Word-extendᴳ-++ G.grp f l₂ l₁) ⟩
Word-extendᴳ G.grp f (l₂ ++ l₁) =∎
respects-AbGroupRel (agr-rel r) = respects-R r
from : AbGroupRel-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction → R-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction
from (AbGroupRel-RFs.rel-res-fun f respects-AbGroupRel) =
R-RFs.rel-res-fun f respects-R
respects-R : R-RFs.respects-rel f
respects-R r = respects-AbGroupRel (agr-rel r)
extend-equiv : R-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction ≃ (GenAbGroup.grp →ᴳ G.grp)
extend-equiv =
Gen.HomomorphismEquiv.extend-equiv G.grp ∘e legal-functions-equiv
extend : R-RFs.RelationRespectingFunction → (GenAbGroup.grp →ᴳ G.grp)
extend = –> extend-equiv