{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --overlapping-instances #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Group
open import lib.types.Int
open import lib.types.List
open import lib.types.Word
open import lib.types.SetQuotient
open import lib.groups.Homomorphism

module lib.groups.GeneratedGroup {i m} where

module GeneratedGroup (A : Type i) (R : Rel (Word A) m) where

  -- [qwr-sym] is not needed, but it seems more principled to
  -- make [QuotWordRel] an equivalence relation.
  data QuotWordRel : Word A  Word A  Type (lmax i m) where
    qwr-refl :  {l₁ l₂}  l₁ == l₂  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂
    qwr-trans :  {l₁ l₂ l₃}  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel l₂ l₃  QuotWordRel l₁ l₃
    qwr-sym :  {l₁ l₂}  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel l₂ l₁
    qwr-cong :  {l₁ l₂ l₃ l₄}  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel l₃ l₄  QuotWordRel (l₁ ++ l₃) (l₂ ++ l₄)
    qwr-flip-r :  x₁  QuotWordRel (x₁ :: flip x₁ :: nil) nil
    qwr-rel :  {l₁ l₂}  R l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂

  qwr-cong-l :  {l₁ l₂}  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂   l₃  QuotWordRel (l₁ ++ l₃) (l₂ ++ l₃)
  qwr-cong-l qwr l₃ = qwr-cong qwr (qwr-refl idp)

  qwr-cong-r :  l₁ {l₂ l₃}  QuotWordRel l₂ l₃  QuotWordRel (l₁ ++ l₂) (l₁ ++ l₃)
  qwr-cong-r l₁ qwr = qwr-cong (qwr-refl (idp {a = l₁})) qwr

    infixr 10 _qwr⟨_⟩_
    infixr 10 _qwr⟨id⟩_
    infix  15 _qwr∎

    _qwr⟨_⟩_ :   l₁ {l₂ l₃}  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel l₂ l₃  QuotWordRel l₁ l₃
    _ qwr⟨ p  q = qwr-trans p q

    _qwr⟨id⟩_ :   l₁ {l₂}  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel l₁ l₂
    _ qwr⟨id⟩ q = q

    _qwr∎ :  l  QuotWordRel l l
    _ qwr∎ = qwr-refl idp

  qwr-flip-l :  x₁  QuotWordRel (flip x₁ :: x₁ :: nil) nil
  qwr-flip-l x₁ =
    flip x₁ :: x₁ :: nil
      qwr⟨ qwr-refl (ap  s  flip x₁ :: s :: nil) (! (flip-flip x₁))) 
    flip x₁ :: flip (flip x₁) :: nil
      qwr⟨ qwr-flip-r (flip x₁) 
    nil qwr∎

  -- The quotient
  QuotWord : Type (lmax i m)
  QuotWord = SetQuot QuotWordRel

  qw[_] : Word A  QuotWord
  qw[_] = q[_]

    In the case where this module is used to realize some free construction F
    (e.g. free group, free abelian group), this function becomes the unit of
    the adjunction F -| U (where U is the forgetful functor).
  insert : A  QuotWord
  insert a = qw[ inl a :: nil ]

  module QuotWordElim {k} {P : QuotWord  Type k}
    {{_ : {x : QuotWord}  is-set (P x)}} (incl* : (a : Word A)  P qw[ a ])
    (rel* :  {a₁ a₂} (r : QuotWordRel a₁ a₂)  incl* a₁ == incl* a₂ [ P  quot-rel r ])
    = SetQuotElim incl* rel*
  open QuotWordElim public renaming (f to QuotWord-elim) hiding (quot-rel-β)

  module QuotWordRec {k} {B : Type k} {{_ : is-set B}} (incl* : Word A  B)
    (rel* :  {a₁ a₂} (r : QuotWordRel a₁ a₂)  incl* a₁ == incl* a₂)
    = SetQuotRec incl* rel*
  open QuotWordRec public renaming (f to QuotWord-rec)

    infixl 80 _⊞_
    _⊞_ : QuotWord  QuotWord  QuotWord
    _⊞_ = QuotWord-rec
       l₁  QuotWord-rec  l₂  qw[ l₁ ++ l₂ ])
         r  quot-rel $ qwr-cong-r l₁ r))
       {l₁} {l₁'} r  λ= $ QuotWord-elim
         l₂  quot-rel $ qwr-cong-l r l₂)
         _  prop-has-all-paths-↓))

      qwr-cancel-l :  l
         QuotWordRel (Word-inverse l ++ l) nil
      qwr-cancel-l nil = qwr-refl idp
      qwr-cancel-l (x :: l) =
        Word-inverse (x :: l) ++ (x :: l)
        (Word-inverse l ++ (flip x :: nil)) ++ (x :: l)
          qwr⟨ qwr-refl (++-assoc (reverse (Word-flip l)) (flip x :: nil) (x :: l)) 
        Word-inverse l ++ ((flip x :: nil) ++ (x :: l))
        Word-inverse l ++ (flip x :: x :: l)
          qwr⟨ qwr-cong-r (reverse (Word-flip l)) (qwr-cong-l (qwr-flip-l x) l) 
        Word-inverse l ++ l
          qwr⟨ qwr-cancel-l l 
        nil qwr∎

      qwr-cancel-r :  l
         QuotWordRel (l ++ Word-inverse l) nil
      qwr-cancel-r l =
        l ++ Word-inverse l
          qwr⟨ qwr-refl (ap (_++ Word-inverse l) (! (Word-inverse-inverse l))) 
        Word-inverse (Word-inverse l) ++ Word-inverse l
          qwr⟨ qwr-cancel-l (Word-inverse l) 
        nil qwr∎

      qwr-cong-inverse :  {l₁ l₂}
         QuotWordRel l₁ l₂  QuotWordRel (Word-inverse l₁) (Word-inverse l₂)
      qwr-cong-inverse {l₁} {l₂} r =
        Word-inverse l₁
          qwr⟨ qwr-refl (! (++-unit-r (Word-inverse l₁))) 
        Word-inverse l₁ ++ nil
          qwr⟨ qwr-cong-r (Word-inverse l₁) (qwr-sym (qwr-cancel-r l₂)) 
        Word-inverse l₁ ++ (l₂ ++ Word-inverse l₂)
          qwr⟨ qwr-cong-r (Word-inverse l₁) (qwr-cong-l (qwr-sym r) (Word-inverse l₂)) 
        reverse (Word-flip l₁) ++ (l₁ ++ Word-inverse l₂)
          qwr⟨ qwr-refl (! (++-assoc (Word-inverse l₁) l₁ (Word-inverse l₂))) 
        (Word-inverse l₁ ++ l₁) ++ Word-inverse l₂
          qwr⟨ qwr-cong-l (qwr-cancel-l l₁) (Word-inverse l₂) 
        Word-inverse l₂ qwr∎

     : QuotWord  QuotWord
     = QuotWord-rec (qw[_]  Word-inverse)
       r  quot-rel $ qwr-cong-inverse r)

    ⊞-unit : QuotWord
    ⊞-unit = qw[ nil ]

      ⊞-unit-l :  g  ⊞-unit  g == g
      ⊞-unit-l = QuotWord-elim
         _  idp)
         _  prop-has-all-paths-↓)

      ⊞-assoc :  g₁ g₂ g₃  (g₁  g₂)  g₃ == g₁  (g₂  g₃)
      ⊞-assoc = QuotWord-elim
         l₁  QuotWord-elim
           l₂  QuotWord-elim
             l₃  ap qw[_] $ ++-assoc l₁ l₂ l₃)
             _  prop-has-all-paths-↓))
           _  prop-has-all-paths-↓))
         _  prop-has-all-paths-↓)

      ⊟-inv-l :  g  ( g)  g == ⊞-unit
      ⊟-inv-l = QuotWord-elim
         l  quot-rel (qwr-cancel-l l))
         _  prop-has-all-paths-↓)

  QuotWord-group-structure : GroupStructure QuotWord
  QuotWord-group-structure = record
    { ident = ⊞-unit
    ; inv = 
    ; comp = _⊞_
    ; unit-l = ⊞-unit-l
    ; assoc = ⊞-assoc
    ; inv-l = ⊟-inv-l

  GenGroup : Group (lmax i m)
  GenGroup = group _ QuotWord-group-structure

  module GenGroup = Group GenGroup
  open GenGroup using (El) public

    pres-exp :  (a : A) z 
      qw[ Word-exp a z ] == GenGroup.exp qw[ inl a :: nil ] z
    pres-exp a (pos O) = idp
    pres-exp a (pos (S O)) = idp
    pres-exp a (pos (S (S n))) =
      ap (GenGroup.comp qw[ inl a :: nil ]) (pres-exp a (pos (S n)))
    pres-exp a (negsucc O) = idp
    pres-exp a (negsucc (S n)) =
      ap (GenGroup.comp qw[ inr a :: nil ]) (pres-exp a (negsucc n))

    rel-holds :  {w₁} {w₂} (r : R w₁ w₂)  qw[ w₁ ] == qw[ w₂ ]
    rel-holds r = quot-rel (qwr-rel r)

  -- freeness
  module HomomorphismEquiv {j} (G : Group j) where

      module G = Group G
    open RelationRespectingFunctions A R G public

    module _ (fun : RelationRespectingFunction) where

        module fun = RelationRespectingFunction fun
        f* = fun.f

          Word-extendᴳ-emap :  {l₁ l₂}
             QuotWordRel l₁ l₂
             Word-extendᴳ G f* l₁ == Word-extendᴳ G f* l₂
          Word-extendᴳ-emap (qwr-refl idp) = idp
          Word-extendᴳ-emap (qwr-trans qwr qwr₁) = (Word-extendᴳ-emap qwr)  (Word-extendᴳ-emap qwr₁)
          Word-extendᴳ-emap (qwr-sym qwr) = ! (Word-extendᴳ-emap qwr)
          Word-extendᴳ-emap (qwr-flip-r x) =
            G.comp (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G f* x) (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G f* (flip x))
              =⟨ ap (G.comp (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G f* x)) (PlusMinus-extendᴳ-flip G f* x) 
            G.comp (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G f* x) (G.inv (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G f* x))
              =⟨ G.inv-r (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G f* x) 
            G.ident =∎
          Word-extendᴳ-emap (qwr-cong {l₁} {l₂} {l₃} {l₄} qwr qwr') =
            Word-extendᴳ G f* (l₁ ++ l₃)
              =⟨ Word-extendᴳ-++ G f* l₁ l₃ 
            G.comp (Word-extendᴳ G f* l₁) (Word-extendᴳ G f* l₃)
              =⟨ ap2 G.comp (Word-extendᴳ-emap qwr) (Word-extendᴳ-emap qwr') 
            G.comp (Word-extendᴳ G f* l₂) (Word-extendᴳ G f* l₄)
              =⟨ ! (Word-extendᴳ-++ G f* l₂ l₄) 
            Word-extendᴳ G f* (l₂ ++ l₄) =∎
          Word-extendᴳ-emap (qwr-rel r) = fun.respects r

      extend : (GenGroup →ᴳ G)
      extend = record {M} where
        module M where
          f : QuotWord  G.El
          f = QuotWord-rec (Word-extendᴳ G f*)
               r  Word-extendᴳ-emap r)
            pres-comp : preserves-comp GenGroup.comp G.comp f
            pres-comp =
                 l₁  QuotWord-elim
                   l₂  Word-extendᴳ-++ G f* l₁ l₂)
                   _  prop-has-all-paths-↓))
                 _  prop-has-all-paths-↓)

      module Lemma (hom : GenGroup →ᴳ G) where
          open GroupHom hom
          restr : A  G.El
          restr a = f qw[ inl a :: nil ]

          PlusMinus-extendᴳ-hom :  x  PlusMinus-extendᴳ G restr x == f qw[ x :: nil ]
          PlusMinus-extendᴳ-hom (inl x) = idp
          PlusMinus-extendᴳ-hom (inr x) = ! $ pres-inv qw[ inl x :: nil ]

          Word-extendᴳ-hom :  l  Word-extendᴳ G restr l == f qw[ l ]
          Word-extendᴳ-hom nil = ! pres-ident
          Word-extendᴳ-hom (x :: nil) = PlusMinus-extendᴳ-hom x
          Word-extendᴳ-hom (x :: l@(_ :: _)) =
            G.comp (PlusMinus-extendᴳ G restr x) (Word-extendᴳ G restr l)
              =⟨ ap2 G.comp (PlusMinus-extendᴳ-hom x) (Word-extendᴳ-hom l) 
            G.comp (f qw[ x :: nil ]) (f qw[ l ])
              =⟨ ! (pres-comp _ _) 
            f qw[ x :: l ] =∎

          restr-respects-rel :  {l₁ l₂}  R l₁ l₂  Word-extendᴳ G restr l₁ == Word-extendᴳ G restr l₂
          restr-respects-rel {l₁} {l₂} r =
            Word-extendᴳ G restr l₁
              =⟨ Word-extendᴳ-hom l₁ 
            f qw[ l₁ ]
              =⟨ ap f (quot-rel (qwr-rel r)) 
            f qw[ l₂ ]
              =⟨ ! (Word-extendᴳ-hom l₂) 
            Word-extendᴳ G restr l₂ =∎

        restrict : RelationRespectingFunction
        restrict = rel-res-fun restr restr-respects-rel

      open Lemma

    extend-is-equiv : is-equiv extend
    extend-is-equiv = is-eq _ from to-from from-to where
      to = extend
      from = restrict

        to-from :  h  to (from h) == h
        to-from h = group-hom= $ λ= $ QuotWord-elim
           l  Word-extendᴳ-hom h l)
           _  prop-has-all-paths-↓)

        from-to :  fun  from (to fun) == fun
        from-to fun = RelationRespectingFunction= (λ= λ a  idp)

    extend-equiv : RelationRespectingFunction  (GenGroup →ᴳ G)
    extend-equiv = extend , extend-is-equiv