{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

{- This brief section introduces an alternative definition
   of n-connectedness defined purely using propositional truncation,
   in contrast to the standard one using n-truncations
   (The below observation has resulted in Exercise 7.6 of
   the HoTT book being modified accordingly).

   In detail, a type A is usually called n-connected if Trunc n A
   is contractible. Here, we show that n-connectedness of A can also
   be defined recursively as follows:
   * A is (-2)-connected,
   * A is (n+1)-connected iff A is merely inhabited and for all a₀, a₁ : A,
     the path space a₀ == a₁ is n-connected.

   This module is independent from the other files in this directory,
   using only the truncations with definitional computation from the library. -}
module Trunc.ConnectednessAlt where

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NConnected
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.TLevel
open import lib.types.Truncation
open import lib.types.Unit

open import Preliminaries
open import Pointed
open import UniverseOfNTypes

open import Trunc.Universal
open import Trunc.Basics
open import Trunc.TypeConstructors

-- Preliminary lemmata.
module _ where

  {- The structural lemma for the below equivalence of connectedness notions:
    Contractibility is equivalent to propositionality and mere inhabitation. -}
  contr-decompose :  {i} {A : Type i}  is-contr A  (Trunc ⟨-1⟩ A × is-prop A)
  contr-decompose {i} {A} = prop-equiv h k f g where
    h = is-contr-is-prop
    k = snd ((_ , Trunc-level) ×-≤ (_ , is-prop-is-prop))
    f = λ c  ([ fst c ] , contr-is-prop c)
    g = λ {(ta , s)  Trunc-rec h (flip inhab-prop-is-contr s) ta}

-- Everything here will happen in universe Type i.
module _ {i} where
  module _ {n : ℕ₋₂} where
    -- The dependent universal property over n-types.
    Trunc-dup : (A : Type i) (B : (ta : Trunc n A)  n -Type i)
               Π (Trunc n A) (⟦_⟧  B)  Π A (⟦_⟧  B  [_])
    Trunc-dup A B = equiv
       f  f  [_]) (Trunc-elim (snd  B))  _  idp)
       f  λ= (Trunc-elim (snd   a  Path-≤ (B a) _ _))  a  idp)))

    {- The truncation functor is applicative (here only a special case).
       Note the more elegant alternative of using the approach
       from TypeConstructors.agda with unicity of truncations. -}
    Trunc-×-equiv : {A B : Type i}  Trunc n (A × B)  (Trunc n A × Trunc n B)
    Trunc-×-equiv {A} {B} = equiv f g f-g g-f where
      f = λ t  (Trunc-fmap fst t , Trunc-fmap snd t)
      g = λ {(ta , tb)  Trunc-rec Trunc-level
                   a  Trunc-rec Trunc-level
                   b  [ (a , b) ]) tb) ta}

      f-g = λ {(ta , tb)  Trunc-elim  ta  snd (T (ta , tb)))
                     a  Trunc-elim  tb  snd (T ([ a ] , tb)))
                     b  idp) tb) ta} where
        T : Trunc n A × Trunc n B  n -Type i
        T ts = Path-≤ ((_ , Trunc-level) ×-≤ (_ , Trunc-level)) (f (g ts)) ts

      g-f = Trunc-elim  _  snd (Path-≤ (_ , Trunc-level) _ _))  a  idp)

  {- The connectedness predicate from the library:
     is-connected : ℕ₋₂ → Type i → Type i
     is-connected n A = is-contr (Trunc n A) -}

  -- Our connectedness predicate defined using only propositional truncation.
  is-connected' : ℕ₋₂  Type i  Type i
  is-connected' ⟨-2⟩  A = Lift 
  is-connected' (S n) A = Trunc ⟨-1⟩ A × ((as : A × A)  is-connected' n (fst as == snd as))

  -- Both notions coincide.
  connected-equiv : (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i)  is-connected n A  is-connected' n A
  connected-equiv ⟨-2⟩  A = lift-equiv ⁻¹
                         ∘e contr-equiv-Unit (inhab-prop-is-contr Trunc-level is-contr-is-prop)

  connected-equiv (S n) A = equiv-Σ (fuse-Trunc A _ _)  _  e) ∘e contr-decompose where
    e = is-prop (Trunc (S n) A)
      ≃⟨ curry-equiv ⁻¹ 
        Π (Trunc (S n) A × Trunc (S n) A) (is-contr  uncurry _==_)
      ≃⟨ equiv-Π-l _ (snd Trunc-×-equiv) ⁻¹ 
        Π (Trunc (S n) (A × A)) (is-contr  uncurry _==_  _)
      ≃⟨ Trunc-dup (A × A)  _  (_ , raise-level-≤T (≤T-ap-S (-2≤T n)) is-contr-is-prop)) 
        ((as : A × A)  is-contr ([ fst as ] == [ snd as ]))
      ≃⟨ equiv-Π-r  _  equiv-level (Trunc=-equiv _ _)) 
        Π (A × A) (is-connected n  uncurry _==_)
      ≃⟨ equiv-Π-r  _  connected-equiv n _) 
        Π (A × A) (is-connected' n  uncurry _==_)