{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --overlapping-instances #-}
open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.NConnected
open import lib.types.Truncation
open import lib.types.Group
module lib.types.EilenbergMacLane1.Core {i} where
module _ (G : Group i) where
module G = Group G
EM₁ : Type i
embase' : EM₁
emloop' : G.El → embase' == embase'
emloop-comp' : ∀ g₁ g₂ → emloop' (G.comp g₁ g₂) == emloop' g₁ ∙ emloop' g₂
emloop-coh₁' : (g₁ g₂ g₃ : G.El)
→ emloop' (G.comp (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃) =-= emloop' g₁ ∙ (emloop' g₂ ∙ emloop' g₃)
emloop-coh₁' g₁ g₂ g₃ =
emloop' (G.comp (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃)
=⟪ emloop-comp' (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃ ⟫
emloop' (G.comp g₁ g₂) ∙ emloop' g₃
=⟪ ap (λ l → l ∙ emloop' g₃) (emloop-comp' g₁ g₂) ⟫
(emloop' g₁ ∙ emloop' g₂) ∙ emloop' g₃
=⟪ ∙-assoc (emloop' g₁) (emloop' g₂) (emloop' g₃) ⟫
emloop' g₁ ∙ (emloop' g₂ ∙ emloop' g₃) ∎∎
emloop-coh₂' : (g₁ g₂ g₃ : G.El)
→ emloop' (G.comp (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃) =-= emloop' g₁ ∙ (emloop' g₂ ∙ emloop' g₃)
emloop-coh₂' g₁ g₂ g₃ =
emloop' (G.comp (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃)
=⟪ ap emloop' (Group.assoc G g₁ g₂ g₃) ⟫
emloop' (G.comp g₁ (G.comp g₂ g₃))
=⟪ emloop-comp' g₁ (Group.comp G g₂ g₃) ⟫
emloop' g₁ ∙ emloop' (G.comp g₂ g₃)
=⟪ ap (λ l → emloop' g₁ ∙ l) (emloop-comp' g₂ g₃) ⟫
emloop' g₁ ∙ (emloop' g₂ ∙ emloop' g₃) ∎∎
emloop-coh' : ∀ g₁ g₂ g₃ → emloop-coh₁' g₁ g₂ g₃ =ₛ emloop-coh₂' g₁ g₂ g₃
EM₁-level' : has-level 2 EM₁
⊙EM₁ : Ptd i
⊙EM₁ = ⊙[ EM₁ , embase' ]
module _ {G : Group i} where
module G = Group G
embase = embase' G
emloop = emloop' G
emloop-comp = emloop-comp' G
emloop-coh₁ = emloop-coh₁' G
emloop-coh₂ = emloop-coh₂' G
emloop-coh = emloop-coh' G
EM₁-level : {n : ℕ₋₂} → has-level (S (S (S (S n)))) (EM₁ G)
EM₁-level {⟨-2⟩} = EM₁-level' G
EM₁-level {S n} = raise-level _ EM₁-level
emloop-ident : emloop G.ident == idp
emloop-ident = ! $ anti-whisker-right (emloop G.ident) $
ap emloop (! $ G.unit-r G.ident) ∙ emloop-comp G.ident G.ident
module EM₁Elim {j} {P : EM₁ G → Type j}
{{_ : {x : EM₁ G} → has-level 2 (P x)}}
(embase* : P embase)
(emloop* : ∀ g → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ emloop g ])
(emloop-comp* : ∀ g₁ g₂ →
emloop* (G.comp g₁ g₂) == emloop* g₁ ∙ᵈ emloop* g₂
[ (λ p → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ p ]) ↓ emloop-comp g₁ g₂ ])
(emloop-coh* : ∀ g₁ g₂ g₃ →
emloop-comp* (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃ ∙ᵈ
(emloop-comp* g₁ g₂ ∙ᵈᵣ emloop* g₃) ∙ᵈ
∙ᵈ-assoc (emloop* g₁) (emloop* g₂) (emloop* g₃)
↓-ap-in (λ p → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ p ]) emloop (apd emloop* (G.assoc g₁ g₂ g₃)) ∙ᵈ
emloop-comp* g₁ (G.comp g₂ g₃) ∙ᵈ
(emloop* g₁ ∙ᵈₗ emloop-comp* g₂ g₃)
[ (λ e → emloop* (G.comp (G.comp g₁ g₂) g₃) == emloop* g₁ ∙ᵈ (emloop* g₂ ∙ᵈ emloop* g₃)
[ (λ p → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ p ]) ↓ e ])
↓ =ₛ-out (emloop-coh g₁ g₂ g₃) ])
f : Π (EM₁ G) P
embase-β : f embase ↦ embase*
{-# REWRITE embase-β #-}
emloop-β : (g : G.El) → apd f (emloop g) == emloop* g
emloop-comp-path : (g₁ g₂ : G.El)
→ apd (apd f) (emloop-comp g₁ g₂) ▹
apd-∙ f (emloop g₁) (emloop g₂) ∙
ap2 _∙ᵈ_ (emloop-β g₁) (emloop-β g₂)
emloop-β (G.comp g₁ g₂) ◃
emloop-comp* g₁ g₂
open EM₁Elim public using () renaming (f to EM₁-elim)
module EM₁Level₁Elim {j} {P : EM₁ G → Type j}
{{is-1-type : {x : EM₁ G} → has-level 1 (P x)}}
(embase* : P embase)
(emloop* : (g : G.El) → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ emloop g ])
(emloop-comp* : (g₁ g₂ : G.El) →
emloop* (G.comp g₁ g₂) == emloop* g₁ ∙ᵈ emloop* g₂
[ (λ p → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ p ]) ↓ emloop-comp g₁ g₂ ]) where
module M = EM₁Elim {{λ {x} → raise-level 1 (is-1-type {x}) }}
embase* emloop* emloop-comp*
(λ g₁ g₂ g₃ → prop-has-all-paths-↓ {{↓-level (↓-level (is-1-type {embase}))}})
f : Π (EM₁ G) P
f = M.f
embase-β : f embase ↦ embase*
embase-β = M.embase-β
{-# REWRITE embase-β #-}
emloop-β : (g : G.El) → apd f (emloop g) == emloop* g
emloop-β = M.emloop-β
open EM₁Level₁Elim public using () renaming (f to EM₁-level₁-elim)
module EM₁SetElim {j} {P : EM₁ G → Type j}
{{is-set : {x : EM₁ G} → is-set (P x)}}
(embase* : P embase)
(emloop* : (g : G.El) → embase* == embase* [ P ↓ emloop g ]) where
module M = EM₁Level₁Elim {P = P} {{λ {x} → raise-level 0 (is-set {x})}}
embase* emloop*
(λ g₁ g₂ → set-↓-has-all-paths-↓ {{is-set {embase}}})
open M public
open EM₁SetElim public using () renaming (f to EM₁-set-elim)
module EM₁PropElim {j} {P : EM₁ G → Type j}
{{is-prop : {x : EM₁ G} → is-prop (P x)}}
(embase* : P embase) where
module P = EM₁SetElim {{λ {x} → raise-level -1 (is-prop {x})}}
(λ g → prop-has-all-paths-↓ {{is-prop {embase}}})
open P public
open EM₁PropElim public using () renaming (f to EM₁-prop-elim)
module _ {G : Group i} where
module G = Group G
emloop-inv : ∀ g → emloop' G (G.inv g) == ! (emloop g)
emloop-inv g = cancels-inverse _ _ lemma
cancels-inverse : ∀ {i} {A : Type i} {x y : A}
(p : x == y) (q : y == x) → p ∙ q == idp → p == ! q
cancels-inverse p idp r = ! (∙-unit-r p) ∙ r
lemma : emloop' G (G.inv g) ∙ emloop g == idp
lemma = ! (emloop-comp (G.inv g) g) ∙ ap emloop (G.inv-l g) ∙ emloop-ident
EM₁-conn : is-connected 0 (EM₁ G)
EM₁-conn = has-level-in ([ embase ] , Trunc-elim
{P = λ x → [ embase ] == [ x ]}
{{raise-level _ (=-preserves-level Trunc-level)}}
(λ _ → prop-has-all-paths-↓)
(λ _ _ → set-↓-has-all-paths-↓)))