{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --overlapping-instances #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.TLevel
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.NType2

module lib.types.Truncation where

module _ {i} where

  postulate  -- HIT
    Trunc : (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i)  Type i
    [_] : {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i}  A  Trunc n A
    instance Trunc-level : {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i}  has-level n (Trunc n A)

  module TruncElim {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {j} {P : Trunc n A  Type j}
    {{p : {x : Trunc n A}  has-level n (P x)}} (d : (a : A)  P [ a ]) where

    postulate  -- HIT
      f : Π (Trunc n A) P
      [_]-β :  a  f [ a ]  d a
    {-# REWRITE [_]-β #-}

open TruncElim public renaming (f to Trunc-elim)

module TruncRec {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {{p : has-level n B}}
  (d : A  B) where

    module M = TruncElim {{λ {x}  p}} d

  f : Trunc n A  B
  f = M.f

open TruncRec public renaming (f to Trunc-rec)

module TruncRecType {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} (d : A  n -Type j) where

  open TruncRec {{n -Type-level j}} d public

  flattening-Trunc : Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst  f)  Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst  d))
  flattening-Trunc = equiv to from to-from from-to where

    to-aux : (x : Trunc (S n) A)  (fst (f x)  Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst  d)))
    to-aux = Trunc-elim  a b  [ (a , b) ])

    to : Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst  f)  Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst  d))
    to (x , y) = to-aux x y

    from-aux : Σ A (fst  d)  Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst  f)
    from-aux (a , b) = ([ a ] , b)

    from : Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst  d))  Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst  f)
    from = Trunc-rec {{Σ-level ⟨⟩  x  raise-level _ (snd (f x)))}}
                     from-aux  where

    to-from : (x : Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst  d)))  to (from x) == x
    to-from = Trunc-elim  _  idp)

    from-to-aux : (a : Trunc (S n) A) (b : fst (f a))  from (to-aux a b) == (a , b)
    from-to-aux = Trunc-elim {{Π-level  _  =-preserves-level (Σ-level ⟨⟩  x  raise-level _ (snd (f x)))))}}
                              a b  idp)

    from-to : (x : Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst  f))  from (to x) == x
    from-to (a , b) = from-to-aux a b

⊙Trunc :  {i}  ℕ₋₂  Ptd i  Ptd i
⊙Trunc n ⊙[ A , a ] = ⊙[ Trunc n A , [ a ] ]

module _ {i} {A : Type i} where

  [_]₀ : A  Trunc 0 A
  [_]₀ = [_] {n = 0}

  [_]₁ : A  Trunc 1 A
  [_]₁ = [_] {n = 1}

  [_]₂ : A  Trunc 2 A
  [_]₂ = [_] {n = 2}

module _ {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} where

    Trunc= : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  n -Type i
    Trunc= = Trunc-elim  a  Trunc-elim ((λ b  (Trunc n (a == b) , Trunc-level))))

  {- t is for truncated -}
  _=ₜ_ : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  Type i
  _=ₜ_ a b = fst (Trunc= a b)

  =ₜ-level : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  has-level n (a =ₜ b)
  =ₜ-level a b = snd (Trunc= a b)

  =ₜ-refl : (a : Trunc (S n) A)  a =ₜ a
  =ₜ-refl = Trunc-elim {{λ {x}  raise-level _ (=ₜ-level x x)}}
                        a  [ idp ])

  =ₜ-equiv : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  (a == b)  (a =ₜ b)
  =ₜ-equiv a b = to a b , to-is-equiv a b where

    to : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  (a == b  a =ₜ b)
    to a .a idp = =ₜ-refl a

    from-aux : (a b : A)  a == b  [ a ] == [ b ] :> Trunc (S n) A
    from-aux _ _ = ap [_]

    from : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  a =ₜ b  a == b
    from = Trunc-elim  a  Trunc-elim  b  Trunc-rec (from-aux a b)))

    to-from-aux : (a b : A)  (p : a == b)  to _ _ (from-aux a b p) == [ p ]
    to-from-aux a .a idp = idp

    to-from : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) (x : a =ₜ b)  to a b (from a b x) == x
    to-from = Trunc-elim {{λ {x}  Π-level  y  Π-level  _  =-preserves-level (raise-level _ (=ₜ-level x y))))}}
               a  Trunc-elim {{λ {x}  Π-level  _  =-preserves-level (raise-level _ (=ₜ-level [ a ] x)))}}
               b  Trunc-elim
              (to-from-aux a b)))

    from-to-aux : (a : Trunc (S n) A)  from a a (=ₜ-refl a) == idp
    from-to-aux = Trunc-elim  _  idp)

    from-to : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) (p : a == b)  from a b (to a b p) == p
    from-to a .a idp = from-to-aux a

    adj : (ta tb : Trunc (S n) A) (p : ta == tb)
       ap (to ta tb) (from-to ta tb p) == to-from ta tb (to ta tb p)
    adj ta .ta idp =
      Trunc-elim {P = λ ta  ap (to ta ta) (from-to ta ta idp) == to-from ta ta (to ta ta idp)}
                 {{λ {x}  =-preserves-level $ =-preserves-level $ raise-level _ $ =ₜ-level x x}}
                  _  idp)

    to-is-equiv :  a b  is-equiv (to a b)
    to-is-equiv a b =
      { g = from a b
      ; f-g = to-from a b
      ; g-f = from-to a b
      ; adj = adj a b

  =ₜ-path : (a b : Trunc (S n) A)  (a == b) == (a =ₜ b)
  =ₜ-path a b = ua (=ₜ-equiv a b)

{- Universal property -}

  Trunc-rec-is-equiv :  {i j} (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) (B : Type j)
    {{p : has-level n B}}  is-equiv (Trunc-rec {{p}} :> ((A  B)  (Trunc n A  B)))
  Trunc-rec-is-equiv n A B {{p}} = is-eq _  f  f  [_])
     f  λ= (Trunc-elim  a  idp)))  f  idp)

Trunc-preserves-level :  {i} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (m : ℕ₋₂)
  has-level n A  has-level n (Trunc m A)
Trunc-preserves-level {n = ⟨-2⟩} _ p = has-level-in
  ([ contr-center p ] , Trunc-elim  a  ap [_] (contr-path p a)))
Trunc-preserves-level ⟨-2⟩ _ = contr-has-level Trunc-level
Trunc-preserves-level {n = (S n)} (S m) c = has-level-in  t₁ t₂ 
    {{λ {s₁}  prop-has-level-S {A = has-level n (s₁ == t₂)} has-level-is-prop}}
     a₁  Trunc-elim
      {{λ {s₂}  prop-has-level-S {A = has-level n ([ a₁ ] == s₂)} has-level-is-prop}}
       a₂  equiv-preserves-level
      ((=ₜ-equiv [ a₁ ] [ a₂ ])⁻¹)
               {{Trunc-preserves-level {n = n} m (has-level-apply c a₁ a₂)}})

{- an n-type is equivalent to its n-truncation -}
unTrunc-equiv :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (A : Type i)
  {{_ : has-level n A}}  Trunc n A  A
unTrunc-equiv A {{pA}} = equiv f [_]  _  idp) g-f where
  f = Trunc-rec {{pA}} (idf _)
  g-f = Trunc-elim {{=-preserves-level Trunc-level}}  _  idp)

⊙unTrunc-equiv :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (X : Ptd i)
  {{_ : has-level n (de⊙ X)}}  ⊙Trunc n X ⊙≃ X
⊙unTrunc-equiv {n = n} X = ≃-to-⊙≃ (unTrunc-equiv (de⊙ X)) idp

-- Equivalence associated to the universal property
Trunc-extend-equiv :  {i j} (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) (B : Type j)
  {{p : has-level n B}}  (A  B)  (Trunc n A  B)
Trunc-extend-equiv n A B = (Trunc-rec , Trunc-rec-is-equiv n A B)

Trunc-fmap :  {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}  ((A  B)  (Trunc n A  Trunc n B))
Trunc-fmap f = Trunc-rec ([_]  f)

⊙Trunc-fmap :  {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j}  ((X ⊙→ Y)  (⊙Trunc n X ⊙→ ⊙Trunc n Y))
⊙Trunc-fmap F = Trunc-fmap (fst F) , ap [_] (snd F)

Trunc-fmap2 :  {i j k} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : Type k}
   ((A  B  C)  (Trunc n A  Trunc n B  Trunc n C))
Trunc-fmap2 f = Trunc-rec  a  Trunc-fmap (f a))

-- XXX What is the naming convention?
Trunc-fpmap :  {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {f g : A  B}
   f  g  Trunc-fmap {n = n} f  Trunc-fmap g
Trunc-fpmap h = Trunc-elim (ap [_]  h)

Trunc-fmap-idf :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i}
    x  Trunc-fmap {n = n} (idf A) x == x
Trunc-fmap-idf =
  Trunc-elim  _  idp)

Trunc-fmap-∘ :  {i j k} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : Type k}
   (g : B  C)  (f : A  B)
    x  Trunc-fmap {n = n} g (Trunc-fmap f x) == Trunc-fmap (g  f) x
Trunc-fmap-∘ g f =
  Trunc-elim  _  idp)

Trunc-csmap :  {i₀ i₁ j₀ j₁} {n : ℕ₋₂}
  {A₀ : Type i₀} {A₁ : Type i₁} {B₀ : Type j₀} {B₁ : Type j₁}
  {f : A₀  B₀} {g : A₁  B₁} {hA : A₀  A₁} {hB : B₀  B₁}
   CommSquare f g hA hB
   CommSquare (Trunc-fmap {n = n} f) (Trunc-fmap g) (Trunc-fmap hA) (Trunc-fmap hB)
Trunc-csmap (comm-sqr cs) = comm-sqr $ Trunc-elim (ap [_]  cs)

{- Pushing concatenatation through _=ₜ_ -}
module _ {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} where

  {- concatenation in _=ₜ_ -}
  _∙ₜ_ : {ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A}
     ta =ₜ tb  tb =ₜ tc  ta =ₜ tc
  _∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} {tb = tb} {tc = tc} =
    Trunc-elim {P = λ ta  C ta tb tc}
      {{λ {ta}  level ta tb tc}}
       a  Trunc-elim {P = λ tb  C [ a ] tb tc}
         {{λ {tb}  level [ a ] tb tc}}
          b  Trunc-elim {P = λ tc  C [ a ] [ b ] tc}
                  {{λ {tc}  level [ a ] [ b ] tc}}
                   c  Trunc-fmap2 _∙_)
    C : (ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A)  Type i
    C ta tb tc = ta =ₜ tb  tb =ₜ tc  ta =ₜ tc
    level : (ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A)  has-level (S n) (C ta tb tc)
    level ta tb tc = raise-level _ $
              Π-level  _  Π-level  _  =ₜ-level ta tc))

  ∙ₜ-assoc : {ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A}
    (tp : ta =ₜ tb) (tq : tb =ₜ tc) (tr : tc =ₜ td)
     _∙ₜ_ {ta} (_∙ₜ_ {ta} tp tq) tr
      == _∙ₜ_ {ta} tp (_∙ₜ_ {tb} tq tr)
  ∙ₜ-assoc {ta = ta} {tb = tb} {tc = tc} {td = td} =
    Trunc-elim {P = λ ta  C ta tb tc td}
      {{λ {ta}  C-level ta tb tc td}}
       a  Trunc-elim {P = λ tb  C [ a ] tb tc td}
        {{λ {tb}  C-level [ a ] tb tc td}}
         b  Trunc-elim {P = λ tc  C [ a ] [ b ] tc td}
          {{λ {tc}  C-level [ a ] [ b ] tc td}}
           c  Trunc-elim {P = λ td  C [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] td}
            {{λ {td}  C-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] td}}
             d tp tq tr  Trunc-elim
              {P = λ tp  D [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] tp tq tr}
              {{λ {tp}  D-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] tp tq tr}}
               p  Trunc-elim
                {P = λ tq  D [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ p ] tq tr}
                {{λ {tq}  D-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ p ] tq tr}}
                 q  Trunc-elim
                  {P = λ tr  D [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ p ] [ q ] tr}
                  {{λ {tr}  D-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ p ] [ q ] tr}}
                   r  ap [_] (∙-assoc p q r))
    D : (ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A)
       ta =ₜ tb  tb =ₜ tc  tc =ₜ td
       Type i
    D ta tb tc td tp tq tr =
         _∙ₜ_ {ta} (_∙ₜ_ {ta} tp tq) tr
      == _∙ₜ_ {ta} tp (_∙ₜ_ {tb} tq tr)
    C : (ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A)  Type i
    C ta tb tc td =  tp tq tr  D ta tb tc td tp tq tr
    D-level : (ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A)
      (tp : ta =ₜ tb) (tq : tb =ₜ tc) (tr : tc =ₜ td)
       has-level n (D ta tb tc td tp tq tr)
    D-level ta tb tc td tp tq tr = =-preserves-level (=ₜ-level ta td)
    C-level : (ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A)  has-level (S n) (C ta tb tc td)
    C-level ta tb tc td =
      raise-level _ $
      Π-level $ λ tp 
      Π-level $ λ tq 
      Π-level $ λ tr 
      D-level ta tb tc td tp tq tr

    ∙ₜ-assoc-pentagon : {ta tb tc td te : Trunc (S n) A}
      (tp : ta =ₜ tb) (tq : tb =ₜ tc) (tr : tc =ₜ td) (ts : td =ₜ te)
       ∙ₜ-assoc {ta} (_∙ₜ_ {ta} tp tq) tr ts ◃∙
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta} tp tq (_∙ₜ_ {tc} tr ts) ◃∎
        ap  u  _∙ₜ_ {ta} u ts) (∙ₜ-assoc {ta} tp tq tr) ◃∙
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta} tp (_∙ₜ_ {tb} tq tr) ts ◃∙
        ap (_∙ₜ_ {ta} tp) (∙ₜ-assoc {tb} tq tr ts) ◃∎
    ∙ₜ-assoc-pentagon {ta} {tb} {tc} {td} {te} = core ta tb tc td te
      P : (ta tb tc td te : Trunc (S n) A)
        (tp : ta =ₜ tb) (tq : tb =ₜ tc) (tr : tc =ₜ td) (ts : td =ₜ te)
         Type i
      P ta tb tc td te tp tq tr ts =
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta} (_∙ₜ_ {ta} tp tq) tr ts ◃∙
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta} tp tq (_∙ₜ_ {tc} tr ts) ◃∎
        ap  u  _∙ₜ_ {ta} u ts) (∙ₜ-assoc {ta} tp tq tr) ◃∙
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta} tp (_∙ₜ_ {tb} tq tr) ts ◃∙
        ap (_∙ₜ_ {ta} tp) (∙ₜ-assoc {tb} tq tr ts) ◃∎
      P-level :  ta tb tc td te 
        (tp : ta =ₜ tb) (tq : tb =ₜ tc) (tr : tc =ₜ td) (ts : td =ₜ te)
         has-level n (P ta tb tc td te tp tq tr ts)
      P-level ta tb tc td te tp tq tr ts =
        =ₛ-level $ raise-level _ $ raise-level _ $ =ₜ-level ta te
      Q : (ta tb tc td te : Trunc (S n) A)  Type i
      Q ta tb tc td te =  tp tq tr ts  P ta tb tc td te tp tq tr ts
      Q-level :  ta tb tc td te  has-level (S n) (Q ta tb tc td te)
      Q-level ta tb tc td te =
        raise-level n $
        Π-level $ λ tp 
        Π-level $ λ tq 
        Π-level $ λ tr 
        Π-level $ λ ts 
        P-level ta tb tc td te tp tq tr ts
      core' :  {a} {b} {c} {d} {e} p q r s  P [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ e ] [ p ] [ q ] [ r ] [ s ]
      core' idp idp r s = =ₛ-in idp
      core :  ta tb tc td te  Q ta tb tc td te
      core ta tb tc td te =
        Trunc-elim {P = λ ta  Q ta tb tc td te} {{λ {ta}  Q-level ta tb tc td te}}  a 
          Trunc-elim {P = λ tb  Q [ a ] tb tc td te} {{λ {tb}  Q-level [ a ] tb tc td te}}  b 
            Trunc-elim {P = λ tc  Q [ a ] [ b ] tc td te} {{λ {tc}  Q-level [ a ] [ b ] tc td te}}  c 
              Trunc-elim {P = λ td  Q [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] td te} {{λ {td}  Q-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] td te}}  d 
                Trunc-elim {P = λ te  Q [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] te} {{λ {te}  Q-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] te}}  e 
                  let R = P [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ e ]
                      R-level = P-level [ a ] [ b ] [ c ] [ d ] [ e ]
                  in λ tp tq tr ts 
                  Trunc-elim {P = λ tp  R tp tq tr ts} {{λ {tp}  R-level tp tq tr ts}}  p 
                    Trunc-elim {P = λ tq  R [ p ] tq tr ts} {{λ {tq}  R-level [ p ] tq tr ts}}  q 
                      Trunc-elim {P = λ tr  R [ p ] [ q ] tr ts} {{λ {tr}  R-level [ p ] [ q ] tr ts}}  r 
                        Trunc-elim {P = λ ts  R [ p ] [ q ] [ r ] ts} {{λ {ts}  R-level [ p ] [ q ] [ r ] ts}}  s 
                          core' p q r s
                        ) ts
                      ) tr
                    ) tq
                  ) tp
                ) te
              ) td
            ) tc
          ) tb
        ) ta

  –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ : {ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A}
    (p : ta == tb) (q : tb == tc)
      –> (=ₜ-equiv ta tc) (p  q)
    == _∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta tb) p) (–> (=ₜ-equiv tb tc) q)
  –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ {ta = ta} idp idp =
      {P = λ ta  –> (=ₜ-equiv ta ta) idp
              == _∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta ta) idp)
                                (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta ta) idp)}
      {{λ {ta}  raise-level _ $ =-preserves-level $ =ₜ-level ta ta}}
       a  idp)

    –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙-coh : {ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A}
      (p : ta == tb) (q : tb == tc) (r : tc == td)
       –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ (p  q) r ◃∙
        ap  u  _∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} u (–> (=ₜ-equiv tc td) r)) (–>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ p q) ◃∙
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta = ta} (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta tb) p) (–> (=ₜ-equiv tb tc) q) (–> (=ₜ-equiv tc td) r) ◃∎
        ap (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta td)) (∙-assoc p q r) ◃∙
        –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ p (q  r) ◃∙
        ap (_∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta tb) p)) (–>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ q r) ◃∎
    –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙-coh {ta = ta} idp idp idp =
        {P = λ ta  P ta ta ta ta idp idp idp}
        {{λ {ta}  =ₛ-level $ raise-level (S (S n)) $ raise-level (S n) $ raise-level n $ =ₜ-level ta ta}}
         a  =ₛ-in idp)
      P : (ta tb tc td : Trunc (S n) A) (p : ta == tb) (q : tb == tc) (r : tc == td)  Type i
      P ta tb tc td p q r =
        –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ (p  q) r ◃∙
        ap  u  _∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} u (–> (=ₜ-equiv tc td) r)) (–>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ p q) ◃∙
        ∙ₜ-assoc {ta = ta} (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta tb) p) (–> (=ₜ-equiv tb tc) q) (–> (=ₜ-equiv tc td) r) ◃∎
        ap (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta td)) (∙-assoc p q r) ◃∙
        –>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ p (q  r) ◃∙
        ap (_∙ₜ_ {ta = ta} (–> (=ₜ-equiv ta tb) p)) (–>-=ₜ-equiv-pres-∙ q r) ◃∎

{- naturality of =ₜ-equiv -}

module _ {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (f : A  B) where
  =ₜ-fmap :  (a₀ a₁ : Trunc (S n) A)
     a₀ =ₜ a₁  Trunc-fmap f a₀ =ₜ Trunc-fmap f a₁
  =ₜ-fmap = Trunc-elim
    {P = λ a₀   a₁  a₀ =ₜ a₁  Trunc-fmap f a₀ =ₜ Trunc-fmap f a₁}
    {{λ {a₀}  Π-level λ a₁  Π-level λ _  raise-level _ $ =ₜ-level (Trunc-fmap f a₀) (Trunc-fmap f a₁)}}
     a₀  Trunc-elim
      {P = λ a₁  [ a₀ ] =ₜ a₁  [ f a₀ ] =ₜ Trunc-fmap f a₁}
      {{λ {a₁}  Π-level λ _  raise-level _ $ =ₜ-level [ f a₀ ] (Trunc-fmap f a₁)}}
       a₁  Trunc-fmap (ap f)))

module _ {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (f : A  B) where
  =ₜ-equiv-nat :  (a₀ a₁ : Trunc (S n) A) (p : a₀ == a₁)
       –> (=ₜ-equiv (Trunc-fmap f a₀) (Trunc-fmap f a₁)) (ap (Trunc-fmap f) p)
     == =ₜ-fmap f a₀ a₁ (–> (=ₜ-equiv a₀ a₁) p)
  =ₜ-equiv-nat a₀ .a₀ idp =
      {P = λ a
          –> (=ₜ-equiv (Trunc-fmap f a) (Trunc-fmap f a)) idp
        == =ₜ-fmap f a a (–> (=ₜ-equiv a a) idp)}
      {{λ {a}  raise-level _ $ =-preserves-level $ =ₜ-level (Trunc-fmap f a) (Trunc-fmap f a)}}
       _  idp)

{- Truncation preserves equivalences - more convenient than univalence+ap
 - when we need to know the forward or backward function explicitly -}
module _ {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} where

  Trunc-isemap : {f : A  B}  is-equiv f  is-equiv (Trunc-fmap {n = n} f)
  Trunc-isemap {f-orig} ie = is-eq f g f-g g-f where
    f = Trunc-fmap f-orig
    g = Trunc-fmap (is-equiv.g ie)

    f-g :  tb  f (g tb) == tb
    f-g = Trunc-elim (ap [_]  is-equiv.f-g ie)

    g-f :  ta  g (f ta) == ta
    g-f = Trunc-elim (ap [_]  is-equiv.g-f ie)

  Trunc-emap : A  B  Trunc n A  Trunc n B
  Trunc-emap (f , f-ie) = Trunc-fmap f , Trunc-isemap f-ie

Trunc-csemap :  {i₀ i₁ j₀ j₁} {n : ℕ₋₂}
  {A₀ : Type i₀} {A₁ : Type i₁} {B₀ : Type j₀} {B₁ : Type j₁}
  {f : A₀  B₀} {g : A₁  B₁} {hA : A₀  A₁} {hB : B₀  B₁}
   CommSquareEquiv f g hA hB
   CommSquareEquiv (Trunc-fmap {n = n} f) (Trunc-fmap g) (Trunc-fmap hA) (Trunc-fmap hB)
Trunc-csemap (cs , hA-ise , hB-ise) = Trunc-csmap cs , Trunc-isemap hA-ise , Trunc-isemap hB-ise

transport-Trunc :  {i j} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (P : A  Type j)
  {x y : A} (p : x == y) (b : P x)
   transport (Trunc n  P) p [ b ] == [ transport P p b ]
transport-Trunc _ idp _ = idp

Trunc-fuse :  {i} (A : Type i) (m n : ℕ₋₂)
   Trunc m (Trunc n A)  Trunc (minT m n) A
Trunc-fuse A m n = equiv
  (Trunc-rec {{raise-level-≤T (minT≤l m n) Trunc-level}}
    (Trunc-rec {{raise-level-≤T (minT≤r m n) Trunc-level}}
  (Trunc-rec ([_]  [_]))
  (Trunc-elim  _  idp))
  (Trunc-elim (Trunc-elim
       {{=-preserves-level (Trunc-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)}}
        _  idp)))
        l : has-level (minT m n) (Trunc m (Trunc n A))
        l with (minT-out m n)
        l | inl p = transport  k  has-level k (Trunc m (Trunc n A)))
                              (! p) Trunc-level
        l | inr q = Trunc-preserves-level _
                      (transport  k  has-level k (Trunc n A))
                                 (! q) Trunc-level)

Trunc-fuse-≤ :  {i} (A : Type i) {m n : ℕ₋₂} (m≤n : m ≤T n)
   Trunc m (Trunc n A)  Trunc m A
Trunc-fuse-≤ A m≤n = equiv
  (Trunc-rec (Trunc-rec {{raise-level-≤T m≤n Trunc-level}}
  (Trunc-rec ([_]  [_]))
  (Trunc-elim  _  idp))
  (Trunc-elim (Trunc-elim
       {{=-preserves-level (Trunc-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)}}
        _  idp)))

{- Truncating a binary product is equivalent to truncating its components -}
Trunc-×-econv :  {i} {j} (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) (B : Type j)
   Trunc n (A × B)  Trunc n A × Trunc n B
Trunc-×-econv n A B = equiv f g f-g g-f
  f : Trunc n (A × B)  Trunc n A × Trunc n B
  f = Trunc-rec  {(a , b)  [ a ] , [ b ]})

  g : Trunc n A × Trunc n B  Trunc n (A × B)
  g (ta , tb) = Trunc-rec  a  Trunc-rec  b  [ a , b ]) tb) ta

  f-g :  p  f (g p) == p
  f-g (ta , tb) = Trunc-elim
    {P = λ ta  f (g (ta , tb)) == (ta , tb)}
     a  Trunc-elim
      {P = λ tb  f (g ([ a ] , tb)) == ([ a ] , tb)}
       b  idp)

  g-f :  tab  g (f tab) == tab
  g-f = Trunc-elim
    {P = λ tab  g (f tab) == tab}
     ab  idp)

Trunc-×-conv :  {i} {j} (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) (B : Type j)
   Trunc n (A × B) == Trunc n A × Trunc n B
Trunc-×-conv n A B = ua (Trunc-×-econv n A B)