{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting --overlapping-instances #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.Relation
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Pi

module lib.types.SetQuotient {i} {A : Type i} {j} where

postulate  -- HIT
  SetQuot : (R : Rel A j)  Type (lmax i j)

module _ {R : Rel A j} where

  postulate  -- HIT
    q[_] : (a : A)  SetQuot R
    quot-rel : {a₁ a₂ : A}  R a₁ a₂  q[ a₁ ] == q[ a₂ ]
    instance SetQuot-is-set : is-set (SetQuot R)

  module SetQuotElim {k} {P : SetQuot R  Type k}
    {{p : {x : SetQuot R}  is-set (P x)}} (q[_]* : (a : A)  P q[ a ])
    (rel* :  {a₁ a₂} (r : R a₁ a₂)  q[ a₁ ]* == q[ a₂ ]* [ P  quot-rel r ]) where

    postulate  -- HIT
      f : Π (SetQuot R) P
      q[_]-β : (a : A)  f q[ a ]  q[ a ]*
    {-# REWRITE q[_]-β #-}

    postulate  -- HIT
      quot-rel-β :  {a₁ a₂} (r : R a₁ a₂)  apd f (quot-rel r) == rel* r

  open SetQuotElim public using () renaming (f to SetQuot-elim)

  module SetQuotRec {k} {B : Type k} {{_ : is-set B}}
    (q[_]* : A  B) (rel* :  {a₁ a₂} (r : R a₁ a₂)  q[ a₁ ]* == q[ a₂ ]*) where

      module M = SetQuotElim q[_]*  {a₁ a₂} r  ↓-cst-in (rel* r))

    f : SetQuot R  B
    f = M.f

  open SetQuotRec public using () renaming (f to SetQuot-rec)

  -- If [R] is an equivalence relation, then [quot-rel] is an equivalence.

module _ {R : Rel A j}
  {{R-is-prop :  {a b}  is-prop (R a b)}}
  (R-is-refl : is-refl R) (R-is-sym : is-sym R)
  (R-is-trans : is-trans R) where

    Q : Type (lmax i j)
    Q = SetQuot R

    R'-over-quot : Q  Q  hProp j
    R'-over-quot = SetQuot-rec
       a  SetQuot-rec
         b  R a b , R-is-prop)
        (nType=-out  lemma-a))
       ra₁a₂  λ= $ SetQuot-elim
        {{raise-level -1 $ (has-level-apply (hProp-is-set j) _ _)}}
         _  nType=-out $ lemma-b ra₁a₂)
         _  prop-has-all-paths-↓))
          lemma-a :  {a b₁ b₂}  R b₁ b₂  R a b₁ == R a b₂
          lemma-a rb₁b₂ = ua $ equiv
             rab₁  R-is-trans rab₁ rb₁b₂)
             rab₂  R-is-trans rab₂ (R-is-sym rb₁b₂))
             _  prop-has-all-paths _ _)
             _  prop-has-all-paths _ _)

          lemma-b :  {a₁ a₂ b}  R a₁ a₂  R a₁ b == R a₂ b
          lemma-b ra₁a₂ = ua $ equiv
             ra₁b  R-is-trans (R-is-sym ra₁a₂) ra₁b)
             ra₂b  R-is-trans ra₁a₂ ra₂b)
             _  prop-has-all-paths _ _)
             _  prop-has-all-paths _ _)

    R-over-quot : Q  Q  Type j
    R-over-quot q₁ q₂ = fst (R'-over-quot q₁ q₂)

      R-over-quot-is-prop : {q₁ q₂ : Q}  is-prop (R-over-quot q₁ q₂)
      R-over-quot-is-prop {q₁} {q₂} = snd (R'-over-quot q₁ q₂)

      R-over-quot-is-refl : (q : Q)  R-over-quot q q
      R-over-quot-is-refl = SetQuot-elim
        {{λ {q}  raise-level -1 (R-over-quot-is-prop {q} {q})}}
         a  R-is-refl a)
         _  prop-has-all-paths-↓)

      path-to-R-over-quot : {q₁ q₂ : Q}  q₁ == q₂  R-over-quot q₁ q₂
      path-to-R-over-quot {q} idp = R-over-quot-is-refl q

  quot-rel-equiv :  {a₁ a₂ : A}  R a₁ a₂  (q[ a₁ ] == q[ a₂ ])
  quot-rel-equiv {a₁} {a₂} = equiv
    quot-rel (path-to-R-over-quot {q[ a₁ ]} {q[ a₂ ]})
     _  prop-has-all-paths _ _)
     _  prop-has-all-paths _ _)