{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.NType2

open import Preliminaries
open import Truncation_Level_Criteria

module Anonymous_Existence_CollSplit where

-- Chapter 4: Anonymous Existence

-- Chapter 4.1: Collapsible Types have Split Support

-- Main Lemma 4.1.1 is below.

-- Lemma 4.1.2, part 1
constant-implies-path-constant :  {i j} {X : Type i} {Y : Type j}  (f : X  Y)  (const f) 
   (x₁ x₂ : X)  const (ap f {x = x₁} {y = x₂})
constant-implies-path-constant {X = X} f c x₁ x₂ p₁ p₂ = claim-cor where
  claim : {x₃ x₄ : X}  {p : x₃ == x₄}  (ap f p) == ! (c x₃ x₃)  (c x₃ x₄)
  claim {x₃} {p = idp} = ! (!-inv-l (c x₃ x₃))
  claim-cor : ap f p₁ == ap f p₂
  claim-cor = 
    ap f p₁                 =⟨ claim 
    ! (c x₁ x₁)  (c x₁ x₂) =⟨ ! claim 
    ap f p₂                  

-- Lemma 4.1.2, part 2
constant-refl :   {i j} {X : Type i} {Y : Type j}  (f : X  Y)  (const f) 
   (x : X)  (p : x == x)  ap f p == idp
constant-refl f c x p = constant-implies-path-constant f c x x p idp

-- We also need the following very simple lemma:
ap-id-trivial :  {i} {X : Type i}  {x₁ x₂ : X}  (p : x₁ == x₂)  ap (idf X) p == p
ap-id-trivial idp = idp

-- Main Lemma 4.1.1 needs a bit of preparation.
-- The definition of the type of fixed points:
fix :  {i} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X)  Type i
fix {X = X} f = Σ X λ x  x == f x

-- Let us give a name to the map X → fix f:
to-fix :  {i} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X)  (const f)  X  fix f
to-fix f c x₀ = f x₀ , c _ _

-- The other direction is just projection:
from-fix :  {i} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X)  fix f  X
from-fix f (x₀ , p₀) = x₀

-- Let us structure the proof of the fixed point lemma a bit:
module fixedpoint {i : ULevel} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X) (c : const f) where

  -- Let us show that (x , p) == (x , q) first
  module _ (x : X) (p q : x == f x) where
    t : x == x
    t = p  ! q

    r : f x == f x
    r = ap f t
    r-is-triv : r == idp
    r-is-triv = constant-refl f c x t

    t' : x == x
    t' = ap (idf X) t

    t'-is-t : t' == t
    t'-is-t = ap-id-trivial t

    trans-t-p-is-q : transport  y  y == f y) t p == q
    trans-t-p-is-q = 
      transport  y  y == f y) t p   =⟨  transport-is-comp (idf X) f t p  
      ! t'  p  r                     =⟨ ap  s  ! s  p  r) t'-is-t 
      ! t  p  r                      =⟨ ! (∙-assoc (! t) _ _) 
      (! t  p)  r                    =⟨ ap  s  (! t  p)  s) r-is-triv 
      (! t  p)  idp                  =⟨ ∙-unit-r _ 
      ! t  p                          =⟨ ap  s  s  p) (!-∙ p (! q)) 
      (! (! q)  ! p)  p              =⟨ ∙-assoc (! (! q)) _ _ 
      ! (! q)  ! p  p                =⟨ ap  s  ! (! q)  s) (!-inv-l p) 
      ! (! q)  idp                    =⟨ ∙-unit-r _ 
      ! (! q)                          =⟨ !-! _ 

    single-x-claim : (x , p) == (x , q)
    single-x-claim = pair= t (from-transp _ _ trans-t-p-is-q)

  -- Now, we can prove that (x₁ , p₁) and (x₂ , p₂) are always equal:
  fix-paths : has-all-paths (fix f)
  fix-paths (x₁ , p₁) (x₂ , p₂) =
    (x₁ , p₁) =⟨ pair= (p₁  c x₁ x₂  ! p₂) (from-transp _ (p₁  c x₁ x₂  ! p₂) idp) 
    (x₂ , _)  =⟨ single-x-claim x₂ _ _  
    (x₂ , p₂) 

-- Main Lemma 4.1.1
-- finally, the proof of the fixed point lemma
fixed-point :  {i} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X)  (const f)  is-prop (fix f)
fixed-point {X = X} f c = all-paths-is-prop (fixedpoint.fix-paths f c)

-- Sattler's argument
fixed-point-alt :   {i} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X)  (const f)  is-prop (fix f)
fixed-point-alt {X = X} f c = inhab-to-contr-is-prop inh→contr where
  inh→contr : fix f  is-contr (fix f)
  inh→contr (x₀ , p₀) = equiv-preserves-level {A = Σ X λ x  x == f x₀} {B = fix f} claim-Σ (pathto-is-contr _) where
    claim : (x : X)  (x == f x₀)  (x == f x)
    claim x =  p  p  c x₀ x) , post∙-is-equiv _
    claim-Σ : (Σ X λ x  x == f x₀)  fix f
    claim-Σ = equiv-Σ-snd claim

--from here, we need truncation
module with-weak-trunc where
  open wtrunc

  -- Corollary 4.1.3
  -- let us define the following map:
  trunc-to-fix :  {i} {X : Type i}  (fc : coll X)  ∣∣ X ∣∣  fix (fst fc)
  trunc-to-fix (f , c) z = tr-rec (fixed-point f c) (to-fix f c) z
  coll→splitSup :  {i} {X : Type i}  coll X  splitSup X
  coll→splitSup (f , c) = (from-fix f)  trunc-to-fix (f , c)
  -- Theorem 4.1.4
  coll↔splitSup :  {i} {X : Type i}  coll X  splitSup X
  coll↔splitSup {X = X} = coll→splitSup , splitSup→coll where
    splitSup→coll : splitSup X  coll X
    splitSup→coll hst = f , c where
      f = hst  ∣_∣
      c : const f
      c x₁ x₂ = 
        f x₁      =⟨ idp  
        hst  x₁  =⟨ ap hst (prop-has-all-paths tr-is-prop _ _)  
        hst  x₂  =⟨ idp  
        f x₂      
  -- preparation for Proposition 4.1.5 - we need to prove that
  -- f : X → X with an inhabitant of ∣∣ const f ∣∣ is enough
  -- to show that fix f is propositional.
  fixed-point-strong :  {i} {X : Type i}  (f : X  X)  ∣∣ const f ∣∣  is-prop (fix f)
  fixed-point-strong {X = X} f = tr-rec {X = const f} {P = is-prop(fix f)} is-prop-is-prop (fixed-point f) 
  -- Proposition 4.1.5 (we exclude the part which is already included in Theorem 4.1.4)
  -- to get an easy proof of the addendum, we structure it in the following way:
  module thm46 {i : ULevel} {X : Type i}  where
    module _ (fhc : Σ (X  X)  f  ∣∣ const f ∣∣))  where
      f = fst fhc
      hc = snd fhc
      trunc-const-fix : ∣∣ X ∣∣  ∣∣ const f ∣∣  fix f
      trunc-const-fix z = tr-rec {X = const f} {P = fix f} (fixed-point-strong f hc)  c  trunc-to-fix (f , c) z)
      trunc-fix : ∣∣ X ∣∣  fix f
      trunc-fix z = trunc-const-fix z hc
      g : X  X
      g = fst  trunc-fix  ∣_∣
      g-const : const g
      g-const x₁ x₂ = ap (fst  trunc-fix) (prop-has-all-paths tr-is-prop _ _)
  coll↔hideProof :  {i} {X : Type i}  coll X  Σ (X  X)  f  ∣∣ const f ∣∣)
  coll↔hideProof {X = X} = one , two where
    one : coll X  Σ (X  X)  f  ∣∣ const f ∣∣)
    one (f , c) = f ,  c 
    two : (Σ (X  X)  f  ∣∣ const f ∣∣))  coll X
    two fhc = thm46.g fhc , thm46.g-const fhc

  -- Proposition 4.1.5 addendum
  merely-equal :  {i} {X : Type i}  (fhc : Σ (X  X)  f  ∣∣ const f ∣∣))  ∣∣ ((x : X)  fst fhc x == thm46.g fhc x) ∣∣
  merely-equal {X = X} (f , hc) = tr-rec tr-is-prop (∣_∣  const-equal) hc where
    open thm46 
    const-equal : const f  (x : X)  f x == thm46.g (f , hc) x
    const-equal c x = 
      f x                                     =⟨ idp 
      fst (to-fix f c x)                      =⟨ ap fst (! (trunc-β _ _ x))  
      fst (trunc-to-fix (f , c)  x )          =⟨ ap fst (! (trunc-β _ _ c))  
      fst (trunc-const-fix (f , hc)  x   c ) =⟨ ap  hc'  fst (trunc-const-fix (f , hc)  x  hc')) (prop-has-all-paths tr-is-prop _ _)  
      fst (trunc-const-fix (f , hc)  x  hc)   =⟨ idp  
      fst (trunc-fix (f , hc)  x )            =⟨ idp  
      g (f , hc) x