{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.TLevel
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.NType2
module lib.types.Truncation where
module _ {i} where
data #Trunc-aux (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) : Type i where
#[_] : A → #Trunc-aux n A
data #Trunc (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) : Type i where
#trunc : #Trunc-aux n A → (Unit → Unit) → #Trunc n A
Trunc : (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) → Type i
Trunc = #Trunc
[_] : {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} → A → Trunc n A
[ a ] = #trunc #[ a ] _
Trunc-level : {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} → has-level n (Trunc n A)
module TruncElim {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {j} {B : Trunc n A → Type j}
(p : (x : Trunc n A) → has-level n (B x)) (d : (a : A) → B [ a ]) where
f : Π (Trunc n A) B
f = f-aux phantom where
f-aux : Phantom p → Π (Trunc n A) B
f-aux phantom (#trunc #[ a ] _) = d a
open TruncElim public renaming (f to Trunc-elim)
module TruncRec {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (p : has-level n B)
(d : A → B) where
module M = TruncElim (λ x → p) d
f : Trunc n A → B
f = M.f
open TruncRec public renaming (f to Trunc-rec)
module TruncRecType {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} (d : A → n -Type j) where
open TruncRec (n -Type-level j) d public
flattening-Trunc : Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst ∘ f) ≃ Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst ∘ d))
flattening-Trunc = equiv to from to-from from-to where
to-aux : (x : Trunc (S n) A) → (fst (f x) → Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst ∘ d)))
to-aux = Trunc-elim (λ _ → →-level Trunc-level)
(λ a b → [ (a , b) ])
to : Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst ∘ f) → Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst ∘ d))
to (x , y) = to-aux x y
from-aux : Σ A (fst ∘ d) → Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst ∘ f)
from-aux (a , b) = ([ a ] , b)
from : Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst ∘ d)) → Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst ∘ f)
from = Trunc-rec (Σ-level Trunc-level (λ x → raise-level _ (snd (f x))))
to-from : (x : Trunc (S n) (Σ A (fst ∘ d))) → to (from x) == x
to-from = Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level (S n) Trunc-level)
(λ _ → idp)
from-to-aux : (a : Trunc (S n) A) (b : fst (f a)) → from (to-aux a b) == (a , b)
from-to-aux = Trunc-elim (λ _ → Π-level (λ _ → =-preserves-level (S n) (Σ-level Trunc-level (λ x → raise-level _ (snd (f x))))))
(λ a b → idp)
from-to : (x : Σ (Trunc (S n) A) (fst ∘ f)) → from (to x) == x
from-to (a , b) = from-to-aux a b
module _ {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} where
Trunc= : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) → n -Type i
Trunc= = Trunc-elim (λ _ → →-level (n -Type-level i))
(λ a → Trunc-elim (λ _ → n -Type-level i)
((λ b → (Trunc n (a == b) , Trunc-level))))
Trunc=-equiv : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) → (a == b) ≃ fst (Trunc= a b)
Trunc=-equiv a b = equiv (to a b) (from a b) (to-from a b) (from-to a b) where
to-aux : (a : Trunc (S n) A) → fst (Trunc= a a)
to-aux = Trunc-elim (λ x → raise-level _ (snd (Trunc= x x)))
(λ a → [ idp ])
to : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) → (a == b → fst (Trunc= a b))
to a .a idp = to-aux a
from-aux : (a b : A) → a == b → [ a ] == [ b ] :> Trunc (S n) A
from-aux a .a idp = idp
from : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) → (fst (Trunc= a b) → a == b)
from = Trunc-elim (λ _ → Π-level (λ _ → →-level (=-preserves-level (S n) Trunc-level)))
(λ a → Trunc-elim (λ _ → →-level (=-preserves-level _ Trunc-level))
(λ b → Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S n} _ _)
(from-aux a b)))
to-from-aux : (a b : A) → (p : a == b) → to _ _ (from-aux a b p) == [ p ]
to-from-aux a .a idp = idp
to-from : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) (x : fst (Trunc= a b)) → to a b (from a b x) == x
to-from = Trunc-elim (λ x → Π-level (λ y → Π-level (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ (raise-level _ (snd (Trunc= x y))))))
(λ a → Trunc-elim (λ x → Π-level (λ _ → raise-level _ (=-preserves-level _ (snd (Trunc= [ a ] x)))))
(λ b → Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
(to-from-aux a b)))
from-to-aux : (a : Trunc (S n) A) → from a a (to-aux a) == idp
from-to-aux = Trunc-elim (λ x → =-preserves-level _ (=-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)) (λ _ → idp)
from-to : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) (p : a == b) → from a b (to a b p) == p
from-to a .a idp = from-to-aux a
Trunc=-path : (a b : Trunc (S n) A) → (a == b) == fst (Trunc= a b)
Trunc=-path a b = ua (Trunc=-equiv a b)
Trunc-rec-is-equiv : ∀ {i j} (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) (B : Type j)
(p : has-level n B) → is-equiv (Trunc-rec p :> ((A → B) → (Trunc n A → B)))
Trunc-rec-is-equiv n A B p = is-eq _ (λ f → f ∘ [_])
(λ f → λ= (Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ p) (λ a → idp))) (λ f → idp)
Trunc-preserves-level : ∀ {i} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (m : ℕ₋₂)
→ has-level n A → has-level n (Trunc m A)
Trunc-preserves-level {n = ⟨-2⟩} _ (a₀ , p) =
([ a₀ ] , Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
(λ a → ap [_] (p a)))
Trunc-preserves-level ⟨-2⟩ _ = contr-has-level Trunc-level
Trunc-preserves-level {n = (S n)} (S m) c t₁ t₂ =
(λ s₁ → prop-has-level-S {A = has-level n (s₁ == t₂)} has-level-is-prop)
(λ a₁ → Trunc-elim
(λ s₂ → prop-has-level-S {A = has-level n ([ a₁ ] == s₂)} has-level-is-prop)
(λ a₂ → equiv-preserves-level
((Trunc=-equiv [ a₁ ] [ a₂ ])⁻¹)
(Trunc-preserves-level {n = n} m (c a₁ a₂)))
unTrunc-equiv : ∀ {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (A : Type i)
→ has-level n A → Trunc n A ≃ A
unTrunc-equiv A nA = equiv f [_] (λ _ → idp) g-f where
f = Trunc-rec nA (idf _)
g-f = Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level) (λ _ → idp)
Trunc-extend-equiv : ∀ {i j} (n : ℕ₋₂) (A : Type i) (B : Type j)
(p : has-level n B) → (A → B) ≃ (Trunc n A → B)
Trunc-extend-equiv n A B p = (Trunc-rec p , Trunc-rec-is-equiv n A B p)
Trunc-fmap : ∀ {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} → ((A → B) → (Trunc n A → Trunc n B))
Trunc-fmap f = Trunc-rec Trunc-level ([_] ∘ f)
Trunc-fmap2 : ∀ {i j k} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : Type k}
→ ((A → B → C) → (Trunc n A → Trunc n B → Trunc n C))
Trunc-fmap2 f = Trunc-rec (Π-level (λ _ → Trunc-level)) (λ a → Trunc-fmap (f a))
Trunc-fpmap : ∀ {i j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {f g : A → B} (h : (a : A) → f a == g a)
→ ((a : Trunc n A) → Trunc-fmap f a == Trunc-fmap g a)
Trunc-fpmap h = Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
(ap [_] ∘ h)
Trunc-fmap-∘ : ∀ {i j k} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : Type k}
→ (g : B → C) → (f : A → B)
→ ∀ x → Trunc-fmap {n = n} g (Trunc-fmap f x) == Trunc-fmap (g ∘ f) x
Trunc-fmap-∘ g f = Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level) (λ _ → idp)
module _ {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i} where
Trunc=-∙ : {ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A}
→ fst (Trunc= ta tb) → fst (Trunc= tb tc) → fst (Trunc= ta tc)
Trunc=-∙ {ta = ta} {tb = tb} {tc = tc} =
Trunc-elim {B = λ ta → C ta tb tc}
(λ ta → level ta tb tc)
(λ a → Trunc-elim {B = λ tb → C [ a ] tb tc}
(λ tb → level [ a ] tb tc)
(λ b → Trunc-elim {B = λ tc → C [ a ] [ b ] tc}
(λ tc → level [ a ] [ b ] tc)
(λ c → Trunc-fmap2 _∙_)
C : (ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A) → Type i
C ta tb tc = fst (Trunc= ta tb) → fst (Trunc= tb tc) → fst (Trunc= ta tc)
level : (ta tb tc : Trunc (S n) A) → has-level (S n) (C ta tb tc)
level ta tb tc = raise-level _ $
Π-level (λ _ → Π-level (λ _ → snd (Trunc= ta tc)))
Trunc=-∙-comm : {x y z : Trunc (S n) A }
(p : x == y) (q : y == z)
→ –> (Trunc=-equiv x z) (p ∙ q)
== Trunc=-∙ {ta = x} (–> (Trunc=-equiv x y) p) (–> (Trunc=-equiv y z) q)
Trunc=-∙-comm {x = x} idp idp =
{B = λ x → –> (Trunc=-equiv x x) idp
== Trunc=-∙ {ta = x} (–> (Trunc=-equiv x x) idp)
(–> (Trunc=-equiv x x) idp)}
(λ x → raise-level _ $ =-preserves-level _ (snd (Trunc= x x)))
(λ a → idp)
module _ {i j} (n : ℕ₋₂) {A : Type i} {B : Type j} where
equiv-Trunc : A ≃ B → Trunc n A ≃ Trunc n B
equiv-Trunc e = equiv f g f-g g-f where
f = Trunc-fmap (–> e)
g = Trunc-fmap (<– e)
f-g : ∀ tb → f (g tb) == tb
f-g = Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
(ap [_] ∘ <–-inv-r e)
g-f : ∀ ta → g (f ta) == ta
g-f = Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
(ap [_] ∘ <–-inv-l e)
is-equiv-Trunc : (f : A → B) → is-equiv f → is-equiv (Trunc-fmap {n = n} f)
is-equiv-Trunc f ie = snd (equiv-Trunc (f , ie))
transport-Trunc : ∀ {i j} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (P : A → Type j)
{x y : A} (p : x == y) (b : P x)
→ transport (Trunc n ∘ P) p [ b ] == [ transport P p b ]
transport-Trunc _ idp _ = idp
fuse-Trunc : ∀ {i} (A : Type i) (m n : ℕ₋₂)
→ Trunc m (Trunc n A) ≃ Trunc (minT m n) A
fuse-Trunc A m n = equiv
(Trunc-rec (raise-level-≤T (minT≤l m n) Trunc-level)
(Trunc-rec (raise-level-≤T (minT≤r m n) Trunc-level)
(Trunc-rec l ([_] ∘ [_]))
(Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level) (λ _ → idp))
(Trunc-elim (λ _ → =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
(λ _ → =-preserves-level _ (Trunc-preserves-level _ Trunc-level))
(λ _ → idp)))
where l : has-level (minT m n) (Trunc m (Trunc n A))
l with (minT-out m n)
l | inl p = transport (λ k → has-level k (Trunc m (Trunc n A)))
(! p) Trunc-level
l | inr q = Trunc-preserves-level _
(transport (λ k → has-level k (Trunc n A))
(! q) Trunc-level)