{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}
open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.PathFunctor
open import lib.PathGroupoid
open import lib.types.Bool
open import lib.types.IteratedSuspension
open import lib.types.LoopSpace
open import lib.types.Nat
open import lib.types.Paths
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Pointed
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.Suspension
open import lib.types.TLevel
open import lib.types.Unit
open import nicolai.pseudotruncations.Preliminary-definitions
open import nicolai.pseudotruncations.Liblemmas
open import nicolai.pseudotruncations.SeqColim
open import nicolai.pseudotruncations.wconstSequence
module nicolai.pseudotruncations.PseudoTruncs where
module _ {i} where
data #Pseudotrunc-aux (n : ℕ) (A : Type i) : Type i where
#point : A → #Pseudotrunc-aux n A
#hub : (r : Sphere' n → A) → #Pseudotrunc-aux n A
data #Pseudotrunc (n : ℕ) (A : Type i) : Type i where
#trick-aux : #Pseudotrunc-aux n A → (Unit → Unit) → #Pseudotrunc n A
Pseudo_-1-trunc : (n : ℕ) (A : Type i) → Type i
Pseudo_-1-trunc = #Pseudotrunc
point_-1 : {A : Type i} → (n : ℕ) → A → Pseudo n -1-trunc A
point_-1 {A} n a = #trick-aux (#point a) _
hub_-1 : {A : Type i} (n : ℕ) (r : Sphere' n → A) → Pseudo n -1-trunc A
hub_-1 {A} n r = #trick-aux (#hub r) _
spoke_-1 : {A : Type i} (n : ℕ) (r : Sphere' n → A) (x : Sphere' n)
→ point n -1 (r x) == hub n -1 r
module PseudotruncInduction
{A : Type i} (n : ℕ) {j}
{P : Pseudo n -1-trunc A → Type j}
(Point-1 : (a : A) → P (point n -1 a))
(Hub-1 : (r : Sphere' n → A) → P (hub n -1 r))
(Spoke-1 : (r : Sphere' n → A) → (x : Sphere' n)
→ Point-1 (r x) == Hub-1 r [ P ↓ spoke n -1 r x ])
f : Π (Pseudo n -1-trunc A) P
f = f-aux phantom where
f-aux : Phantom Spoke-1 → Π (Pseudo n -1-trunc A) P
f-aux phantom (#trick-aux (#point x) _) = Point-1 x
f-aux phantom (#trick-aux (#hub r) _) = Hub-1 r
pathβ : (r : Sphere' {i} n → A)
→ (x : Sphere' {i} n)
→ apd f (spoke n -1 r x) == Spoke-1 r x
open PseudotruncInduction public renaming
(f to Pseudotrunc-ind ; pathβ to Pseudotrunc-ind-pathβ)
module PseudotruncRecursion
{i j} {A : Type i}
{P : Type j} (n : ℕ)
(Point-1 : A → P)
(Hub-1 : (r : Sphere' {i} n → A) → P)
(Spoke-1 : (r : Sphere' n → A) (x : Sphere' n) → Point-1 (r x) == Hub-1 r)
rec : Pseudo n -1-trunc A → P
rec = Pseudotrunc-ind n {P = λ _ → P} Point-1 Hub-1
(λ r x → from-transp
(λ _ → P)
(spoke n -1 r x)
((transport (λ _ → P) (spoke n -1 r x) (Point-1 (r x)))
=⟨ transport-const-fam (spoke n -1 r x) (Point-1 (r x)) ⟩
Point-1 (r x)
=⟨ Spoke-1 r x ⟩
Hub-1 r
open PseudotruncRecursion public renaming (rec to Pseudotrunc-rec)
open import nicolai.pseudotruncations.pointed-O-Sphere
open import nicolai.pseudotruncations.LoopsAndSpheres
open null
module _ {i} {A : Type i} (n : ℕ) where
from-sphere-null : (g : Sphere' {i} n → A)
→ isNull (point n -1 (g (nor' n))) ((point n -1) ∘ g)
from-sphere-null g x = point n -1 (g x)
=⟨ spoke n -1 g x ⟩
hub n -1 g
=⟨ ! (spoke n -1 g (nor' n)) ⟩
point n -1 (g (nor' n))
module cmp-nll {i} {Â : Ptd i} (n : ℕ) (g : ⊙Sphere' {i} n →̇ Â) where
from-sphere-null∙ : isNulld ((point n -1 , idp) ⊙∘ g)
from-sphere-null∙ = λ x →
point n -1 ((fst g) x)
=⟨ spoke n -1 (fst g) x ⟩
hub n -1 (fst g)
=⟨ ! (spoke n -1 (fst g) (nor' n)) ⟩
point n -1 ((fst g) (nor' n))
=⟨ ap (point n -1) (snd g) ⟩
point n -1 (snd Â)
module cmp-nll' {i} {Â : Ptd i} (n : ℕ) (g : ⊙Susp (⊙Sphere' {i} n) →̇ Â) where
tr≃⊙ : ⊙Sphere' {i} (S n) ⊙≃ ⊙Susp (⊙Sphere' {i} n)
tr≃⊙ = coe-equiv∙ (susp'-switch n)
tr≃ : Sphere' {i} (S n) ≃ fst (⊙Susp (⊙Sphere' {i} n))
tr≃ = fst (fst tr≃⊙) , snd tr≃⊙
tr–̇> : (⊙Sphere' {i} (S n)) →̇ ⊙Susp (⊙Sphere' {i} n)
tr–̇> = fst tr≃⊙
from-sphere-null'∙ : isNulld ((point S n -1 , idp) ⊙∘ g)
from-sphere-null'∙ = λ x →
fst ((point S n -1 , idp) ⊙∘ g) x
=⟨ ap (fst ((point S n -1 , idp) ⊙∘ g)) (! (<–-inv-r tr≃ x)) ⟩
fst ((point S n -1 , idp) ⊙∘ g) (–> tr≃ (<– tr≃ x))
=⟨ cmp-nll.from-sphere-null∙ {i} {Â} (S n) (g ⊙∘ tr–̇>) (<– tr≃ x) ⟩
point S n -1 (snd Â)