{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.Equivalences2
open import lib.types.Unit
open import lib.types.Nat
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.Paths
open import lib.types.TLevel
open import lib.types.Truncation
open import lib.types.Suspension

module lib.NConnected where

is-connected :  {i}  ℕ₋₂  Type i  Type i
is-connected n A = is-contr (Trunc n A)

has-conn-fibers :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j}  ℕ₋₂  (A  B)  Type (lmax i j)
has-conn-fibers {A = A} {B = B} n f =
  Π B  b  is-connected n (hfiber f b))

{- all types are ⟨-2⟩-connected -}
-2-conn :  {i} (A : Type i)  is-connected ⟨-2⟩ A
-2-conn A = Trunc-level

{- all inhabited types are ⟨-1⟩-connected -}
inhab-conn :  {i} (A : Type i) (a : A)  is-connected ⟨-1⟩ A
inhab-conn A a = ([ a ] , prop-has-all-paths Trunc-level [ a ])

{- connectedness is a prop -}
is-connected-is-prop :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i}
   is-prop (is-connected n A)
is-connected-is-prop = is-contr-is-prop

{- "induction principle" for n-connected maps (where codomain is n-type) -}
  conn-elim-eqv :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂}
     {h : A  B}  has-conn-fibers n h
     (∀ {k} (P : B  n -Type k)  is-equiv  (s : Π B (fst  P))  s  h))
  conn-elim-eqv {A = A} {B = B} {n = n} {h = h} c P = is-eq f g f-g g-f
    where f : Π B (fst  P)  Π A (fst  P  h)
          f k a = k (h a)

          helper : Π A (fst  P  h) 
             (b : B)  Trunc n (Σ A  a  h a == b))  (fst (P b))
          helper t b r = 
            Trunc-rec (snd (P b)) 
               x  transport  y  fst (P y)) (snd x) (t (fst x))) 
          g : Π A (fst  P  h)  Π B (fst  P)
          g t b = helper t b (fst (c b))
          f-g :  t  f (g t) == t
          f-g t = λ= $ λ a  transport 
             r   Trunc-rec (snd (P (h a))) _ r == t a)
            (! (snd (c (h a)) [ (a , idp) ]))
          g-f :  k  g (f k) == k
          g-f k = λ= $ λ (b : B)  
            Trunc-elim  r  =-preserves-level _ {helper (k  h) b r} (snd (P b)))
                        x  lemma (fst x) b (snd x)) (fst (c b))
            lemma :  xl   b  (p : h xl == b) 
              helper (k  h) b [ (xl , p) ] == k b
            lemma xl ._ idp = idp 

conn-elim :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂}
   {h : A  B}  has-conn-fibers n h
   (P : B  n -Type k) 
   Π A (fst  P  h)  Π B (fst  P)
conn-elim c P f = is-equiv.g (conn-elim-eqv c P) f

conn-elim-β :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂}
  {h : A  B} (c : has-conn-fibers n h)
  (P : B  n -Type k) (f : Π A (fst  P  h))
    a  (conn-elim c P f (h a)) == f a
conn-elim-β c P f = app= (is-equiv.f-g (conn-elim-eqv c P) f)

{- generalized "almost induction principle" for maps into ≥n-types 
   TODO: rearrange this to use ≤T?                                 -}
conn-elim-general :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n k : ℕ₋₂}
   {f : A  B}  has-conn-fibers n f
    {l} (P : B  (k +2+ n) -Type l) 
    t  has-level k (Σ (Π B (fst  P))  s  (s  f) == t))
conn-elim-general {k = ⟨-2⟩} c P t = 
  equiv-is-contr-map (conn-elim-eqv c P) t
conn-elim-general {B = B} {n = n} {k = S k'} {f = f} c P t =
  λ {(g , p) (h , q)  
    equiv-preserves-level (e g h p q) $ 
      conn-elim-general {k = k'} c (Q g h) (app= (p  ! q))}
    Q : (g h : Π B (fst  P))  B  (k' +2+ n) -Type _
    Q g h b = ((g b == h b) , snd (P b) _ _)

    app=-ap :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : B  Type k}
      (f : A  B) {g h : Π B C} (p : g == h)
       app= (ap  k  k  f) p) == (app= p  f)
    app=-ap f idp = idp

    move-right-on-right-eqv :  {i} {A : Type i} {x y z : A}
      (p : x == y) (q : x == z) (r : y == z)
       (p == q  ! r)  (p  r == q)
    move-right-on-right-eqv {x = x} p idp idp =
      (_ , pre∙-is-equiv (∙-unit-r p))

    lemma :  g h p q  (H :  x  g x == h x)
       ((H  f) == app= (p  ! q)) 
          (ap  v  v  f) (λ= H)  q == p)
    lemma g h p q H = 
      move-right-on-right-eqv (ap  v  v  f) (λ= H)) p q 
      ∘e transport  w  (w == app= (p  ! q)) 
                       (ap  v  v  f) (λ= H) == p  ! q))
                   (app=-ap f (λ= H)  ap  k  k  f) (λ= $ app=-β H))
                   ((equiv-ap app=-equiv _ _)⁻¹)

    e :  g h p q  
      (Σ (∀ x  g x == h x)  r  (r  f) == app= (p  ! q)))
       ((g , p) == (h , q)) 
    e g h p q = 
      ((=Σ-eqv _ _ ∘e equiv-Σ-snd  u  ↓-app=cst-eqv ∘e !-equiv))
      ∘e (equiv-Σ-fst _ (snd λ=-equiv))) ∘e equiv-Σ-snd (lemma g h p q)

conn-intro :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂} {h : A  B}
   (∀ (P : B  n -Type (lmax i j))
      Σ (Π A (fst  P  h)  Π B (fst  P)) 
          u   (t : Π A (fst  P  h))   x  (u t  h) x == t x))
   has-conn-fibers n h
conn-intro {A = A} {B = B} {h = h} sec b = 
  let s = sec  b  (Trunc _ (hfiber h b) , Trunc-level))
  in (fst s  a  [ a , idp ]) b , 
      λ kt  Trunc-elim  kt  =-preserves-level _ {_} {kt} Trunc-level) 
         k  transport 
                  v  fst s  a  [ a , idp ]) (fst v) == [ fst k , snd v ])
                 (snd (pathfrom-is-contr (h (fst k))) (b , snd k)) 
                 (snd s  a  [ a , idp ]) (fst k)))

  pointed-conn-in :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (A : Type i) (a₀ : A)
     has-conn-fibers {A = } n (cst a₀)  is-connected (S n) A
  pointed-conn-in {n = n} A a₀ c =
    ([ a₀ ] , 
     Trunc-elim  _  =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level) 
        a  Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S n} _ _)
              x  ap [_] (snd x)) (fst $ c a)))

  pointed-conn-out :  {i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (A : Type i) (a₀ : A)
     is-connected (S n) A  has-conn-fibers {A = } n (cst a₀)
  pointed-conn-out {n = n} A a₀ c a = 
    (point , 
     λ y  ! (cancel point)
            (ap out $ contr-has-all-paths (=-preserves-level ⟨-2⟩ c) 
                                           (into point) (into y)) 
            cancel y)
      into-aux : Trunc n (Σ   _  a₀ == a))  Trunc n (a₀ == a)
      into-aux = Trunc-fmap snd

      into : Trunc n (Σ   _  a₀ == a)) 
         [_] {n = S n} a₀ == [ a ]
      into = <– (Trunc=-equiv [ a₀ ] [ a ])  into-aux

      out-aux : Trunc n (a₀ == a)  Trunc n (Σ   _  a₀ == a)) 
      out-aux = Trunc-fmap  p  (tt , p))

      out : [_] {n = S n} a₀ == [ a ]  Trunc n (Σ   _  a₀ == a))
      out = out-aux  –> (Trunc=-equiv [ a₀ ] [ a ]) 

      cancel : (x : Trunc n (Σ   _  a₀ == a)))  out (into x) == x
      cancel x = 
        out (into x) 
          =⟨ ap out-aux (<–-inv-r (Trunc=-equiv [ a₀ ] [ a ]) (into-aux x)) 
        out-aux (into-aux x)
          =⟨ Trunc-fmap-∘ _ _ x 
        Trunc-fmap  q  (tt , (snd q))) x
          =⟨ Trunc-elim {P = λ x  Trunc-fmap  q  (tt , snd q)) x == x}
                _  =-preserves-level n Trunc-level)  _  idp) x 

      point : Trunc n (Σ   _  a₀ == a))
      point = out $ contr-has-all-paths c [ a₀ ] [ a ]

prop-over-connected :   {i j} {A : Type i} {a : A} (p : is-connected ⟨0⟩ A)
   (P : A  hProp j)
   fst (P a)  Π A (fst  P)
prop-over-connected p P x = conn-elim (pointed-conn-out _ _ p) P  _  x)

{- Connectedness of a truncated type -}
Trunc-preserves-conn :  {i} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} (m : ℕ₋₂)
   is-connected n A  is-connected n (Trunc m A)
Trunc-preserves-conn {n = ⟨-2⟩} m c = Trunc-level
Trunc-preserves-conn {A = A} {n = S n} m c = lemma (fst c) (snd c)
  lemma : (x₀ : Trunc (S n) A)  (∀ x  x₀ == x)  is-connected (S n) (Trunc m A)
  lemma = Trunc-elim 
     _  Π-level  _  Σ-level Trunc-level 
                      _  Π-level  _  =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level))))
     a  λ p  ([ [ a ] ] , 
       Trunc-elim  _  =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
            _  =-preserves-level _ 
                    (Trunc-preserves-level (S n) Trunc-level))
            x  <– (Trunc=-equiv [ [ a ] ] [ [ x ] ]) 
              (Trunc-fmap (ap [_]) 
                (–> (Trunc=-equiv [ a ] [ x ]) (p [ x ])))))))

{- Connectedness of a Σ-type -}
  Σ-conn :  {i} {j} {A : Type i} {B : A  Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂}
     is-connected n A  (∀ a  is-connected n (B a))
     is-connected n (Σ A B)
  Σ-conn {A = A} {B = B} {n = ⟨-2⟩} cA cB = -2-conn (Σ A B)
  Σ-conn {A = A} {B = B} {n = S m} cA cB = 
      {P = λ ta  (∀ tx  ta == tx)  is-connected (S m) (Σ A B)}
       _  Π-level  _  prop-has-level-S is-contr-is-prop))
       a₀ pA 
          {P = λ tb  (∀ ty  tb == ty)  is-connected (S m) (Σ A B)}
           _  Π-level  _  prop-has-level-S is-contr-is-prop))
           b₀ pB  
            ([ a₀ , b₀ ] ,
                {P = λ tp  [ a₀ , b₀ ] == tp}
                 _  =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
                 {(r , s)  
                  Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S m} _ _)
                     pa  Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S m} _ _)
                       pb  ap [_] (pair= pa (from-transp! B pa pb)))
                      (–> (Trunc=-equiv [ b₀ ] [ transport! B pa s ]) 
                          (pB [ transport! B pa s ])))
                    (–> (Trunc=-equiv [ a₀ ] [ r ]) (pA [ r ]))})))
          (fst (cB a₀)) (snd (cB a₀)))
      (fst cA) (snd cA)

  ×-conn :  {i} {j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂}
     is-connected n A  is-connected n B
     is-connected n (A × B)
  ×-conn cA cB = Σ-conn cA  _  cB)
{- Suspension of an n-connected space is n+1-connected 
   what is the best place for this?                    -}
  Susp-conn :  {i} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂} 
     is-connected n A  is-connected (S n) (Suspension A)
  Susp-conn {A = A} {n = n} cA = 
    ([ north A ] ,
     Trunc-elim  _  =-preserves-level _ Trunc-level)
       (Suspension-elim A 
         (Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S n} _ _)
                     a  ap [_] (merid A a)) 
                    (fst cA))
          x  Trunc-elim
            {P = λ y  idp == 
              Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S n} _ _)  a  ap [_] (merid A a)) y
              [  z  [ north A ] == [ z ])  (merid A x) ]}
             _  ↓-preserves-level _  _  Trunc-level {n = S n} _ _))
             x'  ↓-cst=app-in (∙'-unit-l _  mers-eq n cA x x'))
            (fst cA))))
    mers-eq :  {i} {A : Type i} (n : ℕ₋₂) 
       is-connected n A  (x x' : A)
       ap ([_] {n = S n}) (merid A x) 
        == Trunc-rec (Trunc-level {n = S n} _ _) 
                      a  ap [_] (merid A a)) [ x' ]
    mers-eq ⟨-2⟩ cA x x' = contr-has-all-paths (Trunc-level {n = ⟨-1⟩} _ _) _ _
    mers-eq {A = A} (S n) cA x x' = 
      conn-elim (pointed-conn-out A x cA) 
         y  ((ap [_] (merid A x) == ap [_] (merid A y)) ,
                Trunc-level {n = S (S n)} _ _ _ _)) 
         _  idp) x'

{- connectedness of a path space -}
  path-conn :  {i} {A : Type i} {x y : A} {n : ℕ₋₂} 
     is-connected (S n) A  is-connected n (x == y)
  path-conn {x = x} {y = y} cA = 
    equiv-preserves-level (Trunc=-equiv [ x ] [ y ]) 
      (contr-is-prop cA [ x ] [ y ])

{- an n-Type which is n-connected is contractible -}
connected-at-level-is-contr :  {i} {A : Type i} {n : ℕ₋₂}
   has-level n A  is-connected n A  is-contr A
connected-at-level-is-contr pA cA = 
  equiv-preserves-level (unTrunc-equiv _ pA) cA

{- if A is n-connected and m ≤ n, then A is m-connected -}
connected-≤T :  {i} {m n : ℕ₋₂} {A : Type i}
   m ≤T n  is-connected n A  is-connected m A
connected-≤T {m = m} {n = n} {A = A} leq cA = 
  transport  B  is-contr B) 
            (ua (fuse-Trunc A m n)  ap  k  Trunc k A) (minT-out-l leq)) 
            (Trunc-preserves-level m cA)

{- Equivalent types have the same connectedness -}
equiv-preserves-conn :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {n : ℕ₋₂} (e : A  B)
   (is-connected n A  is-connected n B)
equiv-preserves-conn {n = n} e = equiv-preserves-level (equiv-Trunc n e)

{- Composite of two connected functions is connected -}
∘-conn :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : Type k}
   {n : ℕ₋₂}  (f : A  B)  (g : B  C)
   has-conn-fibers n f
   has-conn-fibers n g
   has-conn-fibers n (g  f)
∘-conn {n = n} f g cf cg =
  conn-intro  P  conn-elim cg P  conn-elim cf (P  g) , lemma P)
      lemma :  P h x  conn-elim cg P (conn-elim cf (P  g) h) (g (f x)) == h x
      lemma P h x =
        conn-elim cg P (conn-elim cf (P  g) h) (g (f x))
          =⟨ conn-elim-β cg P (conn-elim cf (P  g) h) (f x) 
        conn-elim cf (P  g) h (f x)
          =⟨ conn-elim-β cf (P  g) h x 
        h x