{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Sigma

module lib.types.Modality where

  -- Where to put this?  Or maybe there's
  -- a simpler proof from some library function?
  !ᵈ-inv-l-out :  {} {A : Type } {P : A  Type }
    {a₀ a₁ : A} {p : a₀ == a₁} {x₀ x₁ : P a₁} 
     (q : x₀ == x₁ [ P  ! p  p ])
     x₀ == x₁
  !ᵈ-inv-l-out {p = idp} q = q

  record Modality  : Type (lsucc ) where

      is-local : Type   Type 
      is-local-is-prop : {A : Type }  is-prop (is-local A)

       : Type   Type 
      ◯-is-local : {A : Type }  is-local ( A)

      η : {A : Type }  A   A

      ◯-elim : {A : Type } {B :  A  Type }
        (B-local : (x :  A)  is-local (B x))
         Π A (B  η)  Π ( A) B

      ◯-elim-β : {A : Type } {B :  A  Type }
        (B-local : (x :  A)  is-local (B x)) (f : Π A (B  η))
         (a : A)  ◯-elim B-local f (η a) == f a

      ◯-=-is-local : {A : Type } (a₀ a₁ :  A)  is-local (a₀ == a₁)

    ◯-Type : Type (lsucc )
    ◯-Type = Σ (Type ) is-local

    {- elimination rules -}

    module ◯Elim {A : Type } {B :  A  Type }
      (B-local : (x :  A)  is-local (B x)) (η* : Π A (B  η)) where

      f = ◯-elim B-local η*
      η-β = ◯-elim-β B-local η*

    module ◯Rec {A : Type } {B : Type }
      (B-local : is-local B) (η* : A  B)
      = ◯Elim  _  B-local) η*
    ◯-rec = ◯Rec.f
    ◯-rec-β = ◯Rec.η-β

    {- functoriality -}

    module ◯Fmap {A B : Type } (f : A  B) =
      ◯Rec ◯-is-local (η  f)
    ◯-fmap = ◯Fmap.f
    ◯-fmap-β = ◯Fmap.η-β

    ◯-isemap : {A B : Type } (f : A  B)  is-equiv f  is-equiv (◯-fmap f)
    ◯-isemap f f-ise = is-eq _ (◯-fmap g) to-from from-to where
      open is-equiv f-ise
        to-from :  ◯b  ◯-fmap f (◯-fmap g ◯b) == ◯b
        to-from = ◯-elim
           ◯b  ◯-=-is-local (◯-fmap f (◯-fmap g ◯b)) ◯b)
           b  ap (◯-fmap f) (◯-fmap-β g b)  ◯-fmap-β f (g b)  ap η (f-g b))
        from-to :  ◯a  ◯-fmap g (◯-fmap f ◯a) == ◯a
        from-to = ◯-elim
           ◯a  ◯-=-is-local (◯-fmap g (◯-fmap f ◯a)) ◯a)
           a  ap (◯-fmap g) (◯-fmap-β f a)  ◯-fmap-β g (f a)  ap η (g-f a))

    ◯-emap : {A B : Type }  A  B   A   B
    ◯-emap (f , f-ise) = ◯-fmap f , ◯-isemap f f-ise

    {- equivalences preserve locality -}

    -- This is the only appearence of univalence, but ...
    local-is-replete : {A B : Type }  is-local A  A  B  is-local B
    local-is-replete w eq = transport is-local (ua eq) w

    -- This name aligns with the current codebase better.
    equiv-preserves-local : {A B : Type }  A  B  is-local A  is-local B
    equiv-preserves-local e A-is-loc = local-is-replete A-is-loc e

    {- locality and [η] being an equivalence -}

    local-implies-η-equiv : {A : Type }  is-local A  is-equiv (η {A})
    local-implies-η-equiv {A} w = is-eq (η {A}) η-inv inv-l inv-r

       where η-inv :  A  A
             η-inv = ◯-rec w (idf A)

               inv-r : (a : A)  η-inv (η a) == a
               inv-r = ◯-rec-β w (idf A)

               inv-l : (a :  A)  η (η-inv a) == a
               inv-l = ◯-elim  a₀  ◯-=-is-local _ _)
                               a₀  ap η (inv-r a₀))

      η-equiv-implies-local : {A : Type }  is-equiv (η {A})  is-local A
      η-equiv-implies-local {A} eq = local-is-replete { A} {A} ◯-is-local ((η , eq) ⁻¹)

      retract-is-local : {A B : Type } (w : is-local A)
        (f : A  B) (g : B  A) (r : (b : B)  f (g b) == b) 
        is-local B
      retract-is-local {A} {B} w f g r = η-equiv-implies-local (is-eq η η-inv inv-l inv-r)

        where η-inv :  B  B
              η-inv = f  (◯-rec w g)

              inv-r : (b : B)  η-inv (η b) == b
              inv-r b = ap f (◯-rec-β w g b)  r b

              inv-l : (b :  B)  η (η-inv b) == b
              inv-l = ◯-elim  b  ◯-=-is-local _ _)  b  ap η (inv-r b))

    {- locality of identification -}

      =-preserves-local : {A : Type }  is-local A  {a₀ a₁ : A}  is-local (a₀ == a₁)
      =-preserves-local {A} w {a₀} {a₁} = local-is-replete
        (◯-=-is-local (η a₀) (η a₁)) (ap-equiv (η , local-implies-η-equiv w) a₀ a₁ ⁻¹)

  {- ◯-connectness and ◯-equivalences -}

    is-◯-connected : Type   Type 
    is-◯-connected A = is-contr ( A)

    is-◯-connected-is-prop :  {A}  is-prop (is-◯-connected A)
    is-◯-connected-is-prop {A} = is-contr-is-prop
    is-◯-equiv : {A B : Type }  (A  B)  Type 
    is-◯-equiv {B = B} f = (b : B)  is-◯-connected (hfiber f b)

    has-◯-conn-fibers = is-◯-equiv

    is-lex : Type (lsucc )
    is-lex = {A B : Type } (f : A  B)
       is-◯-connected A  is-◯-connected B  is-◯-equiv f

    equiv-preserves-◯-conn : {A B : Type }  A  B  is-◯-connected A  is-◯-connected B
    equiv-preserves-◯-conn e c = equiv-preserves-level (◯-emap e) {{c}}

    total-◯-equiv : {A : Type } {P Q : A  Type } (φ :  a  P a  Q a)  
                     (∀ a  is-◯-equiv (φ a))  is-◯-equiv (Σ-fmap-r φ)
    total-◯-equiv φ e (a , q) = equiv-preserves-◯-conn (hfiber-Σ-fmap-r φ q ⁻¹) (e a q)

    module _ {A B : Type } {h : A  B} (c : is-◯-equiv h) (P : B  ◯-Type) where
        pre∘-◯-conn-is-equiv : is-equiv  (s : Π B (fst  P))  s  h)
        pre∘-◯-conn-is-equiv = is-eq f g f-g g-f

          where f : Π B (fst  P)  Π A (fst  P  h)
                f k a = k (h a)

                helper : Π A (fst  P  h)  (b : B)   (Σ A  a  h a == b))  (fst (P b))
                helper t b = ◯-rec (snd (P b))  x  transport (fst  P) (snd x) (t (fst x)))

                helper-β : (t : Π A (fst  P  h))  (b : B)  (r : hfiber h b) 
                           helper t b (η r) == transport (fst  P) (snd r) (t (fst r))
                helper-β t b = ◯-rec-β (snd (P b))  x  transport (fst  P) (snd x) (t (fst x)))

                g : Π A (fst  P  h)  Π B (fst  P)
                g t b = helper t b (contr-center (c b))

                f-g :  t  f (g t) == t
                f-g t = λ= $ λ a  transport
                   r  ◯-rec (snd (P (h a))) _ r == t a)
                  (! (contr-path (c (h a)) (η (a , idp))))
                  (◯-rec-β (snd (P (h a))) _ (a , idp))

                g-f :  k  g (f k) == k
                g-f k = λ= λ (b : B) 
                  ◯-elim {A = hfiber h b}
                          r  =-preserves-local (snd (P b)) {g (f k) b})
                          r  lemma₁ (fst r) b (snd r))
                         (contr-center (c b))

                    where lemma₀ : (a : A)  (b : B)  (p : h a == b) 
                                 helper (k  h) b (η (a , p)) == k b
                          lemma₀ a .(h a) idp = helper-β (k  h) (h a) (a , idp)

                          lemma₁ : (a : A)  (b : B)  (p : h a == b) 
                                 helper (k  h) b (contr-center (c b)) == k b
                          lemma₁ a b p = transport!  r  helper (k  h) b r == k b)
                            (contr-path (c b) (η (a , p))) (lemma₀ a b p)

      ◯-extend : Π A (fst  P  h)  Π B (fst  P)
      ◯-extend = is-equiv.g pre∘-◯-conn-is-equiv

      ◯-extend-β :  f a  ◯-extend f (h a) == f a
      ◯-extend-β f = app= (is-equiv.f-g pre∘-◯-conn-is-equiv f)

    {- locality of function types -}

      Π-is-local : {A : Type } {B : A  Type } (w : (a : A)  is-local (B a))  is-local (Π A B)
      Π-is-local {A} {B} w = retract-is-local { (Π A B)} {Π A B} ◯-is-local η-inv η r

        where η-inv :  (Π A B)  Π A B
              η-inv φ' a = ◯-rec (w a)  φ  φ a) φ'

              r : (φ : Π A B)  η-inv (η φ) == φ
              r φ = λ=  a  ◯-rec-β (w a)  φ₀  φ₀ a) φ)

      →-is-local : {A B : Type }  is-local B  is-local (A  B)
      →-is-local w = Π-is-local  _  w)

    -- Fmap2 because of locality of function types
    module ◯Fmap2 {A B C : Type } (η* : A  B  C) where
      private module M = ◯Rec (→-is-local ◯-is-local) (◯-fmap  η*)
      f = M.f
      η-β :  a b  f (η a) (η b) == η (η* a b)
      η-β a b = app= (M.η-β a) (η b)  ◯-fmap-β (η* a) b
    ◯-fmap2 = ◯Fmap2.f
    ◯-fmap2-β = ◯Fmap2.η-β

    {- locality of sigma types -}

      Σ-is-local : {A : Type } (B : A  Type )
         is-local A  ((a : A)  is-local (B a))
         is-local (Σ A B)
      Σ-is-local {A} B lA lB = retract-is-local { (Σ A B)} {Σ A B} ◯-is-local η-inv η r

        where h :  (Σ A B)  A
              h = ◯-rec lA fst

              h-β : (ab : Σ A B)  h (η ab) == fst ab
              h-β = ◯-rec-β lA fst

              k : (w :  (Σ A B))  B (h w)
              k = ◯-elim (lB  h) λ ab  transport! B (h-β ab) (snd ab)

              k-β : (ab : Σ A B)  k (η ab) == snd ab [ B  h-β ab ]
              k-β ab = from-transp! B (h-β ab) $
                ◯-elim-β (lB  h)  ab  transport! B (h-β ab) (snd ab)) ab

              η-inv :  (Σ A B)  Σ A B
              η-inv w = h w , k w

              r : (x : Σ A B)  η-inv (η x) == x
              r ab = pair= (h-β ab) (k-β ab)

      ×-is-local : {A B : Type }
         is-local A  is-local B  is-local (A × B)
      ×-is-local {B = B} lA lB = Σ-is-local  _  B) lA  _  lB)

    ◯-×-econv : {A B : Type }   (A × B)   A ×  B
    ◯-×-econv {A} {B} = equiv ◯-split ◯-pair inv-l inv-r

      where ◯-fst :  (A × B)   A
            ◯-fst = ◯-fmap fst

            ◯-fst-β : (ab : A × B)  ◯-fst (η ab) == η (fst ab)
            ◯-fst-β = ◯-fmap-β fst

            ◯-snd :  (A × B)   B
            ◯-snd = ◯-fmap snd

            ◯-snd-β : (ab : A × B)  ◯-snd (η ab) == η (snd ab)
            ◯-snd-β = ◯-fmap-β snd

            ◯-split :  (A × B)   A ×  B
            ◯-split = fanout ◯-fst ◯-snd

            ◯-pair :  A ×  B   (A × B)
            ◯-pair = uncurry (◯-fmap2 _,_)

            ◯-pair-β : (a : A) (b : B)  ◯-pair (η a , η b) == η (a , b)
            ◯-pair-β = ◯-fmap2-β _,_

              inv-l : (ab :  A ×  B)  ◯-split (◯-pair ab) == ab
              inv-l = uncurry $
                ◯-elim  _  Π-is-local λ _  =-preserves-local (×-is-local ◯-is-local ◯-is-local))
                   a  ◯-elim  _  =-preserves-local (×-is-local ◯-is-local ◯-is-local))
                     b  ap ◯-split (◯-pair-β a b)
                          pair×= (◯-fst-β (a , b)) (◯-snd-β (a , b))))

              inv-r : (ab :  (A × B))  ◯-pair (◯-split ab) == ab
              inv-r = ◯-elim  _  ◯-=-is-local _ _)
                              ab  ap ◯-pair (pair×= (◯-fst-β ab) (◯-snd-β ab))  ◯-pair-β (fst ab) (snd ab))