{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.Paths
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Unit

module lib.types.Circle where

Idea :

data S¹ : Type₀ where
  base : S¹
  loop : base == base

I’m using Dan Licata’s trick to have a higher inductive type with definitional
reduction rule for [base]

module _ where
    data #S¹-aux : Type₀ where
      #base : #S¹-aux

    data #S¹ : Type₀ where
      #s¹ : #S¹-aux  (Unit  Unit)  #S¹

   : Type₀
   = #S¹

  base : 
  base = #s¹ #base _

  postulate  -- HIT
    loop : base == base

  module S¹Elim {i} {P :   Type i} (base* : P base)
    (loop* : base* == base* [ P  loop ]) where

    f : Π  P
    f = f-aux phantom where

     f-aux : Phantom loop*  Π  P
     f-aux phantom (#s¹ #base _) = base*

    postulate  -- HIT
      loop-β : apd f loop == loop*

open S¹Elim public using () renaming (f to S¹-elim)

module S¹Rec {i} {A : Type i} (base* : A) (loop* : base* == base*) where

    module M = S¹Elim base* (↓-cst-in loop*)

  f :   A
  f = M.f

  loop-β : ap f loop == loop*
  loop-β = apd=cst-in {f = f} M.loop-β

module S¹RecType {i} (A : Type i) (e : A  A) where

  open S¹Rec A (ua e) public

  coe-loop-β : (a : A)  coe (ap f loop) a == –> e a
  coe-loop-β a =
    coe (ap f loop) a   =⟨ loop-β |in-ctx  u  coe u a) 
    coe (ua e) a        =⟨ coe-β e a 
    –> e a 

  coe!-loop-β : (a : A)  coe! (ap f loop) a == <– e a
  coe!-loop-β a =
    coe! (ap f loop) a   =⟨ loop-β |in-ctx  u  coe! u a) 
    coe! (ua e) a        =⟨ coe!-β e a 
    <– e a 

  ↓-loop-out : {a a' : A}  a == a' [ f  loop ]  –> e a == a'
  ↓-loop-out {a} {a'} p =
    –> e a              =⟨ ! (coe-loop-β a) 
    coe (ap f loop) a   =⟨ to-transp p 

  import lib.types.Generic1HIT as Generic1HIT
  module S¹G = Generic1HIT Unit Unit (idf _) (idf _)
  module P = S¹G.RecType (cst A) (cst e)

    generic-S¹ : Σ  f == Σ S¹G.T P.f
    generic-S¹ = eqv-tot where

      module To = S¹Rec (S¹G.cc tt) (S¹G.pp tt)
      to = To.f

      module From = S¹G.Rec (cst base) (cst loop)
      from : S¹G.T  
      from = From.f

        to-from : (x : S¹G.T)  to (from x) == x
        to-from = S¹G.elim  _  idp)  _  ↓-∘=idf-in to from
          (ap to (ap from (S¹G.pp tt)) =⟨ From.pp-β tt |in-ctx ap to 
           ap to loop                  =⟨ To.loop-β 
           S¹G.pp tt ))

        from-to : (x : )  from (to x) == x
        from-to = S¹-elim idp (↓-∘=idf-in from to
          (ap from (ap to loop)   =⟨ To.loop-β |in-ctx ap from 
           ap from (S¹G.pp tt)    =⟨ From.pp-β tt 
           loop ))

      eqv :   S¹G.T
      eqv = equiv to from to-from from-to

      eqv-fib : f == P.f [  X  (X  Type _))  ua eqv ]
      eqv-fib =
        ↓-app→cst-in  {t} p  S¹-elim {P = λ t  f t == P.f (–> eqv t)} idp
            (ap (P.f  (–> eqv)) loop   =⟨ ap-∘ P.f to loop 
             ap P.f (ap to loop)        =⟨ To.loop-β |in-ctx ap P.f 
             ap P.f (S¹G.pp tt)         =⟨ P.pp-β tt 
             ua e                       =⟨ ! loop-β 
             ap f loop ))
        t  ap P.f (↓-idf-ua-out eqv p))

      eqv-tot : Σ  f == Σ S¹G.T P.f
      eqv-tot = ap (uncurry Σ) (pair= (ua eqv) eqv-fib)

  import lib.types.Flattening as Flattening
  module FlatteningS¹ = Flattening
    Unit Unit (idf _) (idf _) (cst A) (cst e)
  open FlatteningS¹ public hiding (flattening-equiv; module P)

  flattening-S¹ : Σ  f == Wt
  flattening-S¹ = generic-S¹  ua FlatteningS¹.flattening-equiv