{-# OPTIONS --cubical --no-import-sorts --safe #-}
module Cubical.Functions.Embedding where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence using (ua; univalence)
open import Cubical.Functions.Fibration
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Functions.Fibration
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary using (Discrete; yes; no)
open import Cubical.Structures.Axioms
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
ℓ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level
A B : Type ℓ
f h : A → B
w x : A
y z : B
isEmbedding : (A → B) → Type _
isEmbedding f = ∀ w x → isEquiv {A = w ≡ x} (cong f)
isEmbeddingIsProp : isProp (isEmbedding f)
isEmbeddingIsProp {f = f} = isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isPropIsEquiv (cong f)
: {f : A → B}
→ isSet A → isSet B
→ (∀{w x} → f w ≡ f x → w ≡ x)
→ isEmbedding f
injEmbedding {f = f} iSA iSB inj w x
= isoToIsEquiv (iso (cong f) inj sect retr)
sect : section (cong f) inj
sect p = iSB (f w) (f x) _ p
retr : retract (cong f) inj
retr p = iSA w x _ p
hasPropFibers : (A → B) → Type _
hasPropFibers f = ∀ y → isProp (fiber f y)
hasPropFibersOfImage : (A → B) → Type _
hasPropFibersOfImage f = ∀ x → isProp (fiber f (f x))
_↪_ : Type ℓ₁ → Type ℓ₂ → Type (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂)
A ↪ B = Σ[ f ∈ (A → B) ] isEmbedding f
hasPropFibersIsProp : isProp (hasPropFibers f)
hasPropFibersIsProp = isPropΠ (λ _ → isPropIsProp)
lemma₀ : (p : y ≡ z) → fiber f y ≡ fiber f z
lemma₀ {f = f} p = λ i → fiber f (p i)
lemma₁ : isEmbedding f → ∀ x → isContr (fiber f (f x))
lemma₁ {f = f} iE x = value , path
value : fiber f (f x)
value = (x , refl)
path : ∀(fi : fiber f (f x)) → value ≡ fi
path (w , p) i
= case equiv-proof (iE w x) p of λ
{ ((q , sq) , _)
→ hfill (λ j → λ { (i = i0) → (x , refl)
; (i = i1) → (w , sq j)
(inS (q (~ i) , λ j → f (q (~ i ∨ j))))
isEmbedding→hasPropFibers : isEmbedding f → hasPropFibers f
isEmbedding→hasPropFibers iE y (x , p)
= subst (λ f → isProp f) (lemma₀ p) (isContr→isProp (lemma₁ iE x)) (x , p)
: {f : A → B}
→ (p : f w ≡ f x)
→ (fi : fiber (cong f) p)
→ PathP (λ i → fiber f (p i)) (w , refl) (x , refl)
fibCong→PathP p (q , r) i = q i , λ j → r j i
: {f : A → B}
→ (p : f w ≡ f x)
→ (pp : PathP (λ i → fiber f (p i)) (w , refl) (x , refl))
→ fiber (cong f) p
PathP→fibCong p pp = (λ i → fst (pp i)) , (λ j i → snd (pp i) j)
: {f : A → B}
→ (p : f w ≡ f x)
→ PathP (λ i → fiber f (p i)) (w , refl) (x , refl) ≡ fiber (cong f) p
PathP≡fibCong p
= isoToPath (iso (PathP→fibCong p) (fibCong→PathP p) (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl))
hasPropFibers→isEmbedding : hasPropFibers f → isEmbedding f
hasPropFibers→isEmbedding {f = f} iP w x .equiv-proof p
= subst isContr (PathP≡fibCong p) (isProp→isContrPathP (λ i → iP (p i)) fw fx)
fw : fiber f (f w)
fw = (w , refl)
fx : fiber f (f x)
fx = (x , refl)
hasPropFibersOfImage→hasPropFibers : hasPropFibersOfImage f → hasPropFibers f
hasPropFibersOfImage→hasPropFibers {f = f} fibImg y a b =
subst (λ y → isProp (fiber f y)) (snd a) (fibImg (fst a)) a b
hasPropFibersOfImage→isEmbedding : hasPropFibersOfImage f → isEmbedding f
hasPropFibersOfImage→isEmbedding = hasPropFibers→isEmbedding ∘ hasPropFibersOfImage→hasPropFibers
isEmbedding≡hasPropFibers : isEmbedding f ≡ hasPropFibers f
= isoToPath
(iso isEmbedding→hasPropFibers
(λ _ → hasPropFibersIsProp _ _)
(λ _ → isEmbeddingIsProp _ _))
isEquiv→hasPropFibers : isEquiv f → hasPropFibers f
isEquiv→hasPropFibers e b = isContr→isProp (equiv-proof e b)
isEquiv→isEmbedding : isEquiv f → isEmbedding f
isEquiv→isEmbedding e = λ _ _ → congEquiv (_ , e) .snd
Equiv→Embedding : A ≃ B → A ↪ B
Equiv→Embedding (f , isEquivF) = (f , isEquiv→isEmbedding isEquivF)
iso→isEmbedding : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Type ℓ}
→ (isom : Iso A B)
→ isEmbedding (Iso.fun isom)
iso→isEmbedding {A = A} {B} isom = (isEquiv→isEmbedding (equivIsEquiv (isoToEquiv isom)))
isEmbedding→Injection :
∀ {ℓ} {A B C : Type ℓ}
→ (a : A → B)
→ (e : isEmbedding a)
→ ∀ {f g : C → A} →
∀ x → (a (f x) ≡ a (g x)) ≡ (f x ≡ g x)
isEmbedding→Injection a e {f = f} {g} x = sym (ua (cong a , e (f x) (g x)))
module _ {f : A → B} (retf : hasRetract f) where
open Σ retf renaming (fst to g ; snd to ϕ)
congRetract : f w ≡ f x → w ≡ x
congRetract {w = w} {x = x} p = sym (ϕ w) ∙∙ cong g p ∙∙ ϕ x
isRetractCongRetract : retract (cong {x = w} {y = x} f) congRetract
isRetractCongRetract p = transport (PathP≡doubleCompPathˡ _ _ _ _) (λ i j → ϕ (p j) i)
hasRetract→hasRetractCong : hasRetract (cong {x = w} {y = x} f)
hasRetract→hasRetractCong = congRetract , isRetractCongRetract
retractableIntoSet→isEmbedding : isSet B → isEmbedding f
retractableIntoSet→isEmbedding setB w x =
isoToIsEquiv (iso (cong f) congRetract (λ _ → setB _ _ _ _) (hasRetract→hasRetractCong .snd))
Embedding-into-Discrete→Discrete : A ↪ B → Discrete B → Discrete A
Embedding-into-Discrete→Discrete (f , isEmbeddingF) _≟_ x y with f x ≟ f y
... | yes p = yes (invIsEq (isEmbeddingF x y) p)
... | no ¬p = no (¬p ∘ cong f)
Embedding-into-isProp→isProp : A ↪ B → isProp B → isProp A
Embedding-into-isProp→isProp (f , isEmbeddingF) isProp-B x y
= invIsEq (isEmbeddingF x y) (isProp-B (f x) (f y))
Embedding-into-isSet→isSet : A ↪ B → isSet B → isSet A
Embedding-into-isSet→isSet (f , isEmbeddingF) isSet-B x y p q =
p ≡⟨ sym (retIsEq isEquiv-cong-f p) ⟩
cong-f⁻¹ (cong f p) ≡⟨ cong cong-f⁻¹ cong-f-p≡cong-f-q ⟩
cong-f⁻¹ (cong f q) ≡⟨ retIsEq isEquiv-cong-f q ⟩
q ∎
cong-f-p≡cong-f-q = isSet-B (f x) (f y) (cong f p) (cong f q)
isEquiv-cong-f = isEmbeddingF x y
cong-f⁻¹ = invIsEq isEquiv-cong-f
: ∀ n → A ↪ B → isOfHLevel (suc n) B → isOfHLevel (suc n) A
Embedding-into-hLevel→hLevel zero = Embedding-into-isProp→isProp
Embedding-into-hLevel→hLevel (suc n) (f , isEmbeddingF) Blvl x y
= isOfHLevelRespectEquiv (suc n) (invEquiv equiv) subLvl
equiv : (x ≡ y) ≃ (f x ≡ f y)
equiv .fst = cong f
equiv .snd = isEmbeddingF x y
subLvl : isOfHLevel (suc n) (f x ≡ f y)
subLvl = Blvl (f x) (f y)
Embedding→Subset : {X : Type ℓ} → Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] (A ↪ X) → ℙ X
Embedding→Subset (_ , f , isEmbeddingF) x = fiber f x , isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmbeddingF x
Subset→Embedding : {X : Type ℓ} → ℙ X → Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] (A ↪ X)
Subset→Embedding {X = X} A = D , fst , Ψ
D = Σ[ x ∈ X ] x ∈ A
Ψ : isEmbedding fst
Ψ w x = isEmbeddingFstΣProp (∈-isProp A)
Subset→Embedding→Subset : {X : Type ℓ} → section (Embedding→Subset {ℓ} {X}) (Subset→Embedding {ℓ} {X})
Subset→Embedding→Subset _ = funExt λ x → Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsProp) (ua (FiberIso.fiberEquiv _ x))
Embedding→Subset→Embedding : {X : Type ℓ} → retract (Embedding→Subset {ℓ} {X}) (Subset→Embedding {ℓ} {X})
Embedding→Subset→Embedding {ℓ = ℓ} {X = X} (A , f , ψ) =
cong (equivFun Σ-assoc-≃) (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isEmbeddingIsProp) (secEq (fibrationEquiv X ℓ) (A , f)))
Subset≃Embedding : {X : Type ℓ} → ℙ X ≃ (Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] (A ↪ X))
Subset≃Embedding = isoToEquiv (iso Subset→Embedding Embedding→Subset
Embedding→Subset→Embedding Subset→Embedding→Subset)
Subset≡Embedding : {X : Type ℓ} → ℙ X ≡ (Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] (A ↪ X))
Subset≡Embedding = ua Subset≃Embedding
isEmbedding-∘ : isEmbedding f → isEmbedding h → isEmbedding (f ∘ h)
isEmbedding-∘ {f = f} {h = h} Embf Embh w x
= compEquiv (cong h , Embh w x) (cong f , Embf (h w) (h x)) .snd
: isEmbedding f
→ ∀ z → fiber f z ↪ singl z
isEmbedding→embedsFibersIntoSingl {f = f} isE z = e , isEmbE where
e : fiber f z → singl z
e x = f (fst x) , sym (snd x)
isEmbE : isEmbedding e
isEmbE u v = goal where
Dom′ : ∀ u v → Type _
Dom′ u v = Σ[ p ∈ fst u ≡ fst v ] PathP (λ i → f (p i) ≡ z) (snd u) (snd v)
Cod′ : ∀ u v → Type _
Cod′ u v = Σ[ p ∈ f (fst u) ≡ f (fst v) ] PathP (λ i → p i ≡ z) (snd u) (snd v)
ΣeqCf : Dom′ u v ≃ Cod′ u v
ΣeqCf = Σ-cong-equiv-fst (_ , isE _ _)
dom→ : u ≡ v → Dom′ u v
dom→ p = cong fst p , cong snd p
dom← : Dom′ u v → u ≡ v
dom← p i = p .fst i , p .snd i
cod→ : e u ≡ e v → Cod′ u v
cod→ p = cong fst p , cong (sym ∘ snd) p
cod← : Cod′ u v → e u ≡ e v
cod← p i = p .fst i , sym (p .snd i)
goal : isEquiv (cong e)
goal .equiv-proof x .fst .fst =
dom← (equivCtr ΣeqCf (cod→ x) .fst)
goal .equiv-proof x .fst .snd j =
cod← (equivCtr ΣeqCf (cod→ x) .snd j)
goal .equiv-proof x .snd (g , p) i .fst =
dom← (equivCtrPath ΣeqCf (cod→ x) (dom→ g , cong cod→ p) i .fst)
goal .equiv-proof x .snd (g , p) i .snd j =
cod← (equivCtrPath ΣeqCf (cod→ x) (dom→ g , cong cod→ p) i .snd j)
isEmbedding→hasPropFibers′ : isEmbedding f → hasPropFibers f
isEmbedding→hasPropFibers′ {f = f} iE z =
Embedding-into-isProp→isProp (isEmbedding→embedsFibersIntoSingl iE z) isPropSingl
universeEmbedding :
∀ {ℓ ℓ₁ : Level}
→ (F : Type ℓ → Type ℓ₁)
→ (∀ X → F X ≃ X)
→ isEmbedding F
universeEmbedding F liftingEquiv = hasPropFibersOfImage→isEmbedding propFibersF where
lemma : ∀ A B → (F A ≡ F B) ≃ (B ≡ A)
lemma A B = (F A ≡ F B) ≃⟨ univalence ⟩
(F A ≃ F B) ≃⟨ equivComp (liftingEquiv A) (liftingEquiv B) ⟩
(A ≃ B) ≃⟨ invEquivEquiv ⟩
(B ≃ A) ≃⟨ invEquiv univalence ⟩
(B ≡ A) ■
fiberSingl : ∀ X → fiber F (F X) ≃ singl X
fiberSingl X = Σ-cong-equiv-snd (λ _ → lemma _ _)
propFibersF : hasPropFibersOfImage F
propFibersF X = Embedding-into-isProp→isProp (Equiv→Embedding (fiberSingl X)) isPropSingl
liftEmbedding : (ℓ ℓ₁ : Level)
→ isEmbedding (Lift {i = ℓ} {j = ℓ₁})
liftEmbedding ℓ ℓ₁ = universeEmbedding (Lift {j = ℓ₁}) (λ _ → invEquiv LiftEquiv)
module FibrationIdentityPrinciple {B : Type ℓ} {ℓ₁} where
Fibration′ = Fibration B (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ₁)
module Lifted (f g : Fibration′) where
f≃g′ : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ₁)
f≃g′ = ∀ b → fiber (f .snd) b ≃ fiber (g .snd) b
Fibration′IP : f≃g′ ≃ (f ≡ g)
Fibration′IP =
≃⟨ equivΠCod (λ _ → invEquiv univalence) ⟩
(∀ b → fiber (f .snd) b ≡ fiber (g .snd) b)
≃⟨ funExtEquiv ⟩
fiber (f .snd) ≡ fiber (g .snd)
≃⟨ invEquiv (congEquiv (fibrationEquiv B ℓ₁)) ⟩
f ≡ g
L : Type _ → Type _
L = Lift {i = ℓ₁} {j = ℓ}
liftFibration : Fibration B ℓ₁ → Fibration′
liftFibration (A , f) = L A , f ∘ lower
hasPropFibersLiftFibration : hasPropFibers liftFibration
hasPropFibersLiftFibration (A , f) =
Embedding-into-isProp→isProp (Equiv→Embedding fiberChar)
(isPropΣ (isEmbedding→hasPropFibers (liftEmbedding _ _) A)
λ _ → isEquiv→hasPropFibers (snd (invEquiv (preCompEquiv LiftEquiv))) _)
fiberChar : fiber liftFibration (A , f)
≃ (Σ[ (E , eq) ∈ fiber L A ] fiber (_∘ lower) (transport⁻ (λ i → eq i → B) f))
fiberChar =
fiber liftFibration (A , f)
≃⟨ Σ-cong-equiv-snd (λ _ → invEquiv ΣPath≃PathΣ) ⟩
(Σ[ (E , g) ∈ Fibration B ℓ₁ ] Σ[ eq ∈ (L E ≡ A) ] PathP (λ i → eq i → B) (g ∘ lower) f)
≃⟨ boringSwap ⟩
(Σ[ (E , eq) ∈ fiber L A ] Σ[ g ∈ (E → B) ] PathP (λ i → eq i → B) (g ∘ lower) f)
≃⟨ Σ-cong-equiv-snd (λ _ → Σ-cong-equiv-snd λ _ → transportEquiv (PathP≡Path⁻ _ _ _)) ⟩
(Σ[ (E , eq) ∈ fiber L A ] fiber (_∘ lower) (transport⁻ (λ i → eq i → B) f))
■ where
boringSwap : _
boringSwap = isoToEquiv (iso (λ ((E , g) , (eq , p)) → ((E , eq) , (g , p)))
(λ ((E , g) , (eq , p)) → ((E , eq) , (g , p))) (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl))
isEmbeddingLiftFibration : isEmbedding liftFibration
isEmbeddingLiftFibration = hasPropFibers→isEmbedding hasPropFibersLiftFibration
module _ (f g : Fibration B ℓ₁) where
open Lifted (liftFibration f) (liftFibration g)
f≃g : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ₁)
f≃g = ∀ b → fiber (f .snd) b ≃ fiber (g .snd) b
FibrationIP : f≃g ≃ (f ≡ g)
FibrationIP =
f≃g ≃⟨ equivΠCod (λ b → equivComp (Σ-cong-equiv-fst LiftEquiv)
(Σ-cong-equiv-fst LiftEquiv)) ⟩
f≃g′ ≃⟨ Fibration′IP ⟩
(liftFibration f ≡ liftFibration g) ≃⟨ invEquiv (_ , isEmbeddingLiftFibration _ _) ⟩
(f ≡ g) ■
open FibrationIdentityPrinciple renaming (f≃g to _≃Fib_) using (FibrationIP) public
Embedding : (B : Type ℓ₁) → (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-max ℓ₁ (ℓ-suc ℓ))
Embedding B ℓ = Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] A ↪ B
module EmbeddingIdentityPrinciple {B : Type ℓ} {ℓ₁} (f g : Embedding B ℓ₁) where
module _ where
open Σ f renaming (fst to F) public
open Σ g renaming (fst to G) public
open Σ (f .snd) renaming (fst to ffun; snd to isEmbF) public
open Σ (g .snd) renaming (fst to gfun; snd to isEmbG) public
f≃g : Type _
f≃g = (∀ b → fiber ffun b → fiber gfun b) ×
(∀ b → fiber gfun b → fiber ffun b)
toFibr : Embedding B ℓ₁ → Fibration B ℓ₁
toFibr (A , (f , _)) = (A , f)
isEmbeddingToFibr : isEmbedding toFibr
isEmbeddingToFibr w x = fullEquiv .snd where
fullEquiv : (w ≡ x) ≃ (toFibr w ≡ toFibr x)
fullEquiv = compEquiv (congEquiv (invEquiv Σ-assoc-≃)) (invEquiv (Σ≡PropEquiv (λ _ → isEmbeddingIsProp)))
EmbeddingIP : f≃g ≃ (f ≡ g)
EmbeddingIP =
≃⟨ isoToEquiv (invIso toProdIso) ⟩
(∀ b → (fiber ffun b → fiber gfun b) × (fiber gfun b → fiber ffun b))
≃⟨ equivΠCod (λ _ → isEquivPropBiimpl→Equiv (isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmbF _)
(isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmbG _)) ⟩
(∀ b → (fiber (f .snd .fst) b) ≃ (fiber (g .snd .fst) b))
≃⟨ FibrationIP (toFibr f) (toFibr g) ⟩
(toFibr f ≡ toFibr g)
≃⟨ invEquiv (_ , isEmbeddingToFibr _ _) ⟩
f ≡ g
open EmbeddingIdentityPrinciple renaming (f≃g to _≃Emb_) using (EmbeddingIP) public