{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module BrouwerTree.Arithmetic.Correctness where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
using (ℕ ; zero ; suc)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import BrouwerTree.Base
open import BrouwerTree.Properties
open import BrouwerTree.Code
open import BrouwerTree.Code.Results
open import BrouwerTree.Arithmetic
open import BrouwerTree.Classifiability
open import Abstract.Arithmetic _<_ _≤_
+-is-add : is-add _+_
+-is-add = (λ a c a-is-zero → cong (c +_) (is-zero→≡zero a-is-zero)) ,
(λ a b c d a-is-suc-b d-is-suc-c+b →
cong (c +_) (is-suc→≡succ a-is-suc-b) ∙ sym (is-suc→≡succ d-is-suc-c+b)) ,
(λ a b c f f↑ a-is-limf b-is-sup-c+f →
cong (c +_) (is-lim→≡limit {a} {f} {f↑} a-is-limf) ∙
sym (is-sup-increasing→≡limit (x+-preserves--increasing f↑) b-is-sup-c+f))
add-is-unique : (_+'_ : Brw → Brw → Brw) → is-add _+'_ → _+_ ≡ _+'_
add-is-unique _+'_ (+'-is-add-zero , +'-is-add-suc , +'-is-add-lim) = funExt (funExt ∘ go) where
go : (c a : Brw) → c + a ≡ c +' a
go c = Brw-ind (λ a → c + a ≡ c +' a) (λ c → isSetBrw _ _)
(sym (+'-is-add-zero zero c zero-is-zero))
(λ {a} ih →
sym (+'-is-add-suc (succ a) a c (c + succ a)
(succ-is-suc a)
(subst (λ z → succ (c + a) is-suc-of z) ih (succ-is-suc (c + a)))))
λ {f} {f↑} ih → let c+f↑ = x+-preserves--increasing f↑ in
sym (+'-is-add-lim (limit f {f↑}) (limit (λ n → c + f n)) c f f↑
(limit-is-sup f f↑)
(subst (λ z → limit (λ n → c + f n) {c+f↑} is-sup-of z)
(funExt ih)
(limit-is-sup (λ n → c + f n) (c+f↑))))
Brw-has-unique-add : has-unique-add
Brw-has-unique-add =
(_+_ , +-is-add) , (λ (f , p) → Σ≡Prop (isProp⟨is-add⟩ isSetBrw) (add-is-unique f p))
open Multiplication (_+_ , +-is-add) hiding (_+_)
·-is-mul : is-mul _·_
·-is-mul = (λ a c a-is-zero → cong (c ·_) (is-zero→≡zero a-is-zero) ∙
sym (is-zero→≡zero a-is-zero)) ,
(λ a b c a-is-suc-b → cong (c ·_) (is-suc→≡succ a-is-suc-b)) ,
limitCase where
limitCase : ∀ a b c f (f↑ : is-<-increasing f) → a is-lim-of (f , f↑) →
b is-sup-of (λ i → c · f i) → c · a ≡ b
limitCase a b c f f↑ a-is-limf b-is-sup-c+f
with decZero c | cong (c ·_) (is-lim→≡limit {a} {f} {f↑} a-is-limf)
... | yes c≡zero | _ = cong (_· a) c≡zero ∙
zero·y≡zero a ∙
sym (sup-constant b-is-sup-c+f
(λ n → cong (_· f n) c≡zero ∙ zero·y≡zero (f n)))
... | no c≢zero | eq = eq ∙ sym (is-sup-increasing→≡limit (x·-increasing c≢zero f↑) b-is-sup-c+f)
mul-is-unique : (_·'_ : Brw → Brw → Brw) → is-mul _·'_ → _·_ ≡ _·'_
mul-is-unique _·'_ (·'-is-mul-zero , ·'-is-mul-suc , ·'-is-mul-lim) = funExt (funExt ∘ go) where
go : (c a : Brw) → c · a ≡ c ·' a
go c = Brw-ind (λ a → c · a ≡ c ·' a) (λ c → isSetBrw _ _)
(sym (·'-is-mul-zero zero c zero-is-zero))
(λ {a} ih → sym (·'-is-mul-suc (succ a) a c (succ-is-suc a) ∙ cong (_+ c) (sym ih)))
λ {f} {f↑} → limitCase f f↑ where
limitCase : ∀ f f↑ → (ih : (k : ℕ) → c · f k ≡ (c ·' f k)) → c · limit f ≡ c ·' limit f
limitCase f f↑ ih with decZero c
... | yes c≡zero =
sym (·'-is-mul-lim (limit f {f↑}) zero c f f↑ (limit-is-sup f f↑)
((λ k → ≤-refl-≡ ((sym (ih k)) ∙
cong (_· f k) c≡zero ∙
zero·y≡zero (f k))) ,
λ x cf≤x → ≤-zero))
... | no c≢zero = let c·f↑ = x·-increasing c≢zero f↑ in
sym (·'-is-mul-lim (limit f {f↑}) (limit (λ n → c · f n)) c f f↑
(limit-is-sup f f↑)
(subst (λ z → limit (λ n → c · f n) {c·f↑} is-sup-of z)
(funExt ih)
(limit-is-sup (λ n → c · f n) c·f↑)))
Brw-has-unique-mul : has-unique-mul
Brw-has-unique-mul =
(_·_ , ·-is-mul) , (λ (f , p) → Σ≡Prop (isProp⟨is-mul⟩ isSetBrw) (mul-is-unique f p))
open Exponentiation
(_+_ , +-is-add)
(_·_ , ·-is-mul)
hiding (_·_)
^-is-exp : ∀ c → (c ^_) is-exp-with-base c
^-is-exp c = (λ a b a-is-zero b-is-suc-a →
cong (c ^_) (is-zero→≡zero a-is-zero) ∙
sym ((is-suc→≡succ b-is-suc-a) ∙ cong succ (is-zero→≡zero a-is-zero))) ,
(λ a b a-is-suc-b → cong (c ^_) (is-suc→≡succ a-is-suc-b)) ,
limitCaseNonZero ,
limitCaseNonZero : ∀ a b f (f↑ : is-<-increasing f) → a is-lim-of (f , f↑) →
¬ (is-zero c) → b is-sup-of (λ i → c ^ f i) → c ^ a ≡ b
limitCaseNonZero a b f f↑ a-is-limf c-nonzero b-is-sup-c^f
with decZeroOneMany c | cong (c ^_) (is-lim→≡limit {a} {f} {f↑} a-is-limf)
limitCaseNonZero a b f f↑ a-is-limf c-nonzero b-is-sup-c^f | inl c≡zero | eq
= ⊥.rec (c-nonzero (subst is-zero (sym c≡zero) λ _ → ≤-zero))
limitCaseNonZero a b f f↑ a-is-limf c-nonzero b-is-sup-c^f | inr (inl c≡one) | eq with decZero c
limitCaseNonZero a b f f↑ a-is-limf c-nonzero b-is-sup-c^f | inr (inl c≡one) | eq | yes c≡zero
= ⊥.rec (zero≠succ (sym c≡zero ∙ c≡one))
limitCaseNonZero a b f f↑ a-is-limf c-nonzero b-is-sup-c^f | inr (inl c≡one) | eq | no c≢zero
= eq ∙ sym (sup-constant b-is-sup-c^f λ n → cong (_^ f n) c≡one ∙ one^y≡one (f n))
limitCaseNonZero a b f f↑ a-is-limf c-nonzero b-is-sup-c^f | inr (inr c>one) | eq
= eq ∙ sym (is-sup-increasing→≡limit (^-preserves-increasing c>one f↑) b-is-sup-c^f)
limitCaseZero : ∀ a f f↑ → a is-lim-of (f , f↑) → is-zero c → c ^ a ≡ c
limitCaseZero a f f↑ a-is-sup-of-f c-is-zero = subst (λ x → x ^ a ≡ x) zero≡c zero^a≡zero
zero≡c : zero ≡ c
zero≡c = sym (is-zero→≡zero c-is-zero)
zero<a : zero < a
zero<a = (<∘≤-in-< (≤∘<-in-< ≤-zero (f↑ 0)) (fst a-is-sup-of-f 1))
zero^a≡zero : zero ^ a ≡ zero
zero^a≡zero = Brw-ind (λ x → zero < x → zero ^ x ≡ zero)
(λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isSetBrw _ _)
(λ z<z → ⊥.rec (<-irreflexive zero z<z))
(λ _ _ → refl)
(λ _ _ → refl)
a zero<a
exp-is-unique : ∀ c → (c^'_ : Brw → Brw) → (c^'_) is-exp-with-base c → (c ^_) ≡ (c^'_)
exp-is-unique c c^'_ (c^'-exp-zero , c^'-exp-suc , c^'-exp-lim-nz , c^'-exp-lim-z) = funExt go
go : (a : Brw) → c ^ a ≡ c^' a
go = Brw-ind (λ a → c ^ a ≡ c^' a)
(λ c → isSetBrw _ _)
(sym (c^'-exp-zero zero one zero-is-zero (succ-is-suc zero)))
(λ {a} ih → sym (c^'-exp-suc (succ a) a (succ-is-suc a) ∙ cong (_· c) (sym ih)))
(λ {f} {f↑} → limitCase f f↑)
limitCase : ∀ f f↑ → ((k : ℕ) → c ^ f k ≡ (c^' f k)) → c ^ limit f {f↑} ≡ (c^' limit f {f↑})
limitCase f f↑ ih with decZeroOneMany c
... | inl c≡zero
= sym (subst (c^' limit f ≡_) c≡zero
(c^'-exp-lim-z (limit f {f↑}) f f↑ (limit-is-sup f f↑)
(subst is-zero (sym c≡zero) zero-is-zero)))
... | inr (inl c≡one)
= sym (c^'-exp-lim-nz (limit f {f↑}) one f f↑ (limit-is-sup f f↑)
(λ h → succ≰zero (subst (_≤ zero) c≡one (h zero)))
((λ k → ≤-refl-≡ (sym (ih k) ∙ cong (_^ f k) c≡one ∙ one^y≡one (f k))) ,
(λ x c^'f≤x → ≤-trans (≤-refl-≡ (sym (sym (ih 17) ∙
cong (_^ f 17) c≡one ∙
one^y≡one (f 17))))
(c^'f≤x 17))))
... | inr (inr c>one)
= let c·f↑ = ^-preserves-increasing c>one f↑ in
sym (c^'-exp-lim-nz (limit f {f↑}) (limit (λ n → c ^ f n)) f f↑
(limit-is-sup f f↑) (λ h → x≮zero (<∘≤-in-< c>one (h zero)))
((subst (λ z → limit (λ n → c ^ f n) {c·f↑} is-sup-of z)
(funExt ih)
(limit-is-sup (λ n → c ^ f n) c·f↑))))
Brw-has-unique-exp : ∀ c → has-unique-exp-with-base c
Brw-has-unique-exp c =
(c ^_ , ^-is-exp c) , (λ (f , p) → Σ≡Prop (isProp⟨is-exp⟩ isSetBrw c)
(exp-is-unique c f p))