{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Pointed
open import lib.types.Sigma
open import lib.types.Span
open import lib.types.Paths
import lib.types.Generic1HIT as Generic1HIT

module lib.types.Pushout where

module _ {i j k} where

  postulate  -- HIT
    Pushout : (d : Span {i} {j} {k})  Type (lmax (lmax i j) k)

  module _ {d : Span} where

    postulate  -- HIT
      left : Span.A d  Pushout d
      right : Span.B d  Pushout d
      glue : (c : Span.C d)  left (Span.f d c) == right (Span.g d c)

  module PushoutElim {d : Span} {l} {P : Pushout d  Type l}
    (left* : (a : Span.A d)  P (left a))
    (right* : (b : Span.B d)  P (right b))
    (glue* : (c : Span.C d)  left* (Span.f d c) == right* (Span.g d c) [ P  glue c ]) where

    postulate  -- HIT
      f : Π (Pushout d) P
      left-β :  a  f (left a)  left* a
      right-β :  b  f (right b)  right* b
    {-# REWRITE left-β #-}
    {-# REWRITE right-β #-}

    postulate  -- HIT
      glue-β : (c : Span.C d)  apd f (glue c) == glue* c

Pushout-elim = PushoutElim.f

module PushoutRec {i j k} {d : Span {i} {j} {k}} {l} {D : Type l}
  (left* : Span.A d  D) (right* : Span.B d  D)
  (glue* : (c : Span.C d)  left* (Span.f d c) == right* (Span.g d c)) where

    module M = PushoutElim left* right*  c  ↓-cst-in (glue* c))

  f : Pushout d  D
  f = M.f

  glue-β : (c : Span.C d)  ap f (glue c) == glue* c
  glue-β c = apd=cst-in {f = f} (M.glue-β c)

Pushout-rec = PushoutRec.f

Pushout-rec-η :  {i j k} {d : Span {i} {j} {k}} {l} {D : Type l} (f : Pushout d  D)
   Pushout-rec (f  left) (f  right) (ap f  glue)  f
Pushout-rec-η f = Pushout-elim  _  idp)  _  idp)
   c  ↓-='-in' $ ! $ PushoutRec.glue-β (f  left) (f  right) (ap f  glue) c)

module PushoutGeneric {i j k} {d : Span {i} {j} {k}} where

  open Span d renaming (f to g; g to h)

  open Generic1HIT (Coprod A B) C (inl  g) (inr  h) public

  module _ where

    module To = PushoutRec (cc  inl) (cc  inr) pp

    to : Pushout d  T
    to = To.f

    from-cc : Coprod A B  Pushout d
    from-cc (inl a) = left a
    from-cc (inr b) = right b

    module From = Rec from-cc glue

    from : T  Pushout d
    from = From.f

      to-from : (x : T)  to (from x) == x
      to-from = elim to-from-cc to-from-pp where

        to-from-cc : (x : Coprod A B)
           to (from (cc x)) == cc x
        to-from-cc (inl a) = idp
        to-from-cc (inr b) = idp

        to-from-pp :
          (c : C)  idp == idp [  z  to (from z) == z)  pp c ]
        to-from-pp c = ↓-∘=idf-in' to from
          (ap to (ap from (pp c))   =⟨ From.pp-β c |in-ctx ap to 
           ap to (glue c)           =⟨ To.glue-β c 
           pp c =∎)

      from-to : (x : Pushout d)  from (to x) == x
      from-to = Pushout-elim  a  idp)  b  idp)  c  ↓-∘=idf-in' from to
        (ap from (ap to (glue c))   =⟨ To.glue-β c |in-ctx ap from 
         ap from (pp c)             =⟨ From.pp-β c 
         glue c =∎))

  generic-pushout : Pushout d  T
  generic-pushout = equiv to from to-from from-to

_⊔^[_]_/_ :  {i j k} (A : Type i) (C : Type k) (B : Type j)
  (fg : (C  A) × (C  B))  Type (lmax (lmax i j) k)
A ⊔^[ C ] B  / (f , g) = Pushout (span A B C f g)

⊙Pushout :  {i j k} (d : ⊙Span {i} {j} {k})  Ptd _
⊙Pushout d = ⊙[ Pushout (⊙Span-to-Span d) , left (pt (⊙Span.X d)) ]

module _ {i j k} (d : ⊙Span {i} {j} {k}) where

  open ⊙Span d

  ⊙left : X ⊙→ ⊙Pushout d
  ⊙left = (left , idp)

  ⊙right : Y ⊙→ ⊙Pushout d
  ⊙right =
    (right , ap right (! (snd g))  ! (glue (pt Z)) ∙' ap left (snd f))

  ⊙glue : (⊙left ⊙∘ f) == (⊙right ⊙∘ g)
  ⊙glue = pair=
    (λ= glue)
    (↓-app=cst-in $
      ap left (snd f)  idp
        =⟨ ∙-unit-r _ 
      ap left (snd f)
        =⟨ lemma (glue (pt Z)) (ap right (snd g)) (ap left (snd f)) 
      glue (pt Z)  ap right (snd g)
       ! (ap right (snd g))  ! (glue (pt Z)) ∙' ap left (snd f)
        =⟨ !-ap right (snd g)
           |in-ctx  w  glue (pt Z)  ap right (snd g)  w
                           ! (glue (pt Z)) ∙' ap left (snd f)) 
      glue (pt Z)  ap right (snd g)
       ap right (! (snd g))  ! (glue (pt Z)) ∙' ap left (snd f)
        =⟨ ! (app=-β glue (pt Z))
           |in-ctx  w  w  ap right (snd g)  ap right (! (snd g))
                             ! (glue (pt Z)) ∙' ap left (snd f)) 
      app= (λ= glue) (pt Z)  ap right (snd g)
       ap right (! (snd g))  ! (glue (pt Z)) ∙' ap left (snd f) =∎)
    lemma :  {i} {A : Type i} {x y z w : A}
      (p : x == y) (q : y == z) (r : x == w)
       r == p  q  ! q  ! p ∙' r
    lemma idp idp idp = idp

⊙pushout-J :  {i j k l} (P : ⊙Span  Type l)
   ({A : Type i} {B : Type j} (Z : Ptd k) (f : de⊙ Z  A) (g : de⊙ Z  B)
      P (⊙span ⊙[ A , f (pt Z) ] ⊙[ B , g (pt Z) ] Z (f , idp) (g , idp)))
   ((ps : ⊙Span)  P ps)
⊙pushout-J P t (⊙span ⊙[ _ , ._ ] ⊙[ _ , ._ ] Z (f , idp) (g , idp)) = t Z f g