Homotopy Type Theory and Hedberg's Theorem Intensional Martin-Loef Type Theory, the foundation of systems such as Coq and Agda, is currently experiencing a revolution. One of its subtleties are equality types: Seemingly among the simplest inductive types, are they probably one of the hardest to understand. In recent years, the justification for a certain axiom, guaranteeing the uniqueness of equality proofs, has been questioned. It turned out that, after dropping it, type theory has a model in a field that is well-researched by mathematicians. At the same time, many desirable properties of type theory can be obtained, some of which seemed to be impossible before. In this talk, I provide an introduction to this interesting development, usually referred to as "Homotopy Type Theory". Further, I demonstrate generalizations of Hedberg's theorem as an example of reasoning in the "new" system, based on joint work with Thorsten Altenkirch, Thierry Coquand and Martin Escardo.